Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

You know what... you actually sound a little SCARED about this. You wouldn't be scared of what we'll actually find are you? What if obama WASN'T born in Hawaii? What if obama does NOT fit the constitutional requirements as a "natural born citizen?" What then? Well I'll tell ya, not only are you and every other jack ass that ridiculed millions of rational thinking Americans for wanting to see some valid proof obama was born where he says he was, going to look like ass licking, moron, obamabots, but the country is going to erupt in chaos, total anarchy. Yeah if you dumb asses had a single brain cell working that understood logic or fact, you better start sweating a little. The time is getting near and we're going to get to the bottom of this, and I'll tell ya something else, I think the *BIRTHERS* are the ones who are going to get the last laugh. Just my hunch.

Exactly, Obama is fucked and he knows it. He is spending valuable resources to maintain one of the biggest coverups since the beginning of Area 51 and also the Kennedy assassination. Obama can shut the WHOLE country up b providing one simple document, it is no big secret.................Unless there something to hide.

Is there a reason why you are hiding your intelligence?

Area 51 ?

You are one wack mofo.

Yes, dumbass, Area 51... you know... "GROOM LAKE?"

The whole damn world knows about it at this point, and I've personally been there twice myself.

Where you been snuggy... under a rock? :cuckoo:
Exactly, Obama is fucked and he knows it. He is spending valuable resources to maintain one of the biggest coverups since the beginning of Area 51 and also the Kennedy assassination. Obama can shut the WHOLE country up b providing one simple document, it is no big secret.................Unless there something to hide.

Is there a reason why you are hiding your intelligence?

Area 51 ?

You are one wack mofo.

Yes, dumbass, Area 51... you know... "GROOM LAKE?"

The whole damn world knows about it at this point, and I've personally been there twice myself.

Where you been snuggy... under a rock? :cuckoo:

I hope your visa was properly up to date and you weren't in this country illegally when you visited Groom Lake, Foreigner.
obama is a liar and a fraud. He has NEVER proven where he was born. Sooner or later it will be revealed, probably by force after his approval rating bottoms out around 20%. He'll be forced by law to produce some documentation that states WHERE he was born that can be VERIFIED, and then we'll know.

Until then, all you people claiming there's nothing to hide, are just a bunch of mindless obamabots regurgitating this inane, not even worth reading or listening to bull shit defense of him NOT having to PROVE where he was born.

Practically HALF THE COUNTRY knows he is HIDING his birth certificate at this point, and more learn of it every day, and if I had to bet which way this will go when the lid is finally blown off, I'd bet obama DOES NOT qualify as a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, and maybe even for a MULTITUDE of reasons.

So you people just keep up your ENDLESS, INANE, HOLLOW, BASELESS, WORTHLESS, BORING, BACK TO BACK INSULTS. I couldn't care less. You're just a bunch of empty words on an internet site that THANK GOD have ZERO EFFECT on the outcome of this issue.

And I WILL get the last laugh... mark my words.

End of story.

Now go ahead, fill up another 15 pages with insults.... :eusa_hand:
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Exactly, Obama is fucked and he knows it. He is spending valuable resources to maintain one of the biggest coverups since the beginning of Area 51 and also the Kennedy assassination. Obama can shut the WHOLE country up b providing one simple document, it is no big secret.................Unless there something to hide.

Is there a reason why you are hiding your intelligence?

Area 51 ?

You are one wack mofo.

Yes, dumbass, Area 51... you know... "GROOM LAKE?"

The whole damn world knows about it at this point, and I've personally been there twice myself.

Where you been snuggy... under a rock? :cuckoo:

Aliens? Saw a UFO back in 56. Before our family moved up to Orcas Island I was standing out in the front yard of our Lake forest Park home near a NIKE missle base on a clear morning..around 9 AM. What I saw was silver and hovering at about 1000 ft...maybe 100 ft across... Other neighbors also saw the same thing. Maybe a dozen pointing skyward.
Then it got interesting. At the time we had these sabre jets during the Korean War. Well...out of the East came two of these aircraft...loud as shit...the floaty shiney big round air/spacecraft started movind towards the West and as the US aircraft closed in the big shiny thing started gaining altitude exponentially with the two sabre jets howling in pursuit leaving trails of smoke. Don't ask me if they were aliens..but I'm sure they were not us.
Still haven't seen your Birth Certificate. Whose foreign agent of Stupidity are you?

