Birth certificate inside joke

There's plenty of "proof" he went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law.

Printed in the same font as the "birth cetififate" - a font not invented at the alleged time of the various (non)events? Strange, none of His alleged classmates seem to recognize him. But maybe he was some kind of Muslim religious hermit?

1. The COLB was printed when it was requested. No one has claimed it was the "original" copy, just a certified legal copy.

2. Here are many students at both Occidental and Columbia that "remember" him, along with countless other "proof": The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

That faith in Your New Messiah is cute! "Cute" as one might regard well a lisp in a very young child.

Now shall we move on to lies and broken promises?
Printed in the same font as the "birth cetififate" - a font not invented at the alleged time of the various (non)events? Strange, none of His alleged classmates seem to recognize him. But maybe he was some kind of Muslim religious hermit?

1. The COLB was printed when it was requested. No one has claimed it was the "original" copy, just a certified legal copy.

2. Here are many students at both Occidental and Columbia that "remember" him, along with countless other "proof": The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

That faith in Your New Messiah is cute! "Cute" as one might regard well a lisp in a very young child.

Now shall we move on to lies and broken promises?


Now that your ridiculous claims have been blown completely out of the water, you want to change the subject.

That is cute.
1. The COLB was printed when it was requested. No one has claimed it was the "original" copy, just a certified legal copy.

2. Here are many students at both Occidental and Columbia that "remember" him, along with countless other "proof": The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

Who could have guessed Occidental had such a liberal admissions policy regarding androids? Now Columbia --- yeah, no surprise there.
There seems to be no proof that O'Bozo went to any school.

But, hey, George Soros' androids don't have to go to school - it's all in the software right from the factory.

You mean, other than Obama being the editor of the Harvard Law Review, which one must be a student to attain. And all the acounts of his roommates who attended college with him at various schools. And the requirement by the Illinois State Bar that a graduate from college to ab admitted:

Under rules of the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar, you must graduate from an ABA-accredited law school in the United States (not necessarily within Illinois) in order to be eligible for bar membership.

How to Become a Lawyer in Illinois - IL | Education Requirements

And Obama was a member ;

Barack Hussein Obama
Date Admitted: December 17, 1991

And Obama's pictures in the Harvard Year Book......

Barack Obama Yearbook Photos from Harvard Law School | BostInno

Any of which you could have verified with a few minutes of research. But apparently, never bothered to.
There's plenty of "proof" he went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law.

Printed in the same font as the "birth cetififate" - a font not invented at the alleged time of the various (non)events? Strange, none of His alleged classmates seem to recognize him. But maybe he was some kind of Muslim religious hermit?

1. The COLB was printed when it was requested. No one has claimed it was the "original" copy, just a certified legal copy.

2. Here are many students at both Occidental and Columbia that "remember" him, along with countless other "proof": The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

I thought the word 'copy' on the COLB would have made that obvious. With the word 'laser' being the clincher. But hey, apparently you don't have to actually review the evidence you're denouncing to be a birther.
How do we know Obama was even born?

Does he really exist?

Did he really get elected President?

How do we know any of these things?

Don't give up, birfers!

You are the only True Patriots!

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