Birds of a feather..Nazis endorse OWS


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
You are in good company lefties. The American nazi party, CPUSA, Bernie Sanders and China endorse the OWS rabble.
All sorts of vermin will come out to demonstrate, be on TV, have their "Day in the limelight", destroy some public property, drive away patrons of local businesses, try to prove how tough they are by sticking it out and hopefully get arrested of beaten as they carry their signs of the time. They don't really give a damn what the demonstration is about.

Communist. Nazi, Marxist? Doesn't matter...they just want the coverage.
I wonder if Republican Rich Iott endorsed them as well? Because he, you know, likes Nazis and stuff.

Why Is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi? - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

An election year already notable for its menagerie of extreme and unusual candidates can add another one: Rich Iott, the Republican nominee for Congress from Ohio's 9th District, and a Tea Party favorite, who for years donned a German Waffen SS uniform and participated in Nazi re-enactments.

Iott, whose district lies in Northwest Ohio, was involved with a group that calls itself Wiking, whose members are devoted to re-enacting the exploits of an actual Nazi division, the 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking, which fought mainly on the Eastern Front during World War II. Iott's participation in the Wiking group is not mentioned on his campaign's website, and his name and photographs were removed from the Wiking website.
Getting the blessing of the two movements responsible for deliberately causing the most deaths of the last century should make the OWS feel all warm and fuzzy, one hundred million dead between the two.
The Greenies should give Karl, Joe, Adolph, Mao, and Pol each a medal. Can you imagine the tizzy the eco freaks would be in today if all those hundred million had survived and produced their own progeny to litter and pollute the world as we know it today?
No big deal, we're on the verge of another war today that'll do a little human housecleaning of its own. Nine out of ten of those alive today soon to be dead, that'll help spruce up the environment.
Getting the blessing of the two movements responsible for deliberately causing the most deaths of the last century should make the OWS feel all warm and fuzzy, one hundred million dead between the two.
The Greenies should give Karl, Joe, Adolph, Mao, and Pol each a medal. Can you imagine the tizzy the eco freaks would be in today if all those hundred million had survived and produced their own progeny to litter and pollute the world as we know it today?
No big deal, we're on the verge of another war today that'll do a little human housecleaning of its own. Nine out of ten of those alive today soon to be dead, that'll help spruce up the environment.
Are you trying to say that the American left are all homicdal sociopathic dictator types?
Getting the blessing of the two movements responsible for deliberately causing the most deaths of the last century should make the OWS feel all warm and fuzzy, one hundred million dead between the two.
The Greenies should give Karl, Joe, Adolph, Mao, and Pol each a medal. Can you imagine the tizzy the eco freaks would be in today if all those hundred million had survived and produced their own progeny to litter and pollute the world as we know it today?
No big deal, we're on the verge of another war today that'll do a little human housecleaning of its own. Nine out of ten of those alive today soon to be dead, that'll help spruce up the environment.
Are you trying to say that the American left are all homicdal sociopathic dictator types?

No, just willing to be led by one. Since you ask.
Getting the blessing of the two movements responsible for deliberately causing the most deaths of the last century should make the OWS feel all warm and fuzzy, one hundred million dead between the two.
The Greenies should give Karl, Joe, Adolph, Mao, and Pol each a medal. Can you imagine the tizzy the eco freaks would be in today if all those hundred million had survived and produced their own progeny to litter and pollute the world as we know it today?
No big deal, we're on the verge of another war today that'll do a little human housecleaning of its own. Nine out of ten of those alive today soon to be dead, that'll help spruce up the environment.
Are you trying to say that the American left are all homicdal sociopathic dictator types?

No, just willing to be led by one. Since you ask.
I thought Obama was elected. I also wasn't aware of any genocidal stuff going on. I also hadn't heard that Obama is a dictator....don't we still have a congress?
The word "nazi" is derived from the NSDP ...nationalist socialist democratic party. If you look around today the similarity between the NSDP and the OWS and the radical left is startling. We had a Mussolini look- a- like union leader standing beside the grinning president telling Americans "here is your army, we are ready to march, and take out those (Jewish?) SOB's . They blame the Jewish conspiracy and the banks for unemployment and endorse government control of goods and services. As Yogi Berra would say "it's deja-vu all over again".
You are in good company lefties. The American nazi party, CPUSA, Bernie Sanders and China endorse the OWS rabble.

You forgot Chavez and Khamenei.

Seriously, what does this say about the movement when these are who support it?
Rumour has it Chavez isn't long for the world anyway...

Chavez's Former Doctor Predicts Venezuelan Leader Has Two Years to Live

Yeah, the Lockerbie bomber was reported to be on deaths door three months ago too.

What kind of 'movement' is this OWS when Nazis, Communists and the like are supporting it? :cuckoo:
You forgot Chavez and Khamenei.

Seriously, what does this say about the movement when these are who support it?
Rumour has it Chavez isn't long for the world anyway...

Chavez's Former Doctor Predicts Venezuelan Leader Has Two Years to Live

Yeah, the Lockerbie bomber was reported to be on deaths door three months ago too.

What kind of 'movement' is this OWS when Nazis, Communists and the like are supporting it? :cuckoo:
They're trying to incite revolution as they have been for about 100 years.

It will fail.
Wall Street destroyed the world economy with a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme, and no one went to jail because of it.

No amount of deversion on your part will change that.

Click on the link.....

A £516 trillion derivatives 'time-bomb' - Business News, Business - The Independent

Well I think Barney Frank and Chris Dodd should go to jail over it. But you guys are the ones not only protecting them but getting them to write more legislation helping out their friends while screwing us.

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