Biofuels Harm Planet, Cost More, British Group Says


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Mike Ciandella | April 15, 2013

Biofuels harm the planet more than fossil fuels, and even lead to greater deforestation, according to areport put out this month by the British think tank Chatham House. The study also said that biofuels are far less cost effective than traditional fuels.

Read more: Biofuels Harm Planet, Cost More, British Group Says | NewsBusters

Why does this not surprise me? But, the Greenies and Libtards won't care – they know what they want and won't let facts get in the way!
thats most likely tru of corn it takes a huge amount of bulk grain an energy to manufacture it into useable fuel
Gonna cost more to go green...
Biofuels: More Expensive and Potentially Worse for the Environment
April 22, 2014 — The lure of biofuels is strong: domestic energy independence, environmental advantages with potential cost savings – it is a compelling story. "Flex Fuel" vehicles can fill up with E85 ethanol and take advantage of pump prices usually well below regular grade gasoline. But with a reported decrease in fuel economy ranging from 25% to 30% or more, consumers are apparently spending more to go green when filling up.
And now comes a report that some corn-based ethanol can actually generate more greenhouse gases than gasoline.

A team of researchers, led by assistant professor Adam Liska from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, found that removing corn stover -- the residue remaining after a harvest that is being proposed for future expansion of ethanol production -- actually generates more carbon dioxide than energy. According to the study, total annual production emissions generated by the process, averaged over five years, would produce emissions 7% greater than gasoline and at a level well above the 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as required by the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act.

The U.S. Department of Energy has provided more than $1 billion in federal funds to support research to develop so-called "cellulosic" biofuels, including ethanol made from corn stover. The production process has not yet gained broad acceptance, though several companies are developing biorefineries capable of converting corn fiber into fuel.

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) dismissed the study as "deeply flawed and contradictory to current science," saying the research showed "a complete lack of understanding" of current farming practices.


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