Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

barack obama CNE


yeah, i have a small problem with giving govt a stranglehold on comms.

go figure. :cuckoo:

I find it funny that she thinks there is even a chance that everything can "simultaneously crash" ... that almost made me laugh.

Well, not everyone is as technically savvy as you KK. :rolleyes: Sounds like they're trying to scare us into relinquishing that power, then.....?

:lol: That's why it "almost" made me laugh, I'm arrogant as hell, but I try not to be mean.

That is a very likely possibility. This admin seems to be using fear tactics a little too much, so I wouldn't doubt it one bit.
that's a good overview. but im taking this to internet specialist to see exactly how he would do it. how would he force the servers to do it??? especially foreign servers???

There's the catch, I set up servers and intranets for a living, foreign servers would be almost impossible, so most likely he would have to utilize the provider level system, which would be extremely expensive. The internet isn't one solid "thing" ... it's a lot of little computers (servers) connected through providers. A lot of servers are now stored in people's own homes, then they rent space and bandwidth for money, to extend the power to those would seriously overstep the bounds of government power, and would backlash badly to. But ... even if the internet providers were shut down, many servers can switch to dial up access very easily and create their own "temporary" internet, utilizing old BBS software, so us programmers would still be in touch with each other, while the rest of the population would be in the dark.

how does he keep all this a secret??? shoot the servers and everyone connected ?????:lol: secrecy and sealth would be the best weapon. download something like a worm that infects and reveals it it all. and how do we know its not already there???? one such threat i already mentioned was the flash. untectable


and whats on your machine now??? find out. [URL=""]here[/URL] this is just 1 method. ever use youtube????

There's the problem with most computer users, nothing about technology is a secret, other than some code (which eventually gets cracked then aired across the programmer forums). Simply people just don't bother looking into it. Flash cookies for one, there is a setting in Flash that you can actually prevent this, or if you run FireFox you can block all but content you trust, using plug ins. Sun isn't as insidious as Adobe, so Java could do this but doesn't, instead anytime Java wants to access your hard drive for anything it actually asks permission, Sun programmed that into their Java and offers no possible way for us programmers to avoid it, as long as you have the official Java runtime you are 100% secure in that. Adobe however has been poisoned by Microsucks, and anything they do now is insidious. Guess which company the government has contracts with? Anyhow, once you learn all the little forums and chat rooms (IRC) you can find out anything, and I mean anything, about technology. As you have noticed, I'm arrogant about computers, I know a lot and I'm damned proud of it, many of us programmers and engineers are like that. So you ask us a question about technology and we will try to answer if we know, or even ask others to find the answer for you if we don't. The problem is that I post huge long posts like this as an answer more often than not. ;)

And because of the Cap and trade bill what makes you think that Phones will not be very expensive therefore no internet connection?

One question keeps popping into my head and that is "If someone wanted to take over a large Country what would be the process"? Military, communication, financial and what else?
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And because of the Cap and trade bill what makes you think that Phones will not be very expensive therefore no internet connection?

One question keeps popping into my head and that is "If someone wanted to take over a large Country what would be the process"? Military, communication, financial and what else?

Food Supply

And because of the Cap and trade bill what makes you think that Phones will not be very expensive therefore no internet connection?

One question keeps popping into my head and that is "If someone wanted to take over a large Country what would be the process"? Military, communication, financial and what else?

What Plymco said ... to your second question.

As for the first, that is another grave possibility. I shudder to think just how far he will reach. As I said, he is creating two specific groups in the country, much like the North versus the South, it will be Pod People verses the rest of us.

And because of the Cap and trade bill what makes you think that Phones will not be very expensive therefore no internet connection?

One question keeps popping into my head and that is "If someone wanted to take over a large Country what would be the process"? Military, communication, financial and what else?

elect a dictator
There's the catch, I set up servers and intranets for a living, foreign servers would be almost impossible, so most likely he would have to utilize the provider level system, which would be extremely expensive. The internet isn't one solid "thing" ... it's a lot of little computers (servers) connected through providers. A lot of servers are now stored in people's own homes, then they rent space and bandwidth for money, to extend the power to those would seriously overstep the bounds of government power, and would backlash badly to. But ... even if the internet providers were shut down, many servers can switch to dial up access very easily and create their own "temporary" internet, utilizing old BBS software, so us programmers would still be in touch with each other, while the rest of the population would be in the dark.

how does he keep all this a secret??? shoot the servers and everyone connected ?????:lol: secrecy and sealth would be the best weapon. download something like a worm that infects and reveals it it all. and how do we know its not already there???? one such threat i already mentioned was the flash. untectable


and whats on your machine now??? find out. [URL=""]here[/URL] this is just 1 method. ever use youtube????

