"Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed Wired UK

"An extensive study into the financial networks that support groups denying the science behind climate change and opposing political action has found a vast, secretive web of think tanks and industry associations, bankrolled by conservative billionaires.

"I call it the climate-change counter movement," study author Robert Brulle, who published his results in the journal Climatic Change, told the Guardian. "It is not just a couple of rogue individuals doing this. This is a large-scale political effort."

His work, which is focused on the United States, shows how a network of 91 think tanks and industry groups are primarily responsible for conservative opposition to climate policy. Almost 80 percent of these groups are registered as charitable organisations for tax purposes, and collectively received more than seven billion dollars between 2003 and 2010."

Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed Wired UK

"An extensive study into the financial networks that support groups denying the science behind climate change and opposing political action has found a vast, secretive web of think tanks and industry associations, bankrolled by conservative billionaires.

"I call it the climate-change counter movement," study author Robert Brulle, who published his results in the journal Climatic Change, told the Guardian. "It is not just a couple of rogue individuals doing this. This is a large-scale political effort."

His work, which is focused on the United States, shows how a network of 91 think tanks and industry groups are primarily responsible for conservative opposition to climate policy. Almost 80 percent of these groups are registered as charitable organisations for tax purposes, and collectively received more than seven billion dollars between 2003 and 2010."


We already know about a vast AGW cult network. It's called the federal government. It has funding to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.

BTW, funding for sceptic organizations is only a few million. If Ed Koch gives $10 million to the CATO organization, which publishes an occasional article about the climate hoax, they count the entire $10 million as "funding to a denier organization."

The whole enterprise couldn't be more dishonest. It's just another example of how the AGW industry lies and bamboozles the public. If the science was "settled" as they claim, then why the compulsion to use all these sleazy tactics?
Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed Wired UK

"An extensive study into the financial networks that support groups denying the science behind climate change and opposing political action has found a vast, secretive web of think tanks and industry associations, bankrolled by conservative billionaires.

"I call it the climate-change counter movement," study author Robert Brulle, who published his results in the journal Climatic Change, told the Guardian. "It is not just a couple of rogue individuals doing this. This is a large-scale political effort."

His work, which is focused on the United States, shows how a network of 91 think tanks and industry groups are primarily responsible for conservative opposition to climate policy. Almost 80 percent of these groups are registered as charitable organisations for tax purposes, and collectively received more than seven billion dollars between 2003 and 2010."

You got something there bub
Seems those groups are trying to SAVE the taxpayer BILLIONS of dollars in DONATIONS that have vast kickback to the subversive DemocRAT party. We already know about West Anglia, we know about the FRAUD of that indisputable cklimate scientist AlGore, and his $100 million PROFIT from promoting MMGW and carbon credits, and we know this...

And you ask why there are so many of these "SCIENTISTS" that claim the same idiotic shit.....


Get a grip. It doesn't take "Think Tanks" and billionaires to expose the phony science being pushed by Obama, Gore and the rest of the Carbon Nazis.

The AGW cult wants to make people who express scepticism of their idiotic theories appear like they are part of some sinister cabal. Meanwhile they ridicule claims that they are deliberately fudging the data as some kind of wacko conspiracy theory. They are constantly talking out of both sides of their mouths, which is another reason to suspect every thing they claim.
Billion-dollar climate denial network exposed Wired UK

"An extensive study into the financial networks that support groups denying the science behind climate change and opposing political action has found a vast, secretive web of think tanks and industry associations, bankrolled by conservative billionaires.

"I call it the climate-change counter movement," study author Robert Brulle, who published his results in the journal Climatic Change, told the Guardian. "It is not just a couple of rogue individuals doing this. This is a large-scale political effort."

His work, which is focused on the United States, shows how a network of 91 think tanks and industry groups are primarily responsible for conservative opposition to climate policy. Almost 80 percent of these groups are registered as charitable organisations for tax purposes, and collectively received more than seven billion dollars between 2003 and 2010."


History repeats itself again and again. If you think about back in the twenties when tetraethyllead was used in cheaper gasoline production people were developing psychosis and dying from lead poisoning. Highly unsafe and being pumped out of our automobiles... Yet for 40 years the board of "scientists" (that were funded and employed by the big wigs of the oil companies) "claimed" it was safe. It took a geologist's studies (Clair Patterson) on lead who fought over and over again in court while being threatened constantly by those who funded the opposition. If everyone thought like the Climate change deniers in today's era while being swayed by $ from oil companies back in the 60's, we'd still be emitting lead into the air so the rich can make more $. As we emit a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide in unprecedented and exponential amounts via fossil fuels we are doing our planet a similar disservice as the greenhouse effect increases and Earth warms. If people were dying at the rate of the lead poisoned then maybe the climate change deniers would be more likely to understand and anticipate. If humans have any interest in slowing our extinction then we must abandon fossil fuels and flip the bird to the crooks at the top of oil companies.

Influenced by a couple of the greatest minds in the modern scientific and philosophic era, Carl Sagan and Neil Degrasse Tyson.

So would you rather believe the Rupert Murdock media propaganda or the greatest physicists of today?
They act as though "climate change" is settled science, and anyone who expresses skepticism is dangerous and needs to be silenced. Nothing new, this is how the left reacts to ANYONE who opposes ANY of their countless attempts to subvert and brainwash the people into falling in line with their agenda.
Global warming has been "settled" science for some time now. Has the world been warming as quickly as predicted?