We all have seen your mullet though. Hey, here is the one before the 5 cheesburgers a day. LOL!!!! ~BH


Nutjob ~

Wow DickLip! That sure took some brains. ~BH
LOL!!! It takes you two morons just for me to warm up. Two left-wing nutcases who can't understand how easy it is to just provide The Original Legal document. At the end of the day, the back and forth is fun, The Mullet is funny and emma's crystal clear arrogance like her hero the madman Obama is as well, but the subject is not either of you twos stupidity, nor my rudness. What it's about is the fact that he is hiding something and that anyone with a brain understands that fact. ~BH

I've shown that Hawaii only provides the COLB upon request for a birth certificate. I've provided that proof through links to their sites, quotes from the DOH itself, and by providing the application for birth record.

If YOU have proof to the contrary, that one can request and receive a copy of their original (long-form) birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, please show us. I would also like to point out that, in all this time with all this uproar from the birthers, not once have they produced anyone who has requested and received a 'long form' birth certificate from the state of Hawaii (since they switched over in 2001). Not once.

There is a way to prove if he is a legal citizen Emma. Why all the secrecy? I have heard everything from he was born here, never born here or he gave up his citizenship and moved to Kenya. I dunno what the hell to believe, but I do know that something is fishy about the whole situation. I didn't even know what a birther was until I became a member here. I heard the phrase, but didn't know who the label was for. And for the record, I have never been a conspiracy theorist. ~BH
The state of Hawaii owns his birth certificate and they say he is a natural born citizen. Case closed.
I'll ask you the same question. Well, sort of. You're saying that every other President has produced an original birth certificate. Links? Proof of that claim? Thanks.

Got any proof that they didn't? Links? Proof of that claim?

It's like going around in an endless circle with your dumb ass Emma. :lol:~BH

Near as I can tell, the only "dumb ass" is you... well, not just you... you and your fellow birther nutcases....

and hint: no American president has EVER been asked to produce a birth certificate...that is the fantasy of the right wingnut racist freaks who are so losing their collective mind over having a black president that they want to pretend he wasn't born here...

and then show up in front of presidential town hall locations with sidearms and signs saying there should be armed revolution.


What the hell are you babbling about you idiot? Jeezus, You nutcases multiply like maggots on a corpse. You come in here blowing a bunch of bullcrap about town hall meetings and armed citizens. Do you even know what the hell you're talking about? Take a few more pills sister, attend another planned Parenthood rally, and then stand outside of a Federal Prison with a candle you pathetic freak. ~BH
Is there a reason why you are hiding your intelligence?

Area 51 ?

You are one wack mofo.

Yes, dumbass, Area 51... you know... "GROOM LAKE?"

The whole damn world knows about it at this point, and I've personally been there twice myself.

Where you been snuggy... under a rock? :cuckoo:

I hope your visa was properly up to date and you weren't in this country illegally when you visited Groom Lake, Foreigner.

I see you use that come back with everyone. Typical tactic by a weak minded person. You should better represent your pinkO movement Bodecea. ~BH
yup - more name-callin but no evidence to support absurd claims ......

And yet people who question the absence of evidence are "nuts".

Pretty rich.
Yes, dumbass, Area 51... you know... "GROOM LAKE?"

The whole damn world knows about it at this point, and I've personally been there twice myself.

Where you been snuggy... under a rock? :cuckoo:

I hope your visa was properly up to date and you weren't in this country illegally when you visited Groom Lake, Foreigner.

I see you use that come back with everyone. Typical tactic by a weak minded person. You should better represent your pinkO movement Bodecea. ~BH

Foreigners stick together. Not surprising.
LOL!!! It takes you two morons just for me to warm up. Two left-wing nutcases who can't understand how easy it is to just provide The Original Legal document. At the end of the day, the back and forth is fun, The Mullet is funny and emma's crystal clear arrogance like her hero the madman Obama is as well, but the subject is not either of you twos stupidity, nor my rudness. What it's about is the fact that he is hiding something and that anyone with a brain understands that fact. ~BH

I've shown that Hawaii only provides the COLB upon request for a birth certificate. I've provided that proof through links to their sites, quotes from the DOH itself, and by providing the application for birth record.

If YOU have proof to the contrary, that one can request and receive a copy of their original (long-form) birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, please show us. I would also like to point out that, in all this time with all this uproar from the birthers, not once have they produced anyone who has requested and received a 'long form' birth certificate from the state of Hawaii (since they switched over in 2001). Not once.

There is a way to prove if he is a legal citizen Emma. Why all the secrecy? I have heard everything from he was born here, never born here or he gave up his citizenship and moved to Kenya. I dunno what the hell to believe, but I do know that something is fishy about the whole situation. I didn't even know what a birther was until I became a member here. I heard the phrase, but didn't know who the label was for. And for the record, I have never been a conspiracy theorist. ~BH

Seems there is a first time for everything.
I hope your visa was properly up to date and you weren't in this country illegally when you visited Groom Lake, Foreigner.

