Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud

I guess this just proves that every moon-worshiping dog really does have its day. The Koranimals have finally gotten something right.

Justice at Last: Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud
A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam in Iran, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.

Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the TV reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran's top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.

Khosravi's business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.
Iran billionaire executed over $2.6B bank fraud

Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

no death for bank fraud bad

death for multiple rapes and murders bad

you are one fucked in the head shitstain.
Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses..

What the hell are you talking about? Are you a joke account making fun of liberals?

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

For being rich or for actually committing a crime?

I am 100% for taxing the uber rich much more until the growth of the top 1% compared to the rest of the country stabilizes and actually shrinks to levels no longer at the banana republic level.

Thing is, much of what the uber rich earn is not regular income - which we already tax liberally - but rather interest and dividends on investments which are private prop and very necessary to economic growth. Do you really want to set our gov't to the task of confiscating private wealth?
Be careful what you wish for ... that's a very slippery slope.
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Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses..

What the hell are you talking about? Are you a joke account making fun of liberals?

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

For being rich or for actually committing a crime?

I am 100% for taxing the uber rich much more until the growth of the top 1% compared to the rest of the country stabilizes and actually shrinks to levels no longer at the banana republic level.

LM certainly is over-the-top but the rationale is that of a hardcore socialist. :cuckoo:
Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses..

What the hell are you talking about? Are you a joke account making fun of liberals?

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

For being rich or for actually committing a crime?

I am 100% for taxing the uber rich much more until the growth of the top 1% compared to the rest of the country stabilizes and actually shrinks to levels no longer at the banana republic level.

Thing is, much of what the uber rich earn is not regular income - which we already tax liberally - but rather interest and dividends on investments which are private prop and very necessary to economic growth. Do you really want to set our gov't to the task of confiscating private wealth?
Be careful what you wish for ... that's a very slippery slope.

Reasoned response, but I disagree that the top tax bracket is already taxed "liberally" on income. That is simply not historically accurate.

The top 1% continues to grow at higher rates than the rest of the country, and now they own the Republican economic policy, as Republicans have proven multiple times taxes on the middle and lower classes are just fine with them. Taxes increases on the lower 90% are something the Democrats need to use political capital against to avoid. (please see payroll tax cut)

You know what's great? Your violent little Marxist fantasies are never going to come true, comrade. Idiots like you and joeb will just wallow in bigotry and impotence for the remainder of your utterly meaningless lives, frustrated and insignificant. Go ahead and make an ass of yourself here; that's as far as it goes.

Hey, Poop-boy, frankly, the only guy who sounds frustrated is you.

Maybe if you didn't have such weird fantasies, you might stand a chance of getting laid.

Well, so far, the first two posts on this thread are pretty disturbing.

I'd be interested to know how many people on this board agree, and just don't want to say it.


Okay, I'm just curious what you consider disturbing.

Right Wingers have no problem with executing poor people. Aren't even bothered that we came this close to executing people who didn't even do what they were accused of.

But Iran executes a rich person, and OH MY GOD!!!!!

I think an execution would be a bit harsh, but it would have been nice if SOMEONE had been held accountable for the crash of 2008.

Well, so far, the first two posts on this thread are pretty disturbing.

I'd be interested to know how many people on this board agree, and just don't want to say it.


I agree with the OP EXCEPT for giving billionaires, or anyone, the death penalty. The death penalty should be abolished. All other first world, modern Western nations have abolished the death penalty, and they are doing just fine. Studies show that the death penalty does not deter heinous crime. But I think it is good to give people like the one described in the OP very serious time. And I think it is wrong to give petty criminals, such as those in prison for drug use, heavy sentences simply because they don't have the money for good representation or they have a history of teenage and young adult petty crimes, like drug use. Almost all of the people in prison and those put to death in America are poor people.
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Well, so far, the first two posts on this thread are pretty disturbing.

I'd be interested to know how many people on this board agree, and just don't want to say it.


Okay, I'm just curious what you consider disturbing.

Right Wingers have no problem with executing poor people. Aren't even bothered that we came this close to executing people who didn't even do what they were accused of.

But Iran executes a rich person, and OH MY GOD!!!!!

I think an execution would be a bit harsh, but it would have been nice if SOMEONE had been held accountable for the crash of 2008.
I think this is the guy.
Reasoned response, but I disagree that the top tax bracket is already taxed "liberally" on income. That is simply not historically accurate.

The top 1% continues to grow at higher rates than the rest of the country, and now they own the Republican economic policy, as Republicans have proven multiple times taxes on the middle and lower classes are just fine with them. Taxes increases on the lower 90% are something the Democrats need to use political capital against to avoid. (please see payroll tax cut)
The top one percent growing has nothing to do with their tax rate. The fact is that they do pay a higher tax rate, I don't know what planet you were historically referring to. The Republicans haven't been in power for a while now, you know have a clue what's going on.

Well, so far, the first two posts on this thread are pretty disturbing.

I'd be interested to know how many people on this board agree, and just don't want to say it.