If the answer to this question is no, then perhaps this issue of climate change isn't leading to such a disaster after all. Historically speaking, a warm globe has been good for humans and a cold globe has been bad.
Global warming has been "settled" science for some time now. Has the world been warming as quickly as predicted?

If the answer to this question is no, then perhaps this issue of climate change isn't leading to such a disaster after all. Historically speaking, a warm globe has been good for humans and a cold globe has been bad.

Anyone who uses the term "settled science" is an ignoramus who doesn't understand the first thing about science.
They act as though "climate change" is settled science, and anyone who expresses skepticism is dangerous and needs to be silenced. Nothing new, this is how the left reacts to ANYONE who opposes ANY of their countless attempts to subvert and brainwash the people into falling in line with their agenda.

That's exactly how the Spanish Inquisition and the Gestapo reacted to anyone who questioned the official dogma.
Read this article about how the fact that warming has slowed in the past few years due to natural variability is in no way a reason to doubt our planet is warming and will likely regain its sharp upward curve soon due to our industrialization.

The global warming slowdown is real but that s no reason to question climate science - The Washington Post
Global Warmers: What we said was going to happen by now hasn't happened, but there is no reason to be skeptical. You are anti science if you are skeptical.
"Skepticism" is what advances science. If you're looking for truth you should welcome skepticism and challenge, but we all know the left is not looking for truth, only what empowers them.
Omg. are the people who live there anything more but subjects/worker bees to these frikken idiots. ?

a network of deniers. THAT is their government telling them they are STUPID to buck the system . unbelievable but I expect it here soon
Read this article about how the fact that warming has slowed in the past few years due to natural variability is in no way a reason to doubt our planet is warming and will likely regain its sharp upward curve soon due to our industrialization.

The global warming slowdown is real but that s no reason to question climate science - The Washington Post
Global Warmers: What we said was going to happen by now hasn't happened, but there is no reason to be skeptical. You are anti science if you are skeptical.

You can be skeptical, but don't dismiss natural weather variability with a climate constant increase. With extensive sun spot activity we actually should be experiencing a cooling period right now but due to warming we have not seen that anticipated drop. You see a 3 or 4 year period of static behavior and automatically dismiss the rising CO2 constant... Which is still rising at this very moment. You have a cold night and dismiss warming... You drink a cold beer and dismiss warming. 97% of Climatologists agree that the Earth is warming and we have a direct influence on this. I think you are just in a state of denial which is still the first stage of grief, while the science community has excepted the Earth is warming and are looking into how to alter our fossil fuel dependence towards the like of solar energy. Not what you want to hear? Well that is too bad, role with the punches of the times and technology and join the rest of us towards a necessary goal of alternative energy for the good of mankind. And lets do it fast as China and Germany will probably be energy independent in the next 10 years.
Read this article about how the fact that warming has slowed in the past few years due to natural variability is in no way a reason to doubt our planet is warming and will likely regain its sharp upward curve soon due to our industrialization.

The global warming slowdown is real but that s no reason to question climate science - The Washington Post
Global Warmers: What we said was going to happen by now hasn't happened, but there is no reason to be skeptical. You are anti science if you are skeptical.

You can be skeptical, but don't dismiss natural weather variability with a climate constant increase. With extensive sun spot activity we actually should be experiencing a cooling period right now but due to warming we have not seen that anticipated drop. You see a 3 or 4 year period of static behavior and automatically dismiss the rising CO2 constant... Which is still rising at this very moment. You have a cold night and dismiss warming... You drink a cold beer and dismiss warming. 97% of Climatologists agree that the Earth is warming and we have a direct influence on this. I think you are just in a state of denial which is still the first stage of grief, while the science community has excepted the Earth is warming and are looking into how to alter our fossil fuel dependence towards the like of solar energy. Not what you want to hear? Well that is too bad, role with the punches of the times and technology and join the rest of us towards a necessary goal of alternative energy for the good of mankind. And lets do it fast as China and Germany will probably be energy independent in the next 10 years.

no one I know dismisses climate change. What they do dismiss, is this bullcrap how it's all MAN MADE. That sums up the cult of Globull warming AKA climate change. Liars, dishonest and haters to anyone who doesn't BOW to them
Read this article about how the fact that warming has slowed in the past few years due to natural variability is in no way a reason to doubt our planet is warming and will likely regain its sharp upward curve soon due to our industrialization.

The global warming slowdown is real but that s no reason to question climate science - The Washington Post
Global Warmers: What we said was going to happen by now hasn't happened, but there is no reason to be skeptical. You are anti science if you are skeptical.

You can be skeptical, but don't dismiss natural weather variability with a climate constant increase. With extensive sun spot activity we actually should be experiencing a cooling period right now but due to warming we have not seen that anticipated drop. You see a 3 or 4 year period of static behavior and automatically dismiss the rising CO2 constant... Which is still rising at this very moment. You have a cold night and dismiss warming... You drink a cold beer and dismiss warming. 97% of Climatologists agree that the Earth is warming and we have a direct influence on this. I think you are just in a state of denial which is still the first stage of grief, while the science community has excepted the Earth is warming and are looking into how to alter our fossil fuel dependence towards the like of solar energy. Not what you want to hear? Well that is too bad, role with the punches of the times and technology and join the rest of us towards a necessary goal of alternative energy for the good of mankind. And lets do it fast as China and Germany will probably be energy independent in the next 10 years.
Nobody is against the development of alternative energy, just don't do away with our current sources BEFORE the alternative sources are developed.

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