Billionaires - Super PACs - Policy - Cabinet Fights

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Billionaires - Super PACs - Policy - Cabinet Fights

Dante followed the Super PACs closely during the 2012 Presidential election, and like many of the political junkies wondered what permanent role the PACs would play in American politics.

A few major issues have Super PAC money behind them, but this Hagel fight is one the right wing billionaires have staked their model on.

There will be more of this to come, if the next President is a Republican you can be sure the right will be told to scream bloody murder about Democratic backed Super PACs using this right wing billionaire tactic. If the next President is a Democrat, the right will be told to scream bloody murder when Democrats cry bloody murder about right wing Super PACs doing Hagels on every appointee, proposed or considered and on every potential and real nomination.

Brave new world we have entered. This is the true legacy of Citizens United, which in some ways Dante has come to support for some pretty basic reasons not listed here.

Big money gets in on Cabinet nomination fights -
"This isn't good for America," said Gary Hart, a former Democratic senator from Colorado. "It is terribly poisonous. And it just starts a very, very bad precedent."

The trend has rapidly accelerated in campaigns since federal court decisions in 2010 opened the door to unfettered political spending by corporations and wealthy individuals.

^ that opened one big can o' worms....
"This isn't good for America," said Gary Hart, a former Democratic senator from Colorado. "It is terribly poisonous. And it just starts a very, very bad precedent."

The trend has rapidly accelerated in campaigns since federal court decisions in 2010 opened the door to unfettered political spending by corporations and wealthy individuals.

^ that opened one big can o' worms....

I agree with much of the principles involved in the Citizens United decision laid out by backers of it....where I depart is how people like Justice Kennedy portrayed reality.

Controls are not unconstitutional,,,,how we enact controls is where cases will be won on bringing reality into the process and debate

note: Writing for the majority in the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, Justice Anthony Kennedy argued that independent expenditures by corporations “do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.”

Resolve to Overturn 'Citizens United' Spreads Through the States | The Nation
I remember thinking "bully for that" re: the decision, but now...

I don't think the Hagel confirm will be determined (or influenced) by paid media ads.
As the article points out- supporters may gain an upper hand on access to him.
Influence policy? Nah.

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