Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

LOL!!! It takes you two morons just for me to warm up. Two left-wing nutcases who can't understand how easy it is to just provide The Original Legal document. At the end of the day, the back and forth is fun, The Mullet is funny and emma's crystal clear arrogance like her hero the madman Obama is as well, but the subject is not either of you twos stupidity, nor my rudness. What it's about is the fact that he is hiding something and that anyone with a brain understands that fact. ~BH

I've shown that Hawaii only provides the COLB upon request for a birth certificate. I've provided that proof through links to their sites, quotes from the DOH itself, and by providing the application for birth record.

If YOU have proof to the contrary, that one can request and receive a copy of their original (long-form) birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, please show us. I would also like to point out that, in all this time with all this uproar from the birthers, not once have they produced anyone who has requested and received a 'long form' birth certificate from the state of Hawaii (since they switched over in 2001). Not once.

It doesn't matter what you, or Obama shows the freaks... that's the nature of conspiracy nutters.... they don't care about facts that interfere with their vivid fantasy lives.

Oh, I know. Anything that refutes their points only proves to them just how widespread the conspiracy really is. That's how conspiracy nutters think :lol:
Oh, I know. Anything that refutes their points only proves to them just how widespread the conspiracy really is. That's how conspiracy nutters think :lol:


I guess the Hawaiian newspaper was in on it when they published Obama's birth announcement in, what? 1961? :lol:
Oh, I know. Anything that refutes their points only proves to them just how widespread the conspiracy really is. That's how conspiracy nutters think :lol:


I guess the Hawaiian newspaper was in on it when they published Obama's birth announcement in, what? 1961? :lol:
Certainly they are in on it.

I'm trying to keep a running list of all the co-conspirators, but frankly it would be simpler if they would just tell us who isn't in on it.

That's what we have so far, according to the birthers. I'll admit I may have left some out. Sometimes interpreting crazy is a bit difficult.
Birthers are freaks. That's what my nephew was taught at the U earlier this week. He said the evidence of birther mental instability is incontrovertible. Apparently three of twenty-three believe in the birther conspiracy, so if that rate of about one to eight holds true nationally, this story is for fun but remains irrelevant. The majority of the November vote does reveal the birther irrelevance.
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

You know what... you actually sound a little SCARED about this. You wouldn't be scared of what we'll actually find are you? What if obama WASN'T born in Hawaii? What if obama does NOT fit the constitutional requirements as a "natural born citizen?" What then? Well I'll tell ya, not only are you and every other jack ass that ridiculed millions of rational thinking Americans for wanting to see some valid proof obama was born where he says he was, going to look like ass licking, moron, obamabots, but the country is going to erupt in chaos, total anarchy. Yeah if you dumb asses had a single brain cell working that understood logic or fact, you better start sweating a little. The time is getting near and we're going to get to the bottom of this, and I'll tell ya something else, I think the *BIRTHERS* are the ones who are going to get the last laugh. Just my hunch.

Exactly, Obama is fucked and he knows it. He is spending valuable resources to maintain one of the biggest coverups since the beginning of Area 51 and also the Kennedy assassination. Obama can shut the WHOLE country up b providing one simple document, it is no big secret.................Unless there something to hide.
so when it is proven that Obama wasn't born in the USA and removed from office and prosecuted, I assume Joe Biden would become President and Pelosi would move up to VP? God that would be scary, it would be a real life version of the Dumb and Dumber movie.
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so when it is proven that Obama wasn't born in the USA and removed from office and prosecuted, I assume Joe Biden would become President and Pelosi would move up to VP? God that would be scary, it would be a real life version of the Dumb and Dumber movie.

Pelosi would not 'move up to VP'.

Amendment XXV
so when it is proven that Obama wasn't born in the USA and removed from office and prosecuted, I assume Joe Biden would become President and Pelosi would move up to VP? God that would be scary, it would be a real life version of the Dumb and Dumber movie.
Biden would get to appoint a new VP and that person would have to be confirmed by the senate
so when it is proven that Obama wasn't born in the USA and removed from office and prosecuted, I assume Joe Biden would become President and Pelosi would move up to VP? God that would be scary, it would be a real life version of the Dumb and Dumber movie.

Pretty funny to hear the nutjobs talk about this stuff as if they have any case on this at all. What have all the courts, all the administrative bodies, all the legislative bodys, and all the competent authorities said about your theory?

(Hint) Your nutjobs.
The constitution DOES NOT say that the American citizen has to be a NATIVE born citizen, it states that you had to be a NATURAL born citizen which had legal meaning under common law, at the time which was NOT the same meaning as NATIVE born.

