Bill to force homeschoolers to warrantless home inspections

Phyllis I will let my dog take a dump on her grave.
I've no doubt you pack dog shit around on your person, looking for a chance to smear it somewhere.

More evidence of the mental instability of leftist homosexual deviants.
Homeschooling's Invisible Children
What horseshit lolololol...
what do you have to hide?

The sickening danger of home-schooling

You should learn your information from " REAL PEOPLE" and not indoctrinated BS!! Public schools TEACH KIDS WHAT TO THINK NOW " HOW TO THINK"

Alternative Education

Why should any parent be able to purposely retard their child with religious mythology via home schooling and not letting them be socialized with other children, When a child grows up he/she will have to live in a world which is diverse, at least they should be check on to make sure there is no abuse, hence the need for inspections and testing
Listen to Richard Emmons read “The Last Radicals” which appeared on National Review Online in 2012. This article was originally published on National Review Online but it has since been removed. You can listen to it here or read the article below.

Are Homeschoolers the Last Radicals?


No one is denying it works both ways. However, in both public and private schools, there is greater transparency and they get inspected. Homeschools are the wild wild west, answerable to no one but the families.
Yup. That's the way it is supposed to be. We get to teach our own kids. We don't need permission or inspections.
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...

Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.
Yeah, like I said, they are our enemy. It's time we treated them as such.
Ooooooo! Scary! Must send snacks!
Still looking for uses for the dog shit you have in your pockets, ya creep?
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...

Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.
Yeah, like I said, they are our enemy. It's time we treated them as such.
Ooooooo! Scary! Must send snacks!
Still looking for uses for the dog shit you have in your pockets, ya creep?
And now Allie is upset....should people be concerned?
I've no doubt you pack dog shit around on your person, looking for a chance to smear it somewhere.

More evidence of the mental instability of leftist homosexual deviants.
Homeschooling's Invisible Children
What horseshit lolololol...
what do you have to hide?

The sickening danger of home-schooling

You should learn your information from " REAL PEOPLE" and not indoctrinated BS!! Public schools TEACH KIDS WHAT TO THINK NOW " HOW TO THINK"

Alternative Education

Why should any parent be able to purposely retard their child with religious mythology via home schooling and not letting them be socialized with other children, When a child grows up he/she will have to live in a world which is diverse, at least they should be check on to make sure there is no abuse, hence the need for inspections and testing

Spineless control freak, Homeschooled kids easily out pace public schooled kids.
families education is none of your fucking business you fucking after-birth...
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...

Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.
Yeah, like I said, they are our enemy. It's time we treated them as such.
Ooooooo! Scary! Must send snacks!
Still looking for uses for the dog shit you have in your pockets, ya creep?
And now Allie is upset....should people be concerned?
I wonder how many mental health diagnoses Bode has? Let's hope she doesn't have guns...or bomb components, eh?
I've no doubt you pack dog shit around on your person, looking for a chance to smear it somewhere.

More evidence of the mental instability of leftist homosexual deviants.
Homeschooling's Invisible Children
What horseshit lolololol...
what do you have to hide?

The sickening danger of home-schooling

You should learn your information from " REAL PEOPLE" and not indoctrinated BS!! Public schools TEACH KIDS WHAT TO THINK NOW " HOW TO THINK"

Alternative Education

Why should any parent be able to purposely retard their child with religious mythology via home schooling and not letting them be socialized with other children, When a child grows up he/she will have to live in a world which is diverse, at least they should be check on to make sure there is no abuse, hence the need for inspections and testing

Another mentally ill freak trying to get his hands on Christian kids. Fucking perverts.

You should learn your information from " REAL PEOPLE" and not indoctrinated BS!! Public schools TEACH KIDS WHAT TO THINK NOW " HOW TO THINK"

Alternative Education

Why should any parent be able to purposely retard their child with religious mythology via home schooling and not letting them be socialized with other children, When a child grows up he/she will have to live in a world which is diverse, at least they should be check on to make sure there is no abuse, hence the need for inspections and testing

Another mentally ill freak trying to get his hands on Christian kids. Fucking perverts.

Home schools have twice the rate of teacher/student sexual contact as public schools.
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...

Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.
Yeah, like I said, they are our enemy. It's time we treated them as such.
Ooooooo! Scary! Must send snacks!
Still looking for uses for the dog shit you have in your pockets, ya creep?

If she was home schooled,she would have learned lots of uses for dog turds.

You should learn your information from " REAL PEOPLE" and not indoctrinated BS!! Public schools TEACH KIDS WHAT TO THINK NOW " HOW TO THINK"

Alternative Education

Why should any parent be able to purposely retard their child with religious mythology via home schooling and not letting them be socialized with other children, When a child grows up he/she will have to live in a world which is diverse, at least they should be check on to make sure there is no abuse, hence the need for inspections and testing

Another mentally ill freak trying to get his hands on Christian kids. Fucking perverts.

Home schools have twice the rate of teacher/student sexual contact as public schools.

The perverts hate kids to be's harder for them to groom them.
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...

Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.
Yeah, like I said, they are our enemy. It's time we treated them as such.
Ooooooo! Scary! Must send snacks!
Still looking for uses for the dog shit you have in your pockets, ya creep?

If she was home schooled,she would have learned lots of uses for dog turds.
Wow you sound like someone well versed in hard core child porn...and that sounds like your fave fantasy.
Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.
Yeah, like I said, they are our enemy. It's time we treated them as such.
Ooooooo! Scary! Must send snacks!
Still looking for uses for the dog shit you have in your pockets, ya creep?

If she was home schooled,she would have learned lots of uses for dog turds.
Wow you sound like someone well versed in hard core child porn...and that sounds like your fave fantasy.

I'm well versed in idiots denying their kids an education, and then claiming that they are home schooled.
There is a huge push by the left to infiltrate our homes and take our children via the schools. Progressive states are hiring an ARMY of fanatical child welfare workers, who will do *home visits* with snap/tanf workers and *look* for reasons to take kids.

The schools likewise are pushing hard against home schooling because child welfare and the schools work hand in hand to interrogate and infiltrate homes via counselors and various and assorted school programs which consist of asking kids pointed questions, having them fill out questionnaires, and then calling the police and child welfare if there's anything *funny*.

Yet they refuse to call the police or child welfare when there are complaints of school employees diddling kids.

Get your kids out of public schools. If you are on foodstamps or take ANY sort of public assistance, get off it now. You're being targeted and not for nice things.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye. I've seen it done plenty and those kids haven't got books or worked on anything in months or even since forever.
Rather than home visits, schools should REQUIRE all homeschoolers to take the achievement tests with the rest of their class, and if they have fallen behind, work with the parents on an action plan.
It's for the kids' sake, KG.
They are more likely to be abused at school by pervs who other teachers cover up for.
There is a huge push by the left to infiltrate our homes and take our children via the schools. Progressive states are hiring an ARMY of fanatical child welfare workers, who will do *home visits* with snap/tanf workers and *look* for reasons to take kids.

The schools likewise are pushing hard against home schooling because child welfare and the schools work hand in hand to interrogate and infiltrate homes via counselors and various and assorted school programs which consist of asking kids pointed questions, having them fill out questionnaires, and then calling the police and child welfare if there's anything *funny*.

Yet they refuse to call the police or child welfare when there are complaints of school employees diddling kids.

Get your kids out of public schools. If you are on foodstamps or take ANY sort of public assistance, get off it now. You're being targeted and not for nice things.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye. I've seen it done plenty and those kids haven't got books or worked on anything in months or even since forever.
Rather than home visits, schools should REQUIRE all homeschoolers to take the achievement tests with the rest of their class, and if they have fallen behind, work with the parents on an action plan.
It's for the kids' sake, KG.

Some states have no home visits, no tests, no monitoring or required lesson plans of any kind. A quick phone call to the school telling them you will home school, and the kid no longer exists as far as the department of education is concerned.
There is a huge push by the left to infiltrate our homes and take our children via the schools. Progressive states are hiring an ARMY of fanatical child welfare workers, who will do *home visits* with snap/tanf workers and *look* for reasons to take kids.

The schools likewise are pushing hard against home schooling because child welfare and the schools work hand in hand to interrogate and infiltrate homes via counselors and various and assorted school programs which consist of asking kids pointed questions, having them fill out questionnaires, and then calling the police and child welfare if there's anything *funny*.

Yet they refuse to call the police or child welfare when there are complaints of school employees diddling kids.

Get your kids out of public schools. If you are on foodstamps or take ANY sort of public assistance, get off it now. You're being targeted and not for nice things.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye. I've seen it done plenty and those kids haven't got books or worked on anything in months or even since forever.
Rather than home visits, schools should REQUIRE all homeschoolers to take the achievement tests with the rest of their class, and if they have fallen behind, work with the parents on an action plan.
It's for the kids' sake, KG.

Some states have no home visits, no tests, no monitoring or required lesson plans of any kind. A quick phone call to the school telling them you will home school, and the kid no longer exists as far as the department of education is concerned.
  • There are about 2.3 million home-educated students in the United States (as of spring 2016). This is up from one estimate that there were about 2 million children (in grades K to 12) home educated during the spring of 2010 in the United States (Ray, 2011). It appears the homeschool population is continuing to grow (at an estimated 2% to 8% per annum over the past few years).
  • Homeschooling – that is, parent-led home-based education; home education – is an age-old traditional educational practice that a decade ago appeared to be cutting-edge and “alternative” but is now bordering on “mainstream” in the United States. It may be the fastest-growing form of education in the United States. Home-based education has also been growing around the world in many other nations (e.g., Australia, Canada, France, Hungary, Japan, Kenya, Russia, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, and the United Kingdom).
  • A demographically wide variety of people homeschool – these are atheists, Christians, and Mormons; conservatives, libertarians, and liberals; low-, middle-, and high-income families; black, Hispanic, and white; parents with Ph.D.s, GEDs, and no high-school diplomas. One study shows that 32 percent of homeschool students are Black, Asian, Hispanic, and others (i.e., not White/non-Hispanic) (Noel, Stark, & Redford, 2013).
  • Families engaged in home-based education are not dependent on public, tax-funded resources for their children’s education. The finances associated with their homeschooling likely represent over $27 billion that American taxpayers do not have to spend, annually, since these children are not in public schools
  • Taxpayers spend an average of $11,732 per pupil in public schools, plus capital expenditures. Taxpayers spend nothing on most homeschool students and homeschool families spend an average of $600 per student for their education.
  • Homeschooling is quickly growing in popularity among minorities. About 15% of homeschool families are non-white/nonHispanic (i.e., not white/Anglo).
  • An estimated 3.4 million U.S. adults have been homeschooled for at least one year of their K-12 years, and they were homeschooled an average of 6 to 8 years. If one adds to this number the 2.3 million being homeschooled today, an estimated 5.7 million Americans have experienced being homeschooled. [note 1]
Most parents and youth decide to homeschool for more than one reason. The most common reasons given for homeschooling are the following:

  • customize or individualize the curriculum and learning environment for each child,
  • accomplish more academically than in schools,
  • use pedagogical approaches other than those typical in institutional schools,
  • enhance family relationships between children and parents and among siblings,
  • provide guided and reasoned social interactions with youthful peers and adults,
  • provide a safer environment for children and youth, because of physical violence, drugs and alcohol, psychological abuse, racism, and improper and unhealthy sexuality associated with institutional schools, and
  • teach and impart a particular set of values, beliefs, and worldview to children and youth.
      • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
      • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
      • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
      • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
      • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
      • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
        • The home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. Research measures include peer interaction, self-concept, leadership skills, family cohesion, participation in community service, and self-esteem.
        • Homeschool students are regularly engaged in social and educational activities outside their homes and with people other than their nuclear-family members. They are commonly involved in activities such as field trips, scouting, 4-H, political drives, church ministry, sports teams, and community volunteer work.
        • Adults who were home educated are more politically tolerant than the public schooled in the limited research done so far.
        • One researcher finds that homeschooling gives young people an unusual chance to ask questions such as, “Who am I?” and “What do I really want?,” and through the process of such asking and gradually answering the questions home-educated girls develop the strengths and the resistance abilities that give them an unusually strong sense of self.
        • Some think that boys’ energetic natures and tendency to physical expression can more easily be accommodated in home-based education. Many are concerned that a highly disproportionate number of public school special-education students are boys and that boys are 2.5 times as likely as girls in public schools to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
The research base on adults who were home educated is growing; thus far it indicates that they:

        • participate in local community service more frequently than does the general population,
        • vote and attend public meetings more frequently than the general population
        • go to and succeed at college at an equal or higher rate than the general population
        • by adulthood, internalize the values and beliefs of their parents at a high rate
It is possible that homeschooling causes the positive traits reported above. However, the research designs to date do not conclusively “prove” that homeschooling causes these things. At the same time, there is no empirical evidence that homeschooling causes negative things compared to institutional schooling. Future research may better answer the question of causation.

1. This estimate was calculated by Brian D. Ray, the author of this fact sheet, on April 7, 2016. He based it on publicly available research findings.

The above findings are extensively documented in one or more of the following sources, and most are available from

  • A Sense of Self: Listening to Homeschooled Adolescent Girls. Susannah Sheffer, 1995.
  • A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects of homeschooling as a school choice, Brian D. Ray, 2017, Journal of School Choice, 11(4), 604-621 [a peer-reviewed journal] Retrieved February 2, 2018 from For a free copy, contact us.
  • Academic achievement and demographic traits of homeschool students: A nationwide study, Brian D. Ray, 2010, Academic Leadership Journal, [a peer-reviewed journal]. For a free copy, contact us.
  • African American homeschool parents’ motivations for homeschooling and their Black children’s academic achievement. Ray, Brian D. (2015a). Journal of School Choice, 9:71–96 [a peer-reviewed journal]. For a free copy, contact us.
  • Does homeschooling or private schooling promote political intolerance? Evidence from a Christian university. Cheng, Albert. (2014). Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, 8(1), 49-68 [a peer-reviewed journal].
  • Home Educated and Now Adults: Their Community and Civic Involvement, Views About Homeschooling, and Other Traits, Brian D. Ray, 2004.
  • Homeschoolers on to College: What Research Shows Us, by Brian D. Ray, Journal of College Admission, 2004, No. 185, 5-11 [a peer-reviewed journal].
  • Homeschooling and the question of socialization revisited, Richard G. Medlin, 2013, Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 284-297 [a peer-reviewed journal].
  • Homeschooling associated with beneficial learner and societal outcomes but educators do not promote it, Brian D. Ray, 2013, Peabody Journal of Education, 88(3), 324-341 [a peer-reviewed journal].
  • National Education Association. (2014). Rankings of the States 2013 and Estimates of School Statistics 2014. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from
  • Parent and family involvement in education, from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2012 (NCES 2013-028) Noel, Amber; Stark, Patrick; & Redford, Jeremy. (2013). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
  • The Truth About Boys and Girls, Sara Mead, 2006.

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