Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

I think a better question would be what do you suck, and I think I can easily guess the answer? Enjoy your night out at the gay bath house. I would advise you to not drink too much or you might wake up with a headache and a really sore behind. ~BH

Again with the homosexual projections.....

As for enjoying: continue to enjoy your worthless life, where you get to spend Friday night in front of your computer.

Remember, the FBI monitors the kiddie porn sites.
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
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Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
he hasnt withheld it
he has shown what the State of Hawai'i sends out when you request a copy of your BC, a COLB
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
Why are you withholding your birth certificate? The fact that you withhold it screams volumes.
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
Why are you withholding your birth certificate? The fact that you withhold it screams volumes.

The fact that you REFUSE to accept the FACT that he already has speeks volumes. But PLEASE by all means keep making a spectacle of your self and your party. You know that you have about as much credibility as the 9/11 conspiracy nuts right?
Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
Why are you withholding your birth certificate? The fact that you withhold it screams volumes.

The fact that you REFUSE to accept the FACT that he already has speeks volumes. But PLEASE by all means keep making a spectacle of your self and your party. You know that you have about as much credibility as the 9/11 conspiracy nuts right?
WOW, friendly fire
cease fire and redirect 20m south
I think a better question would be what do you suck, and I think I can easily guess the answer? Enjoy your night out at the gay bath house. I would advise you to not drink too much or you might wake up with a headache and a really sore behind. ~BH

Again with the homosexual projections.....

As for enjoying: continue to enjoy your worthless life, where you get to spend Friday night in front of your computer.

Remember, the FBI monitors the kiddie porn sites.

Hey geauxtohell? Nobody can say that I didn't try to finish this off with humor and respect. With that being said you bottomfeeding drunk idiot, We all know that you're a cockgobbling baby raper. So coming back with such a bullcrap response only show's how upset you are about the fact that I exposed, like many others here have, your sick and twisted fantasies for everyone here to witness. You are a joke bRO, just like you have been wherever you post and spit out your leftist filth.

I think it's pretty clear that soon enough you will come in here drunk off your dumb stupid ass making a complete fool of yourself after every gal in the bar shot you down you creepy, pathetic, desperate fat drunk tool bag. Have another drink cuz! LOL!!!!!!!! You are so easy you puke bag. I'll see yuh tomorrow dRUNK.

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Reactions: 007
Democrats love birthers

They highlight a crucial constituency of the republican party. The radical fringe that the republicans have built as their base are used to hang around a candidates neck. Each republican is asked...."Do you believe Obama was born in this country"?? Let them choose between offending their nutjob supporters or looking like an idiot

Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
he hasnt withheld it
he has shown what the State of Hawai'i sends out when you request a copy of your BC, a COLB

True... but it proves nothing, especially WHERE he was born. NO ONE, not even YOU can ***PROVE*** where he was born. There's only ONE DOCUMENT that can prove where he was born, and he's HIDING THAT!

So be truthful now... THINK before you post another mindless burst of gut gas in defense of the indefensible... :eusa_eh:
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Whether he is or not is moot, ANYONE should have to prove they are born here if they expect to be President. The fact that he witholds it screams volumes.
he hasnt withheld it
he has shown what the State of Hawai'i sends out when you request a copy of your BC, a COLB

True... but it proves nothing, especially WHERE he was born. NO ONE, not even YOU can ***PROVE*** where he was born. There's only ONE DOCUMENT that can prove where he was born, and he's HIDING THAT!

So be truthful now... THINK before you post another mindless burst of gut gas in defense of the indefensible... :eusa_eh:
he's provided the only thing he CAN provide
I think a better question would be what do you suck, and I think I can easily guess the answer? Enjoy your night out at the gay bath house. I would advise you to not drink too much or you might wake up with a headache and a really sore behind. ~BH

Again with the homosexual projections.....

As for enjoying: continue to enjoy your worthless life, where you get to spend Friday night in front of your computer.

Remember, the FBI monitors the kiddie porn sites.

Hey geauxtohell? Nobody can say that I didn't try to finish this off with humor and respect. With that being said you bottomfeeding drunk idiot, We all know that you're a cockgobbling baby raper. So coming back with such a bullcrap response only show's how upset you are about the fact that I exposed, like many others here have, your sick and twisted fantasies for everyone here to witness. You are a joke bRO, just like you have been wherever you post and spit out your leftist filth.

I think it's pretty clear that soon enough you will come in here drunk off your dumb stupid ass making a complete fool of yourself after every gal in the bar shot you down you creepy, pathetic, desperate fat drunk tool bag. Have another drink cuz! LOL!!!!!!!! You are so easy you puke bag. I'll see yuh tomorrow dRUNK.



God you are a dumb-fuck.

Did it ever occur to you that we posted simultaneously?

At any rate, again, your projections are unhealthy. Let me try to put you at ease:

Since I am already married to the most beautiful woman in the world, I don't hit on women at bars. Thus, I don't get shot down. Even if I did; getting shot down at a bar is a damn sight more interesting than living in front of your computer. At least you are trying.

My night ended at 4 AM. Yours ended at 11 PM. Conclusion: your life sucks.

You seem to have a problem with other people that enjoy drinking alcohol. Conclusion: your life sucks.

You seem to take internet postings way too seriously. Conclusion: your life sucks.

I wish I could help you with the whole "your life sucks" thing, but only you can pull yourself away from your computer, get off your ass, and live a real life.

You were right about one thing though, I am posting under the influence at this time. Funny that, though drunk, I can still put together a post that is more coherent than your sober posts.
what were the founding father's reasons for wanting a natural born citizen as president?

wasn't it to ensure there was not a duel allegiance of our president?

Has Obama, any time in his adult, legal years.....had any other allegiance to another foreign nation, has he ever claimed citizenship and allegiance to a foreign country?
what were the founding father's reasons for wanting a natural born citizen as president?

wasn't it to ensure there was not a duel allegiance of our president?

Has Obama, any time in his adult, legal years.....had any other allegiance to another foreign nation, has he ever claimed citizenship and allegiance to a foreign country?

Yes, Indonesia, where he went to school as Barry Soetoro and he was a muslim, not to mention he calls Kenya his "home."
what were the founding father's reasons for wanting a natural born citizen as president?

wasn't it to ensure there was not a duel allegiance of our president?

Has Obama, any time in his adult, legal years.....had any other allegiance to another foreign nation, has he ever claimed citizenship and allegiance to a foreign country?

Yes, Indonesia, where he went to school as Barry Soetoro and he was a muslim, not to mention he calls Kenya his "home."
Since when do 7 year olds claim allegiance?
Even if you could prove it, it's irrelevant, America does.
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The doofi are loose again.

Let's go through it slowly. Thirteen of you in the country think BHO does not qualify for the Presidency because of his birth. The rest of America, the citizens, angels and spirtual witnesses and God -- all disagree with you.

Move on.

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