I see you use that come back with everyone. Typical tactic by a weak minded person. You should better represent your pinkO movement Bodecea. ~BH

Foreigners stick together. Not surprising.

LOL!!!! My family has defended this Country since the Revolutionary War you puke. Your welcome. ~BH
I've shown that Hawaii only provides the COLB upon request for a birth certificate. I've provided that proof through links to their sites, quotes from the DOH itself, and by providing the application for birth record.

If YOU have proof to the contrary, that one can request and receive a copy of their original (long-form) birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, please show us. I would also like to point out that, in all this time with all this uproar from the birthers, not once have they produced anyone who has requested and received a 'long form' birth certificate from the state of Hawaii (since they switched over in 2001). Not once.

There is a way to prove if he is a legal citizen Emma. Why all the secrecy? I have heard everything from he was born here, never born here or he gave up his citizenship and moved to Kenya. I dunno what the hell to believe, but I do know that something is fishy about the whole situation. I didn't even know what a birther was until I became a member here. I heard the phrase, but didn't know who the label was for. And for the record, I have never been a conspiracy theorist. ~BH

Seems there is a first time for everything.

More drivel from another puke. Pat yourself on the back bro, you just made BH's bottomfeeder list. You guys are so worried that the truth is gonna come out. When it does, we will see who the nutcases truly are. ~BH
LOL!!! It takes you two morons just for me to warm up. Two left-wing nutcases who can't understand how easy it is to just provide The Original Legal document. At the end of the day, the back and forth is fun, The Mullet is funny and emma's crystal clear arrogance like her hero the madman Obama is as well, but the subject is not either of you twos stupidity, nor my rudness. What it's about is the fact that he is hiding something and that anyone with a brain understands that fact. ~BH

I've shown that Hawaii only provides the COLB upon request for a birth certificate. I've provided that proof through links to their sites, quotes from the DOH itself, and by providing the application for birth record.

If YOU have proof to the contrary, that one can request and receive a copy of their original (long-form) birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, please show us. I would also like to point out that, in all this time with all this uproar from the birthers, not once have they produced anyone who has requested and received a 'long form' birth certificate from the state of Hawaii (since they switched over in 2001). Not once.

There is a way to prove if he is a legal citizen Emma. Why all the secrecy? I have heard everything from he was born here, never born here or he gave up his citizenship and moved to Kenya. I dunno what the hell to believe, but I do know that something is fishy about the whole situation. I didn't even know what a birther was until I became a member here. I heard the phrase, but didn't know who the label was for. And for the record, I have never been a conspiracy theorist. ~BH

You...are a waste of Oxygen...
I've shown that Hawaii only provides the COLB upon request for a birth certificate. I've provided that proof through links to their sites, quotes from the DOH itself, and by providing the application for birth record.

If YOU have proof to the contrary, that one can request and receive a copy of their original (long-form) birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, please show us. I would also like to point out that, in all this time with all this uproar from the birthers, not once have they produced anyone who has requested and received a 'long form' birth certificate from the state of Hawaii (since they switched over in 2001). Not once.

There is a way to prove if he is a legal citizen Emma. Why all the secrecy? I have heard everything from he was born here, never born here or he gave up his citizenship and moved to Kenya. I dunno what the hell to believe, but I do know that something is fishy about the whole situation. I didn't even know what a birther was until I became a member here. I heard the phrase, but didn't know who the label was for. And for the record, I have never been a conspiracy theorist. ~BH

You...are a waste of Oxygen...

No worries gerbalia, I have that effect on people.

Did any of you idiots ever stop to think that our nation's goverment, which is quite frankly the most powerful in the world, with a military might unmatched on the planet. With technology that some of which probably remains classified to this day. Did any of you idiots stop to think that our goverment with all of it's vast power and capabilities would neglect to do a simple background check on the man elected to the job, just after the world was finally rid of 8 years of Bush lol? I mean our government protects us from terrorist plots and things like smuggling weapons into airports and on planes, and you really think again they wouldn't do a fuc*ing simple background check to make certain a foreign national isn't elected to become our nation's president????!!! You ever stop to think that the reason perhaps the man hasn't released his birth certificate to the public, is not to be lost in a debate with the racist nutjobs who can't just accept a black man as the president while he's trying to fix our country? Seriously what proof do you people have?? I can claim to have seen strange lights over Area 51, but that doesn't mean it's a space ship with little green men with giant eyes inside of it, unless had a shred of evidence to support the fact lol.

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