There's the problem with most computer users, nothing about technology is a secret, other than some code (which eventually gets cracked then aired across the programmer forums). Simply people just don't bother looking into it. Flash cookies for one, there is a setting in Flash that you can actually prevent this, or if you run FireFox you can block all but content you trust, using plug ins. Sun isn't as insidious as Adobe, so Java could do this but doesn't, instead anytime Java wants to access your hard drive for anything it actually asks permission, Sun programmed that into their Java and offers no possible way for us programmers to avoid it, as long as you have the official Java runtime you are 100% secure in that. Adobe however has been poisoned by Microsucks, and anything they do now is insidious. Guess which company the government has contracts with? Anyhow, once you learn all the little forums and chat rooms (IRC) you can find out anything, and I mean anything, about technology. As you have noticed, I'm arrogant about computers, I know a lot and I'm damned proud of it, many of us programmers and engineers are like that. So you ask us a question about technology and we will try to answer if we know, or even ask others to find the answer for you if we don't. The problem is that I post huge long posts like this as an answer more often than not. ;)

and how many knew the flash even existed till today???? its just one of many ways. MS has more holes in it than the Titianic !!!!!
The more I learn, the more all these so called crazy Conspiracy theories are not so crazy. Does anyone think 2010 doesn't seem to matter to the WH and Congress?
how does he keep all this a secret??? shoot the servers and everyone connected ?????:lol: secrecy and sealth would be the best weapon. download something like a worm that infects and reveals it it all. and how do we know its not already there???? one such threat i already mentioned was the flash. untectable


and whats on your machine now??? find out. [URL=""]here[/URL] this is just 1 method. ever use youtube????

There's the problem with most computer users, nothing about technology is a secret, other than some code (which eventually gets cracked then aired across the programmer forums). Simply people just don't bother looking into it. Flash cookies for one, there is a setting in Flash that you can actually prevent this, or if you run FireFox you can block all but content you trust, using plug ins. Sun isn't as insidious as Adobe, so Java could do this but doesn't, instead anytime Java wants to access your hard drive for anything it actually asks permission, Sun programmed that into their Java and offers no possible way for us programmers to avoid it, as long as you have the official Java runtime you are 100% secure in that. Adobe however has been poisoned by Microsucks, and anything they do now is insidious. Guess which company the government has contracts with? Anyhow, once you learn all the little forums and chat rooms (IRC) you can find out anything, and I mean anything, about technology. As you have noticed, I'm arrogant about computers, I know a lot and I'm damned proud of it, many of us programmers and engineers are like that. So you ask us a question about technology and we will try to answer if we know, or even ask others to find the answer for you if we don't. The problem is that I post huge long posts like this as an answer more often than not. ;)

and how many knew the flash even existed till today???? its just one of many ways. MS has more holes in it than the Titianic !!!!!

Yep. I doubt most people even realize that almost all the ad animations on websites are now Flash ... with a script blocker (NoScript is the one I use) you see a little yellow square you have to click on or an alternate message or image (if the site designer was nice enough) unless I have that site white listed. Many sites are almost all yellow squares now. It blocks Java to, but when I allow Java I have the console pop up and I trust Sun still, they have no plans on ever allowing programmers around their built in permission requirements.
The more I learn, the more all these so called crazy Conspiracy theories are not so crazy. Does anyone think 2010 doesn't seem to matter to the WH and Congress?

That's the strange part. The line between conspiracy theory and justified paranoia blurs when you learn too much. There is one tell, conspiracy theories (the nutjob ones) tend to have no meaning, rhyme, or reason. We know that computer systems can be hacked, hell, I've done it in the past myself, and we know virus' exist and can be improved, done that in the past as well. We also know the government is trying to gain more control right now, so it's not a stretch, it's very possible they will go after computers. Microsucks is even working to eliminate personal computers altogether, offering just a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, your files are stored online on their servers. Luckily there isn't any interest, and hopefully the more educated people get the more resistant they will be to this idea. I don't believe innocent people have anything to hide, but I also know that your work is your own until you choose to release it to the public.

And because of the Cap and trade bill what makes you think that Phones will not be very expensive therefore no internet connection?

One question keeps popping into my head and that is "If someone wanted to take over a large Country what would be the process"? Military, communication, financial and what else?

It makes you wonder exactly what was in that book that Chavez gave Obama. Dictatorship for Dummies perhaps?
The more I learn, the more all these so called crazy Conspiracy theories are not so crazy. Does anyone think 2010 doesn't seem to matter to the WH and Congress?

That's the strange part. The line between conspiracy theory and justified paranoia blurs when you learn too much. There is one tell, conspiracy theories (the nutjob ones) tend to have no meaning, rhyme, or reason. We know that computer systems can be hacked, hell, I've done it in the past myself, and we know virus' exist and can be improved, done that in the past as well. We also know the government is trying to gain more control right now, so it's not a stretch, it's very possible they will go after computers. Microsucks is even working to eliminate personal computers altogether, offering just a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, your files are stored online on their servers. Luckily there isn't any interest, and hopefully the more educated people get the more resistant they will be to this idea. I don't believe innocent people have anything to hide, but I also know that your work is your own until you choose to release it to the public.