This individual was seated next to a major highway, holding a placard that read "Use R.I.C.O. for Bank Fraud", R.I.C.O. being an acronym for the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act see Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Someone like this would be an interesting choice to put this question to (ie about imposing very severe punishments for bank fraud).

Making a Statement on "Black Friday"
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Well, so far, the first two posts on this thread are pretty disturbing.

I'd be interested to know how many people on this board agree, and just don't want to say it.


Okay, I'm just curious what you consider disturbing.

Right Wingers have no problem with executing poor people. Aren't even bothered that we came this close to executing people who didn't even do what they were accused of.

But Iran executes a rich person, and OH MY GOD!!!!!

I think an execution would be a bit harsh, but it would have been nice if SOMEONE had been held accountable for the crash of 2008.

okay, Fwankie, those guys had nothing to do with it.

It was bush and his boys and their pals on Wall Street that wrecked the economy and put the GOP on the fast track to political extinction.

Say hi to the Whigs for me.

LOL Do you know who the guy next to Obama is??????

How many executives from Fannie and Freddie went to jail?
okay, Fwankie, those guys had nothing to do with it.

It was bush and his boys and their pals on Wall Street that wrecked the economy and put the GOP on the fast track to political extinction.

Say hi to the Whigs for me.

LOL Do you know who the guy next to Obama is??????

How many executives from Fannie and Freddie went to jail?

NOne. And none of them deserved to, Fannie and Freddie weren't the problem, dumbass.

The Problem was AIG and Citibank and Behr-Sterns and Lehman Brothers taking those sub-prime mortgages and selling them as 'investments".

That's where the scam part of this came in.
okay, Fwankie, those guys had nothing to do with it.

It was bush and his boys and their pals on Wall Street that wrecked the economy and put the GOP on the fast track to political extinction.

Say hi to the Whigs for me.

LOL Do you know who the guy next to Obama is??????

How many executives from Fannie and Freddie went to jail?

NOne. And none of them deserved to, Fannie and Freddie weren't the problem, dumbass.

The Problem was AIG and Citibank and Behr-Sterns and Lehman Brothers taking those sub-prime mortgages and selling them as 'investments".

That's where the scam part of this came in.

Fannie and Freddie were doing the same things, except they were much more leveraged. The GSEs were stamping guarantees on the mortgages that allowed the banks to sell subprime mortgages.

I put more blame on Wall Street than the GSEs, but to say they weren't part of the problem demonstrates again that you have little clue what happened.
I guess this just proves that every moon-worshiping dog really does have its day. The Koranimals have finally gotten something right.

Justice at Last: Billionaire EXECUTED for Bank Fraud
A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam in Iran, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.

Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the TV reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran's top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.

Khosravi's business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.
Iran billionaire executed over $2.6B bank fraud

Conservatards say they're all about freedom and equal treatment under the law, but when was the last time you heard about a Martha Stewart or Bernie Madoff getting the death penalty for THEIR crimes? Never. Never ever ever. Meanwhile, African-Americans are getting genocided by the thousands all across the country for relatively petty offenses.

The sooner America institutes a death penalty for billionaires, the better.

I don't know whether to rebuke the OP author here for being a total and complete hypocrite about the "official liberal stance" on the death penalty or whoop it up for a victory for the middle class? Maybe it's why that poster chose Rachael Maddow's mug for their avatar? She is the queen of being completely blind to her own hypocrisy.

Though, hearing that a scamming rich person got the death penalty does make me smile. I'm not going to hide it. Though probably the crew behind Fox News just squirmed a little in their seats..
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okay, Fwankie, those guys had nothing to do with it.

It was bush and his boys and their pals on Wall Street that wrecked the economy and put the GOP on the fast track to political extinction.

Say hi to the Whigs for me.


If you lived in the USA, you'd know that was Jon Corzine who was co-Chair of Goldman Sachs (Mean, wicked Wall Street bank...grrrrrrrrr, Progressive get so angry at Wall Street Bank...grrrrrrrr, ahh fire! Make food!!)

Jon was Governor of NJ then ran another Wall Street Bank (grrrr...well you know the rest) and Stole over $1B from his clients
okay, Fwankie, those guys had nothing to do with it.

It was bush and his boys and their pals on Wall Street that wrecked the economy and put the GOP on the fast track to political extinction.

Say hi to the Whigs for me.


If you lived in the USA, you'd know that was Jon Corzine who was co-Chair of Goldman Sachs (Mean, wicked Wall Street bank...grrrrrrrrr, Progressive get so angry at Wall Street Bank...grrrrrrrr, ahh fire! Make food!!)

Jon was Governor of NJ then ran another Wall Street Bank (grrrr...well you know the rest) and Stole over $1B from his clients

Um, Corzine wasn't at goldman when it went under... so that argument doesn't fly.

He was still governor of NJ.

Fannie and Freddie were doing the same things, except they were much more leveraged. The GSEs were stamping guarantees on the mortgages that allowed the banks to sell subprime mortgages.

I put more blame on Wall Street than the GSEs, but to say they weren't part of the problem demonstrates again that you have little clue what happened.

I know exactly what happened.

A bunch of rich assholes committed economic treason and fucked up the economy.

You know, the Iranians might be on to something here.

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