Bill to force homeschoolers to warrantless home inspections

Home schooled kids are and have been proven to be extremely intelligent, and their education level is way past their same aged peers.
Seems like a better solution is to have the kids tested and interviewed twice a year outside the home.

Excuse me? What POSSIBLE business could it be of the state to interview my child about ANYTHING, minus probable cause?

Are you not aware that it is illegal for the authorities to interview a minor outside of the presence of his/her parent or legal guardian, unless there is probable cause to believe the child is in danger FROM the parent or guardian?

You've been drinking the Nanny State Koolaid lately, it seems.
Two words: public accommodation.

Are you also going to suggest now that any home where there is a preschool-aged child with a stay-at-home mom should ALSO be inspected by the state as though it were a daycare?

Try and wrap your brain around the fact that the reason the state inspects public accommodations like daycares and schools is TO ASSURE THE PARENTS AS TO THE CHILD'S SAFETY.

We inspected the day cares and schools on a regular basis ourselves. The state's guidelines tend to be minimums.

I don't give a good g*ddamn WHAT the state's guidelines are. They don't apply to MY HOME. Is the concept of "private property" totally alien to you?
There is a huge push by the left to infiltrate our homes and take our children via the schools. Progressive states are hiring an ARMY of fanatical child welfare workers, who will do *home visits* with snap/tanf workers and *look* for reasons to take kids.

The schools likewise are pushing hard against home schooling because child welfare and the schools work hand in hand to interrogate and infiltrate homes via counselors and various and assorted school programs which consist of asking kids pointed questions, having them fill out questionnaires, and then calling the police and child welfare if there's anything *funny*.

Yet they refuse to call the police or child welfare when there are complaints of school employees diddling kids.

Get your kids out of public schools. If you are on foodstamps or take ANY sort of public assistance, get off it now. You're being targeted and not for nice things.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye. I've seen it done plenty and those kids haven't got books or worked on anything in months or even since forever.
Rather than home visits, schools should REQUIRE all homeschoolers to take the achievement tests with the rest of their class, and if they have fallen behind, work with the parents on an action plan.
It's for the kids' sake, KG.
Most homeschoolers out pace public schooled kids...
Yes, but not when the only child being cared for there LIVES there, retard.

Day cares are not schools for the most part. It seems the real issue here was preventing child abuse. A semi annual interview and academic test outside the home should be enough. Gee, watch it with the friendly fire there Cecile. :)

I didn't say they WERE schools. Thank you for wasting time answering a point that was never made. I said daycares and schools are public accommodations. Private homes, caring for and educating only the children WHO ACTUALLY LIVE THERE, are not public accommodations. And don't even get me started again on your whack-ass notion of illegally interviewing minors without their parents present. If you're going to talk like a crazed leftist who's completely abandoned the notion of freedom from government ownership, you deserve a little friendly fire. S'matter with you?
Seems like a better solution is to have the kids tested and interviewed twice a year outside the home.

Excuse me? What POSSIBLE business could it be of the state to interview my child about ANYTHING, minus probable cause?

Are you not aware that it is illegal for the authorities to interview a minor outside of the presence of his/her parent or legal guardian, unless there is probable cause to believe the child is in danger FROM the parent or guardian?

You've been drinking the Nanny State Koolaid lately, it seems.
I'm aware of it and I taught my kids from BIRTH that they are never to answer any questions from anybody unless I'm with them. They are to ask for their mom if anybody ever tries.

And here's the creepy part...they've had to tell teachers, counselors and PRINCIPALS that on multiple occasions. "My mom told me not to participate in surveys or answer any questions outside of the scope of regular classroom teaching." And they get up and walk away.
Under the guise of preventing child abuse, lawmakers in Maryland have introduced a bill that will allow the state to intrude in the lives of innocent families, keeping tabs on them, and destroying their right to privacy.
Bill to Force Homeschoolers to Warrantless Home Inspections

The sick left will loathe over this one, it's so funny how you losers laugh and support everything ant American, ant freedom, rights etc. until they come for you then it's not so funny any more.
You can thank people like that couple in Perris, CA for that.
There is a huge push by the left to infiltrate our homes and take our children via the schools. Progressive states are hiring an ARMY of fanatical child welfare workers, who will do *home visits* with snap/tanf workers and *look* for reasons to take kids.

The schools likewise are pushing hard against home schooling because child welfare and the schools work hand in hand to interrogate and infiltrate homes via counselors and various and assorted school programs which consist of asking kids pointed questions, having them fill out questionnaires, and then calling the police and child welfare if there's anything *funny*.

Yet they refuse to call the police or child welfare when there are complaints of school employees diddling kids.

Get your kids out of public schools. If you are on foodstamps or take ANY sort of public assistance, get off it now. You're being targeted and not for nice things.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye. I've seen it done plenty and those kids haven't got books or worked on anything in months or even since forever.
Rather than home visits, schools should REQUIRE all homeschoolers to take the achievement tests with the rest of their class, and if they have fallen behind, work with the parents on an action plan.
It's for the kids' sake, KG.
Most homeschoolers out pace public schooled kids...
Of course they do.
Under the guise of preventing child abuse, lawmakers in Maryland have introduced a bill that will allow the state to intrude in the lives of innocent families, keeping tabs on them, and destroying their right to privacy.
Bill to Force Homeschoolers to Warrantless Home Inspections

The sick left will loathe over this one, it's so funny how you losers laugh and support everything ant American, ant freedom, rights etc. until they come for you then it's not so funny any more.
The 4th is already compromised due to the war on drugs, the mafia and society..

Charlotte Iserbyt

There is a huge push by the left to infiltrate our homes and take our children via the schools. Progressive states are hiring an ARMY of fanatical child welfare workers, who will do *home visits* with snap/tanf workers and *look* for reasons to take kids.

The schools likewise are pushing hard against home schooling because child welfare and the schools work hand in hand to interrogate and infiltrate homes via counselors and various and assorted school programs which consist of asking kids pointed questions, having them fill out questionnaires, and then calling the police and child welfare if there's anything *funny*.

Yet they refuse to call the police or child welfare when there are complaints of school employees diddling kids.

Get your kids out of public schools. If you are on foodstamps or take ANY sort of public assistance, get off it now. You're being targeted and not for nice things.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye. I've seen it done plenty and those kids haven't got books or worked on anything in months or even since forever.
Rather than home visits, schools should REQUIRE all homeschoolers to take the achievement tests with the rest of their class, and if they have fallen behind, work with the parents on an action plan.
It's for the kids' sake, KG.
Most homeschoolers out pace public schooled kids...

Mine sure as shit do. I periodically give my 9-year-old exams to make sure he meets minimum requirements and isn't developing any gaps I should address. He gets positively insulted by how easy the tests are.
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...
Bode hates Phyllis because she exposed the fag hero Kinsey as a pervert and a shill...

Wasn't like it was difficult to do. It just amazes me that the left enthusiastically embraced, and continues to embrace, his sick shit as "the norm" for human sexuality.

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