Billy Graham has died at 99

"Graham had a surprisingly large fascination with Pyongyang because of its flourishing evangelical community."
He inherited the land. It was his family’s dairy farm.
He lived a simple life. You no nothing of his life.
At home

Commenting on his $3,000 suits, "they fellith from heaven and fitith me perfectly"
Sure just a tiny little log cabin.

A better picture of the Graham mansion.


with the property surrounding? sheeesh------can I have it----I think he was my
Yes he inherited the LAND, and expanded the log house on it into the lavish mansion it is now.
You couldn’t quote John 11:35 if we gave you the first and last word
Now united forever with his wife
That is not what the bible says, it says you will have no mate in heaven.

I know you've probably been asked this before, but will we be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven? I sure hope so. I lost my wife to cancer last year, and about the only thing that keeps me going is the hope that we'll see each other again.

Billy Graham A:
Yes, I have every confidence that we will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone to Heaven before us. Heaven is a place of perfect happiness—and one of its greatest joys will be our reunion with those we love. God loves us, and He will not withhold that joy from us!

I think, for example, of King David in the Bible. When his infant son died, he felt his loss very deeply—and yet David was comforted by the fact that some day they would be reunited. When news came of the baby’s death, David declared, “Can I bring him back again? I will go to him” (2 Samuel 12:23).

I think too of the occasion when Jesus’ appearance was changed (or transfigured) and His heavenly glory shone through. We are told that Moses and Elijah also appeared—and they were recognized by the disciples who were with Jesus, proving that we will retain our individuality in Heaven (see Luke 9:28-36).

Take comfort in the truth that if you know Christ and are trusting Him for your salvation, some day you will be reunited with those who have gone to Heaven before you. But take comfort most of all in the fact that you will be with Christ, and you will share in Heaven’s glory. Is your faith and hope in Him? The Bible says, “We know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).
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"Jesus wasn't just some other revolutionary, or some other hippie, HE WAS GOD! HE WAS GOD! HE WAS GOD!" - Billy Graham
'News of Billy Graham's death is "fake news." He's more alive than ever! The life he now lives will never end. THAT was his message. If not true, his entire life was a tragedy. It wasn't.' - Wacky Mike Huckabee
"my home is in heaven. i'm just passing through this world" - Billy Graham
Amen. I feel grateful that my parents took me to his Kansas City Crusade when I was a young boy.

For those here, if you want to join him someday, here is the roadmap.

For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever beliveth in Him, shall have everlasting life.

John 3:16

R.I.P. Reverend Billy
"According to the North Koreans, Billy Graham said: “Not believing in God but believing in his people, Premier Kim Il Sung who governs the country in his own way made me think that he might be God.”

North Korean media also claimed Graham called Kim "the greatest among all human beings." A Graham spokesman, quite reasonably, denied this. "These words do not even remotely resemble Mr. Graham’s theology or his language,” he said."

Preaching the Gospel in the Hermit Kingdom
Billy Graham's Grandson Will Graham Shares Gospel with Thousands of Chinese, Hundreds Accept Christ

His wife grew up in China-

“Ruth Bell Graham was born in China in 1920, where her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. Nelson Bell, were medical missionaries at a hospital north of Shanghai. She spent most of her childhood in China and first sensed the great calling to abandon all for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ during her time there, even dreaming of becoming a missionary in Tibet.”

They opened many hospitals there.

They also opened hospitals in Haiti, Liberia, Iraq, and many, many other places.

"Graham had a surprisingly large fascination with Pyongyang because of its flourishing evangelical community."
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Sad, he was a good man.
Yes and I used to watch as many of his Crusades as I could even though I was never very religious. I loved he way he spread his message to millions and to many presidents. It made me feel better after listening to him.

I am in agreement with this statement from the article I am posting:

"He was so real, he made Christianity come true." observed Susan Harding, an anthropologist at the University of California-Santa Cruz. "He was homespun, historical and newsworthy all at once. He could span the times from Christ to today, from the globe to you, all in one sentence."

Billy Graham, America's pastor, has died
I got to see him one time in person. He was phenomenal.

He is in the arms of God.

May his son Franklin be able to fulfill his legacy.

Samaritan’s Purse does such great work.
Franklin seems to be specializing in feeding and housing the poor around the world and running the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. His grandson Will Graham seems to have the outreach calling of Billy.
'News of Billy Graham's death is "fake news." He's more alive than ever! The life he now lives will never end. THAT was his message. If not true, his entire life was a tragedy. It wasn't.' - Wacky Mike Huckabee
I thought the same when I heard it. He is now at his eternal home.
“You’re not saved by joining a church. You’re not saved by living a good moral life. You’re saved only because of the grace of God in Christ.” - Graham
"it's election day. you either vote for Christ or for the Devil" - Graham
"He inspired and changed millions of lives with his message of hope and grace" - Sam Hatch
"What joy there must be in Heaven this morning as this good and faithful servant enters into the joy of His Lord. You were one of a kind Sir and this world will not be the same place without you." - Good Old Charlie Daniels
Billy Graham was too good for this world. We should all thank God for blessing us for 99 years.

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