Bill Would Require US National Soccer Teams Stand for National Anthem

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As for the white supremacy talking point, it's amusing the same athletes who want to disrespect the US as a racist country are more than happy to display respect for countries like China.

The Almighty US Dollar?

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
What bullshit.
I have two thoughts on this. First of all the government shouldn't be coercing citizens how to pose during the anthem. Secondly, I would like to see the end of all taxpayer funding of sports.
Professional or all sports?

"Between 1990 and 2010, 84 new facilities were built for the 122 teams playing in the four largest professional sports leagues.

"The combined construction cost was $34 billion, with $20 billion coming from public funding.

"Furthermore, 36 of the 45 new facilities built since the year 2000 were financed using municipal bonds, which are exempt from federal taxes, meaning taxpayers across the nation will contribute at least $3 billion more to subsidizing professional sports."

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?

Nothing says FREEDOM like force!

when trump steals the next election don't be surprised when they pass a bill mandating christian prayer

When none of what you, The DNC and the MSM says never happens dont be surprised when theres no retraction or admission of being wrong.
Mask cost money, libs whine voter suppression about people not being able to pay $10 for an ID
How much is your health worth?
Failing to vote won't immediately increase local death rates, but failing to wear a mask might.

So you're okay with government weaponizing an illness? Guess what the next time they won't need a death count before forcing quarantine/shut down.
The same experts like Fauci lied about masks claiming they were not needed for the general public, and now walking back the claim saying they didn't want competition with healthcare workers access. Yet when at the time TRUMP suggested people could wear a scarf or bandana as a face covering Fauci disregarded the suggestion.
Professional or all sports?

Yep, I went a bit overboard with all government spending.
If it was up to me government support of sports would be limited to little league baseball parks, youth soccer fields, and other public facilities not connected with privately owned sports teams. I also don't mind public school systems spending and likewise college sports facilities.

Our town had quite the controversy 8 years ago when the Goldwater Institute set eyes on our public recreational center.

The Goldwater Institute is backing away from a threat to sue Gilbert over its popular Freestone Recreation Center, which the conservative think tank believes unfairly competes against private health clubs and violates state law.​

In November, Goldwater attorney Taylor Earl sent a letter to Gilbert Mayor John Lewis demanding the town shutter or sell the $11 million public fitness center, which opened in 2002 and was funded by voter-approved bonds specific to the project.​
Our town had quite the controversy 8 years ago when the Goldwater Institute set eyes on our public recreational center.
Capitalism often finds it difficult to compete on level, heavily regulated playing fields when its competition isn't required to turn a profit.

Possibly the huge hit US GDP has taken from Covid-19 will open a few eyes to how much money we would have saved if government had stockpiled PPE equipment as efficiently as it stockpiles bombs, missiles, and other instruments of war?

Infographic: U.S. Economy Sees Sharp Downturn Amid COVID-19 Crisis
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.

That isn't how free speech works. But you know that. They are exemplifying everything this country is supposed to be about.
Yes, it is how freedom is speech works. Funny how it’s okay to get people fired from their jobs for criticizing BLM terrorists, yet not okay to fire a team member for breaking the team’s policy?

Yes, rightly or wrongly a private company can punish people for their speech unlike the government.

But this bill is going nowhere anyway.
True, the bill isn’t going anywhere – but that’s not the point.

The point is to pander to the authoritarian rightwing base hostile to, and fearful of, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

The point is to compel conformity and punish dissent.

And the point is that the likes of Gaetz and far too many others on the right have such contempt for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the rights enshrined in the First Amendment.
How about we just end government funding going to sports teams period? Now that is a thought....
Would you support US withdrawing from Olympic competition?
For it to work everyone has to be treated near the same. Everyone has to live near the same. That has not even begun to start. All rich people must forfeit most or all of their wealth. To buy into it. To buy their shares in this new endevour. And more then that. To guarantee their safety which revolution can not guarantee.
Our town had quite the controversy 8 years ago when the Goldwater Institute set eyes on our public recreational center.
Capitalism often finds it difficult to compete on level, heavily regulated playing fields when its competition isn't required to turn a profit.

Possibly the huge hit US GDP has taken from Covid-19 will open a few eyes to how much money we would have saved if government had stockpiled PPE equipment as efficiently as it stockpiles bombs, missiles, and other instruments of war?

Infographic: U.S. Economy Sees Sharp Downturn Amid COVID-19 Crisis

if government had stockpiled PPE equipment

How much PPE did Cuba and Venezuela stockpile?
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.

That isn't how free speech works. But you know that. They are exemplifying everything this country is supposed to be about.
Yes, it is how freedom is speech works. Funny how it’s okay to get people fired from their jobs for criticizing BLM terrorists, yet not okay to fire a team member for breaking the team’s policy?

Yes, rightly or wrongly a private company can punish people for their speech unlike the government.

But this bill is going nowhere anyway.
True, the bill isn’t going anywhere – but that’s not the point.

The point is to pander to the authoritarian rightwing base hostile to, and fearful of, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

The point is to compel conformity and punish dissent.

And the point is that the likes of Gaetz and far too many others on the right have such contempt for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the rights enshrined in the First Amendment.

The point is to pander to the authoritarian rightwing base hostile to, and fearful of, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

That's outrageous!!!!

We're only allowed to pander to the authoritarian leftwing base hostile to, and fearful of, America and individual liberty.

The point is to compel conformity and punish dissent.

I know, but enough about BLM.
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