Billy Graham has died at 99

" my dad was once asked, “Where is Heaven?” He said, “Heaven is where Jesus is and I am going to Him soon!” This morning, he departed this world into eternal life in Heaven, prepared by the Lord Jesus Christ—the Savior of the world—whom he proclaimed for 80 years." - Franklin Graham
edthecynic is only brave when it comes to insulting Christians......
When it comes to Radical Muslims.......he's a remarkably quiet cynic. Let's call it what it is...."Cowardly".

God bless Billy Graham. The world is a colder place without his presence.
"you take care of all your physical needs. WHAT ABOUT YOUR SPIRITUAL NEEDS?!" - Graham once erupted
edthecynic is only brave when it comes to insulting Christians......
When it comes to Radical Muslims.......he's a remarkably quiet cynic. Let's call it what it is...."Cowardly".
When the Christian Right can't disprove what is said, they cowardly attack the messenger rather than admit the God's honest truth.
Thank you.
“I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right.”
[quoting Billy Graham] Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don't you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.
I now associate Billy Graham with free-market capitalism: "The Garden of Eden, [Graham] told a rally in 1952, was a paradise with 'no union dues, no labor leaders, no snakes [?!], no disease'"
Billy sure had no like for the Alt Right and the racists and the anti-Semites, et al
“It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge and my job to love.”
Billy Graham
Yes #112, since nazism is morality itself, there's no reason to make a case against anti-semites, while leaving the victim little room for alternatives, which wins attendance at speeches.
“Someone asked me recently if I didn’t think God was unfair, allowing me to have Parkinson’s and other medical problems when I have tried to serve him faithfully. I replied that I did not see it that way at all. Suffering is part of the human condition, and it comes to us all. The key is how we react to it, either turning away from God in anger and bitterness or growing closer to him in trust and confidence.”

Billy Graham
he was not annoying------relative to some other television preachers-----

Nixon And Billy Graham
Anti-Semitism Caught On Tape
Nixon And Billy Graham Anti-Semitism Caught On Tape
Rev. Billy Graham openly voiced a belief that Jews control the American media, calling it a "stranglehold" during a 1972 conversation with President Richard Nixon, according to a tape of the Oval Office meeting released Thursday by the National Archives.

"This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," the nation's best-known preacher declared as he agreed with a stream of bigoted Nixon comments about Jews and their perceived influence in American life.

"You believe that?" Nixon says after the "stranglehold" comment.

"Yes, sir," Graham says.

"Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it."

"No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something," Graham replies.
"my home is in heaven. i'm just passing through this world" - Billy Graham
He was wrong. We were promised the earth.
Christ and the Father are moving HERE.
That is true. The meek have inherited the earth; the persecuted the kingdom of God.

But resurrection is a promise not only to the nation's but also to the individual.

I'm not convinced that Graham understood the inheritance he received while alive, but one thing is sure: he just passed through.
How can a person be a Christian and yet still be a sinner at the same time? That seems like a contradiction to me. After all, when we come to Christ doesn't He forgive us and cleanse us of all our sins?
Billy Graham:
Yes, God does forgive us and cleanse us of all our sins when we trust Christ and commit our lives to Him. Some of the most reassuring words in all the Bible are these: “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

But we still have the capacity to sin—and the reason is because we are still sinners! You see, in the Bible there is a difference between “sin” and “sins.” “Sins” are those things we do that are wrong—evil actions, wrong thoughts or motives, harsh or unkind words, even failing to do something we should have done (such as loving others). When we sin, we should confess it immediately and ask God for forgiveness.

But “sin” is something deeper. Sin is like a disease—a spiritual disease that resides deep within us all. And as long as we live, this disease of sin will still be part of us. Only in heaven will it be killed, and we will become like Christ. The Bible says, “But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).

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