Can you imagine the uproar should George Bush had tried to do this?????
The more I learn, the more all these so called crazy Conspiracy theories are not so crazy. Does anyone think 2010 doesn't seem to matter to the WH and Congress?

That's the strange part. The line between conspiracy theory and justified paranoia blurs when you learn too much. There is one tell, conspiracy theories (the nutjob ones) tend to have no meaning, rhyme, or reason. We know that computer systems can be hacked, hell, I've done it in the past myself, and we know virus' exist and can be improved, done that in the past as well. We also know the government is trying to gain more control right now, so it's not a stretch, it's very possible they will go after computers. Microsucks is even working to eliminate personal computers altogether, offering just a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, your files are stored online on their servers. Luckily there isn't any interest, and hopefully the more educated people get the more resistant they will be to this idea. I don't believe innocent people have anything to hide, but I also know that your work is your own until you choose to release it to the public.

Can you imagine the uproar should George Bush had tried to do this?????

He did try, and there was an uproar, only he was smart enough to back down, one of Bush's few moments of clarity. Obama isn't backing down, this is his second attempt, and this time he's trying to reach even further. Obama isn't smart if he pushes this any further, if you want to see an internet smackdown, keep tabs on this bill.
I mentioned months ago that it was odd that there are no longer any ugly pics of Chelsea Clinton to be found on the internet.

I also mentioned it was the intent of Obama to shut down opposition by limiting, or eliminating, freedom of speech.

Per usual, I was 100 percent correct.
The more I learn, the more all these so called crazy Conspiracy theories are not so crazy. Does anyone think 2010 doesn't seem to matter to the WH and Congress?

with the power of the vote gone why should it matter to them????
I'm not surprised at all that this Government is trying to take control of the Internet. I am surprised though that so many are surprised by this. When did Socialism/Communism ever lead to More Freedom & Liberty for the People? You wanted Socialism/Communism? Well you got it America. :(
I'm not surprised at all that this Government is trying to take control of the Internet. I am surprised though that so many are surprised by this. When did Socialism/Communism ever lead to More Freedom & Liberty for the People? You wanted Socialism/Communism? Well you got it America. :(

You said that already.
May 29, 2009
Free Communication As a Threat to America

Posted by Butler Shaffer on May 29, 2009 10:22 AM

The god-king is on television informing us of the dangers that lie in a free and unregulated Internet. Along with everything else the state dislikes, free and open communication poses a “security” threat that must be confronted. Perhaps a “cyberspace coordinator” can be appointed (a phrase that sounds far less police-statish than what is really entailed, i.e., an “Internet czar”).

Is the god-king making a payoff to Hillary, who long ago urged the creation of a “gatekeeper” for the Internet, to keep just anyone from being able to put their views into the world? These slugs recognize what the late Richard Weaver acknowledged, namely, that “ideas have consequences.” And, being bankrupt of their own ideas with which to debate the rest of us, they prefer to censor the message center.

Burning books is too blatant a form of censorship – it even annoys librarians – and, furthermore, is contra the policies of the global warming alarmists. It is much easier to simply pull the plug on the system that allows new ways of thinking to be communicated to people who no longer find satisfaction in the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Wall Street Journal,the Washington Post, etc. And there are those who can only giggle when I suggest that Western civilization is in its final stage of collapse!
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1. How is this more ominous than the president's ability to declare "Martial Law"

2. This is a matter of national defense, several countries have already launched test mass-attacks against our country's administration and infrastruture through the internet.

3. If you people knew what could be accomplished through a massive "cyber-attack" you would not complain about this at all.


4. What does this matter? The previous administration has already given the federal government the ability to monitor your data communications and shut down whatever they want if they feel the situation warrants such actions, like if they claim you're engaging in terror-related activity, for instance.

Of course no-one on the right complained about it then. LOL.
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1. How is this more ominous than the president's ability to declare "Martial Law"

2. This is a matter of national defense, several countries have already launched test mass-attacks against our country's administration and infrastruture through the internet.

3. If you people knew what could be accomplished through a massive "cyber-attack" you would not complain about this at all.


4. What does this matter? The previous administration has already given the federal government the ability to monitor your data communications and shut down whatever they want if they feel the situation warrants such actions, like if they claim you're engaging in terror-related activity, for instance.

Of course no-one on the right complained about it then. LOL.

1. .... are you serious?

2. So, forcing privately owned and operated servers to use a specific (and highly insecure) software protects the country how?

3. "Massive cyber-attack" ... um yeah ... you know ... well nothing about the internet.

4. Bush took out the internet clause because he knew programmers (like me) would seriously hurt them if they didn't. ;)

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