CDZ Birth Control: What's in a Name?

It is, in fact, birth control. It allows the woman or the couple to control whether or not there is a birth. It allows them to control when they have a child.
That's what we used BC for. Planned both, and raised all three kids.
That's what we used BC for. Planned both, and raised all three kids.

My first wife and I tried. We were talking about maybe having one, and she turned up pregnant. We worried during the entire pregnancy because she was still on The Pill for the first couple of months. The second one we planned. The third one was a big surprise. We thought the sponge might work. So we beat the Pill and the sponge. After that we had her tubes tied.
My first wife and I tried. We were talking about maybe having one, and she turned up pregnant. We worried during the entire pregnancy because she was still on The Pill for the first couple of months. The second one we planned. The third one was a big surprise. We thought the sponge might work. So we beat the Pill and the sponge. After that we had her tubes tied.
Our only surprise was when she started chucking them out, 2 at a time. We knew we were done. She worked for a urology clinic at the time, and had me fixed. Just poking fun at it for last 32 years.
Our only surprise was when she started chucking them out, 2 at a time. We knew we were done. She worked for a urology clinic at the time, and had me fixed. Just poking fun at it for last 32 years.

Our kids were born in 1983, 1985 and 1986. During an ultrasound for the 3rd one they said they thought they heard 2 heartbeats. Thankfully it was just an echo of some sort.
Our kids were born in 1983, 1985 and 1986. During an ultrasound for the 3rd one they said they thought they heard 2 heartbeats. Thankfully it was just an echo of some sort.
With two, it gets exciting, as you can plan the pregnancy but in her side of the family, quantity varies, quite often. We had planned them 13 years apart, figuring our daughter could baby sits sometimes. Twins, shot the heck out of that plan.
I have seen abortion used as birth control since the early 80's when I worked briefly for a doctor who performed abortions.
I can see what you mean but I think birth control through contraception is different to surgically removing a foetus because it's unwanted.
Your post is very thought provoking. Ever since I rearranged my thinking about abortion, about 12 years ago, I've felt it's just sad that so many women cannot be bothered to prevent pregnancy simply because abortion is available on demand.
I don't think that is the reason. There's a lot of religion involved with some women. In that case, abortion is the only course to save embarrassment when youre 45 etc.
What's saddest is that they have been so thoroughly brainwashed to believe that what's growing inside them is not a human child until it breathes its first breath on its own.
there's a lot of that around also. The definition of life has been debated forever.
I do not believe a just fertilised embryo is anywhere near a life. Women abort them everyday without even knowing. They don't seive through the effluent want to save a human life. Its inconsistent with believing a fertilised egg is a human.
Sick, sad, sorry delusional lies that they have accepted for the convenience of being able to pursue sexual promiscuity without consequences.
Take for instance young girls from religious families. Their doctor could be religious also. That girl would never be allowed to get contraceptives and the parents wouldn't want society to know she is rooting around. She gets pregnant and then the reality of shame and embarrassment overtakes anything against abortion.
in that instance religion is to blame.
I think they are an insult to womanhood.
I don't think so. Why isn't ever girl after puberty on contraceptives? It doesn't mean they are all promiscuous. It has benefits also as you know.
I think they are victims of upbringing and ignorance.
I think the number of women who practice effective birth control -- pregnancy prevention -- is sadly far too few.
I agree.
Thanks for listening.

Cheers to you.
It is, in fact, birth control. It allows the woman or the couple to control whether or not there is a birth. It allows them to control when they have a child.
Yes, that is what abortion does. It is not the same as contraception, yet both are included in the term birth control. Why is that?
I've never heard of an abortion called "birth control".
I've seen and participated in abortion as birth control. In six months of working as a clinical assistant at an office where abortions were performed -- generally at a rate of no more than one procedure per day -- I assisted on multiple procedures for multiple women. In six months, a woman who has more than one abortion is using it as birth control.

This was nearly 40 years ago, and I can hardly imagine how much more prevalent it is today.
When I worked for a doctor who performed abortions -- for a period of only six or seven months -- I saw multiple women who had more than one abortion. More than one abortion in seven months is birth control.

Right there with you. When I was in my early 20s and just starting out in the office/administrative field, I had a job in a fertility clinic. I quit not long after we got a phone call from a woman who wanted help getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term. She had had three abortions, and now she was ready to have a child, but her body kept spontaneously miscarrying. I decided that I didn't want to be part of that.
Nothing Can Die Before It Is Born

I have a defiant contempt for your predatory obsession, the fetus fetish, so I'll pretend that all you are doing is making a point about the misuse and misunderstanding of words.

Another example of that is "fallacy." It is not something false; it is merely something that falls short of complete proof. Because of the Low-IQ grammar on the Netrix, no one uses it to refer to an answer that is superficial and ignores deeper possibilities that refute it. Specifically, "higher wages cause higher prices" is that kind of fallacy, because the business can accept lower profits and not raise its prices.

Has anyone ever told you that your posts are full of a lot of assumptions asserted as fact, and very little fact?
It's a real hard task to tell people in the 21st century that SEX is only for procreation -- and no other purpose. Which is really what you're after here with the literal definition of "birth control". There is NO birth part here with CONTRA -- CEPTION. Look up the literal meaning of that while you're at it.

Let me know how many you win over to this "law" of nature.

But procreation ISN'T the only purpose of sex. It's the primary purpose, but it's not the only one.
Right there with you. When I was in my early 20s and just starting out in the office/administrative field, I had a job in a fertility clinic. I quit not long after we got a phone call from a woman who wanted help getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term. She had had three abortions, and now she was ready to have a child, but her body kept spontaneously miscarrying. I decided that I didn't want to be part of that.
Congratulations to you for making that decision.

As women face the choice, I doubt if many of them think of what an abortion will do to their ability to ever successfully bear a child.
Congratulations to you for making that decision.

As women face the choice, I doubt if many of them think of what an abortion will do to their ability to ever successfully bear a child.

Well, I sincerely doubt anyone makes an effort to tell them. I recall that woman was quite shocked and angry to learn that she had, in a sense, trained her body to believe that miscarriage was the correct reaction to pregnancy. Judging by the conversations I had with her while setting up her appointments and other evidence, she had been operating on the assumption that getting an abortion was like blowing her nose, just clearing her body of material she didn't happen to want with no effects. Surprise.
Like many other terms in our modern lexicon, Birth Control literally means the opposite of what it is used for. Birth means the passage of a (human) baby into the world outside the mother's body. Control refers to the means of stopping this process. Ever though Birth Control is literally a synonym for abortion, but it is more often equated to pregnancy prevention.

So why is this term so widely misused? Is it a convenient way to conflate these two distinct concepts into a nicer-sounding catchall phrase that obscures its contents (e.g., Final Solution)? Could it be to deliberately confuse the large majority of Americans who favor pregnancy prevention but oppose unrestricted abortions?

Honesty favors clarity; dishonesty favors obfuscation. Which do you favor?
Birth control is most commonly used with birth control devises and pills not abortion.

Which are you referring too?
Congratulations to you for making that decision.

As women face the choice, I doubt if many of them think of what an abortion will do to their ability to ever successfully bear a child.
Getting an abortion doesn't affect a women's ability to have another child.
The fact that sex is fun simply puts the minds of some into zombie mode, leaving no room for things like morals, ethics and responsibility. The become literally fucking machines.

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