IF the founding fathers wanted our presidents to only be NATIVE born citizens, it would have just stated NATIVE born citizens, BUT it did NOT say NATIVE, it said NATURAL born citizen.

Native means BORN ON OUR SOIL only, Natural Born citizen does not.
The constitution DOES NOT say that the American citizen has to be a NATIVE born citizen, it states that you had to be a NATURAL born citizen which had legal meaning under common law, at the time which was NOT the same meaning as NATIVE born.

IF the founding fathers wanted our presidents to only be NATIVE born citizens, it would have just stated NATIVE born citizens, BUT it did NOT say NATIVE, it said NATURAL born citizen.

Native means BORN ON OUR SOIL only, Natural Born citizen does not.

This is true care, but this is what they have been going by for what qualifies as "natural born," and the legal precedence that determine that. Now as you look at that, ask yourself, was "BOTH" of obama's parents US citizens? Well, NO, they weren't. We know that for a fact, so that would give obama "DUAL CITIZENSHIP," which would disqualify him as a natural born citizen, no matter "WHERE" he was born.

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The constitution DOES NOT say that the American citizen has to be a NATIVE born citizen, it states that you had to be a NATURAL born citizen which had legal meaning under common law, at the time which was NOT the same meaning as NATIVE born.

IF the founding fathers wanted our presidents to only be NATIVE born citizens, it would have just stated NATIVE born citizens, BUT it did NOT say NATIVE, it said NATURAL born citizen.

Native means BORN ON OUR SOIL only, Natural Born citizen does not.

This is true care, but this is what they have been going by for what qualifies as "natural born," and the legal precedence that determine that. Now as you look at that, ask yourself, was "BOTH" of obama's parents US citizens? Well, NO, they weren't. We know that for a fact, so that would give obama "DUAL CITIZENSHIP," which would disqualify him as a natural born citizen, no matter "WHERE" he was born.


Glad you've come back to this would you please back up your claim about the Senate holding hearings on McCain?
so when it is proven that Obama wasn't born in the USA and removed from office and prosecuted, I assume Joe Biden would become President and Pelosi would move up to VP? God that would be scary, it would be a real life version of the Dumb and Dumber movie.

I enjoy your posts, however (not to rain on your parade), Pelosi wouldn't move up to VP...Biden would appoint a new VP to replace himself...look to Ford after he replaced the crook, Nixon.
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

You know what... you actually sound a little SCARED about this. You wouldn't be scared of what we'll actually find are you? What if obama WASN'T born in Hawaii? What if obama does NOT fit the constitutional requirements as a "natural born citizen?" What then? Well I'll tell ya, not only are you and every other jack ass that ridiculed millions of rational thinking Americans for wanting to see some valid proof obama was born where he says he was, going to look like ass licking, moron, obamabots, but the country is going to erupt in chaos, total anarchy. Yeah if you dumb asses had a single brain cell working that understood logic or fact, you better start sweating a little. The time is getting near and we're going to get to the bottom of this, and I'll tell ya something else, I think the *BIRTHERS* are the ones who are going to get the last laugh. Just my hunch.

Exactly, Obama is fucked and he knows it. He is spending valuable resources to maintain one of the biggest coverups since the beginning of Area 51 and also the Kennedy assassination. Obama can shut the WHOLE country up b providing one simple document, it is no big secret.................Unless there something to hide.

Is there a reason why you are hiding your intelligence?

Area 51 ?


You are one wack mofo.
You know what... you actually sound a little SCARED about this. You wouldn't be scared of what we'll actually find are you? What if obama WASN'T born in Hawaii? What if obama does NOT fit the constitutional requirements as a "natural born citizen?" What then? Well I'll tell ya, not only are you and every other jack ass that ridiculed millions of rational thinking Americans for wanting to see some valid proof obama was born where he says he was, going to look like ass licking, moron, obamabots, but the country is going to erupt in chaos, total anarchy. Yeah if you dumb asses had a single brain cell working that understood logic or fact, you better start sweating a little. The time is getting near and we're going to get to the bottom of this, and I'll tell ya something else, I think the *BIRTHERS* are the ones who are going to get the last laugh. Just my hunch.

Exactly, Obama is fucked and he knows it. He is spending valuable resources to maintain one of the biggest coverups since the beginning of Area 51 and also the Kennedy assassination. Obama can shut the WHOLE country up b providing one simple document, it is no big secret.................Unless there something to hide.

Is there a reason why you are hiding your intelligence?

Area 51 ?


You are one wack mofo.

Psst...sarcasm (at least I hope so)

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