Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

Did any of you idiots ever stop to think that our nation's goverment, which is quite frankly the most powerful in the world, with a military might unmatched on the planet. With technology that some of which probably remains classified to this day. Did any of you idiots stop to think that our goverment with all of it's vast power and capabilities would neglect to do a simple background check on the man elected to the job, just after the world was finally rid of 8 years of Bush lol? I mean our government protects us from terrorist plots and things like smuggling weapons into airports and on planes, and you really think again they wouldn't do a fuc*ing simple background check to make certain a foreign national isn't elected to become our nation's president????!!! You ever stop to think that the reason perhaps the man hasn't released his birth certificate to the public, is not to be lost in a debate with the racist nutjobs who can't just accept a black man as the president while he's trying to fix our country? Seriously what proof do you people have?? I can claim to have seen strange lights over Area 51, but that doesn't mean it's a space ship with little green men with giant eyes inside of it, unless had a shred of evidence to support the fact lol.

Hey you braindead moron with his head stuck up his rear-end. Why in the hell would they leave the borders wide open for a dirty Nuke to be brought in during a War on terra? If they are so smart and their intentions are good, then what kind of dumb ass Government would do that? Answer = The same idiotic enemies within who control the outcome of elections and who covered this Birth certificate issue here up.


Hey bro, Try thinking for yourself instead of bowing down to your masters. ~BH
The state of Hawaii owns his birth certificate and they say he is a natural born citizen. Case closed.

Thus fullfilling the legal standard that every other president has been held too.

I am wondering why this is still relevant to the birthers after this.

Oh that's right, it was never about the birth certificate to begin with.
Did any of you idiots ever stop to think that our nation's goverment, which is quite frankly the most powerful in the world, with a military might unmatched on the planet. With technology that some of which probably remains classified to this day. Did any of you idiots stop to think that our goverment with all of it's vast power and capabilities would neglect to do a simple background check on the man elected to the job, just after the world was finally rid of 8 years of Bush lol? I mean our government protects us from terrorist plots and things like smuggling weapons into airports and on planes, and you really think again they wouldn't do a fuc*ing simple background check to make certain a foreign national isn't elected to become our nation's president????!!! You ever stop to think that the reason perhaps the man hasn't released his birth certificate to the public, is not to be lost in a debate with the racist nutjobs who can't just accept a black man as the president while he's trying to fix our country? Seriously what proof do you people have?? I can claim to have seen strange lights over Area 51, but that doesn't mean it's a space ship with little green men with giant eyes inside of it, unless had a shred of evidence to support the fact lol.
Our "government" doesn't run this country imbicile.... "MONEY" runs this country. You and I are just pawns, and if obama isn't a natural born citizen, but they wanted his black ass in the White House, then come hell or high water he's going to be in the White House, whether he's a natural born citizen or not be damned. They don't care. Problem is that with the advent of the internet, when money builds a house of cards like that, it has a way of crumbling, and obama's house of cards is crumbling. We won't have much longer to wait and this issue will boil over. Wait until his approval rating, which is plummeting like a lead balloon, is toilet bowl low and you'll see shit happen, because more and more people WITH POWER will want his ass gone, and that'll be a way to do it.
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Ah Bolshevik, the classic right wing fanaticism one would expect from a true conservative like yourself lol. Please do keep on with your conspiricy theories with not much in the way of actual evidence or content aside from what is your obviously warped perception. Lol I have my head up my ass you say lol, coming from the one who yet again can't provide a shred of evidence to prove Obama wasn't born in the United States.
Again to all of our resident conspiricy theorists if Obama isn't a citizen of this country then prove it. Free of what your theories are on who runs the goverment, which not once did I make any claims of by the way, what i'm saying is PROVE YOUR POINT. If Obama didn't disclose his birth certificate because he isn't a born citizen, then provide some proof aside from your own theoretical opinion lol
Ah Bolshevik, the classic right wing fanaticism one would expect from a true conservative like yourself lol. Please do keep on with your conspiricy theories with not much in the way of actual evidence or content aside from what is your obviously warped perception. Lol I have my head up my ass you say lol, coming from the one who yet again can't provide a shred of evidence to prove Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Let's put it this way def, there's just as much evidence he wasn't born here as there is, and that's really just secondary to the fact that his father was a subject of Britain, clearly negating obama from being a natural born citizen. But then there's the thing about he was adopted by his step dad and spent years in Indonesia as Barry Soetoro, going to school there as a "MUSLIM." Clearly, he couldn't have done that and be an "American citizen."

No, you people defending him defend him on the most flimsy, non verifiable BULL SHIT there is. But I know why... you all belong to the obama ass licking club...

Again to all of our resident conspiricy theorists if Obama isn't a citizen of this country then prove it.
Again, OBAMA is the ONLY ONE that can end this issue, yet he's spending MILLIONS to keep the ONLY THING THAT CAN END IT HIDDEN.... WHY???!!!
the race card is being played so much more, since b hussein stole the election with help from acorn and his shitcago thugs. barry dunham aka barry soetoro aka b hussein obama aka malcolm x jr is a fraud!! no race card played here, just a little bit of common sense!!
Ah Bolshevik, the classic right wing fanaticism one would expect from a true conservative like yourself lol. Please do keep on with your conspiricy theories with not much in the way of actual evidence or content aside from what is your obviously warped perception. Lol I have my head up my ass you say lol, coming from the one who yet again can't provide a shred of evidence to prove Obama wasn't born in the United States.

I don't post conspiracy stories dickLip. Might want to get your facts straight before you make an ass out of yourself. If it makes you mentally iLL pieces of garbage feel better by labeling this issue as such then knock yourself out yuh puke. How about you provide proof that he is? Huh, How about that? ~BH

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