Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud


VIP Member
May 21, 2014
I guess this just proves that every moon-worshiping dog really does have its day. The Koranimals have finally gotten something right.

Justice at Last: Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud
A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam in Iran, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.

Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the TV reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran's top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.

Khosravi's business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.
Iran billionaire executed over $2.6B bank fraud

Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.
Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.
Iran's death penalty has nothing to do with conservatives here. Is there a prize for stupidest post you're after?
Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.
Iran's death penalty has nothing to do with conservatives here. Is there a prize for stupidest post you're after?

We have our death penalty because of conservatives
Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.
Iran's death penalty has nothing to do with conservatives here. Is there a prize for stupidest post you're after?

We have our death penalty because of conservatives

You mean the Founding Fathers?
I guess this just proves that every moon-worshiping dog really does have its day. The Koranimals have finally gotten something right.

Justice at Last: Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud
A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam in Iran, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.

Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the TV reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran's top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.

Khosravi's business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.
Iran billionaire executed over $2.6B bank fraud

Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

Meanwhile Obama dumps 80 billion a month on the rich (including bankers) to make the markets look good while the middle class shrinks and we all get more poor.

Committing over 1 trillion dollars of fraud a year.... Obama collects the taxes it brings in just so he can tell you he shrinks the deficit. Obama tells you the economy is recovering... 80 billion dollars printed up to make us poor and the rich richer.

Thanks Obama! When your out of office maybe consider moving to Iran?
Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.
Iran's death penalty has nothing to do with conservatives here. Is there a prize for stupidest post you're after?

We have our death penalty because of conservatives

Read my sig.... You're a lot like this banker. Odd you cheer his execution.
The cons would love to see Bill Gates and Warren Buffet executed.

Bill and Buffet have done what Arnold, Stallone and the Rock did... After these guys became rich and famous from movies they then tell you steroids are bad despite they themselves doing more than a fair share.

Bill and Buffet run the same PR game... Get uber rich, then tell people others should not do what they did to get rich... Then continue doing the same shit.
I guess this just proves that every moon-worshiping dog really does have its day. The Koranimals [sic] have finally gotten something right.

Justice at Last: Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud
A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam in Iran, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.

Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the TV reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran's top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.

Khosravi's business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.
Iran billionaire executed over $2.6B bank fraud

Conservatards [sic] say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided [sic] by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

You know what's great? Your violent little Marxist fantasies are never going to come true, comrade. Idiots like you and joeb will just wallow in bigotry and impotence for the remainder of your utterly meaningless lives, frustrated and insignificant. Go ahead and make an ass of yourself here; that's as far as it goes.
The cons would love to see Bill Gates and Warren Buffet executed.

Why don't you point out a conservative here who has called for that, or STFU until you grow up a little?

The Progressive hero is not an accomplished hero in regards to the ideals of what a Progressive would claim makes up that hero, but rather a Progressive hero can be someone like Buffet, Bill or Obama... Take Obama, claiming he would end the Iraq war as "the first thing he will do as President." Or That Obama claimed he would close Guantanamo, be the more transparent admin in history, give whatever amount of time for bills to be viewed online before passing, and instead we got something more like this list.

Obama runs massive deficits
Obama spends over 150 billion more than Bush/Reps on wars
Obama starts new wars and expands old wars
Bush had to end the Iraq war on his set timetable despite Obama trying to keep us there
Obama spies on our allies and all US citizens.
Obama got the country downgraded
Obama divided the country
Obama has more people on food stamps than ever before
Obama has historic welfare usage
Obama has historic black un-employment
Obama managed to be a worse public speaker than mother fucking Bush when he's not reading a script someone else wrote for his ignorant ass
Obama expanded homeland security
Obama expanded the patriot act
Obama failed to close Guantanamo
Obama passed the NDA after claiming he would't
Obama assassinated a US citizen, historic!
Obama plays golf, a lot... LOLz
Obama says "ya'll"
Obama lies so much that most the nation no longer trusts him
Obama is losing the youth
Obama lost 1 million voters in 2012 VS 2008, historic! As no time has either party lost voters outside of Perot. Obama is forcing people to buy a product - can't wait to see where that goes in the future! Obama bailed out the rich Obama blew a near 1 trillion dollar stimulus and then laffed about it "I guess these shovel ready jobs went so shovel ready." Obama got the Government shut down only to days later after it re-opened try and the very thing Republicans were asking to be done due to Obamacare failing, a extension to implement Obamacare..
Obama spies on our allies, destroying our reputation as well… being an ally.
Obama spies on hundreds of millions of Americans despite it being unconstitutional, then lies and tries to cover it up after being caught.

progressive hero is a do as I say not as I do kind of person.
but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes?

Martha was railroaded, so I hope she wouldn't get the death sentence. Even the government agreed she hadn't actually engaged in insider trading, but because since she thought she had engaged in insider trading, it counts as doing it. That is, thoughtcrime is the same as realcrime.

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