Bitter Loser Hillary Clinton Attacks Trump, Pushes Russia Collusion Hoax Again (VIDEO)

Shrillary is the very LAST thing you need to worry about just now...

You should be concentrating on 91 criminal charges filed in 4 jurisdictions as indictments against your Orange Sociopath...

Focus, grasshopper... :auiqs.jpg:
If democrats like this had their way, Hillary would be president and Bill Clinton would be partying with epstein in the white house today. And if you said anything about it, democrats like this would defend them.

Thank God Trump won.
If democrats like this had their way, Hillary would be president and Bill Clinton would be partying with epstein in the white house today. And if you said anything about it, democrats like this would defend them.

Thank God Trump won.
Bull$hit. I did, indeed, vote for Shrillary in 2016, but I held my nose while doing it and felt like taking a shower afterwards.

I couldn't give two $hit$ less whether you go after her or Bubba and believe them both to be corrupt and unfit nowadays.

But that is irrelevant to whether you should burn up any time dealing with her rather than trying to bail-out your Orange POS.
GP lacks credibility.

"Psaki falsely claimed Vladimir Putin intervened in our election......"

Anyone who buys that line is hopeless.......and easily distracted, "Look at Hillary"
Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

The Gateway Pundit......:heehee:
Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

No one ever suggested that votes were "switched". The election interference was a massive social media campaign using bots on FaceBook and Twitter to promote hundreds of ads, memes and lies about Hillary Clinton, which, coupled with the FBI investigation of her emails, and Trump's "crooked Hillary campaign". All of this was aided and abetted up by the Russian hacking and selective "leaks" of DNC emails, all coordinated by Roger Stone.

It's all in the Mueller Report which you refuse to read. You know, the one which lead to Roger Stone, General Flynn, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen and Paul Manifort all being convicted and sentenced, before Trump pardoned the ones who didn't "rat him out".
The tantrum over not getting what they felt they deserved from Mueller is endless and a primary agent of The TDS because they still mostly try to maintain that Mueller DID deliver what they wanted and that thinkers are All reading it Wrong
Russian Collusion 2.0 LMAO?? Democrats have nothing to offer voters this election, their record is absolute shit. Who remembers when Dems ran on the issues?
The tantrum over not getting what they felt they deserved from Mueller is endless and a primary agent of The TDS because they still mostly try to maintain that Mueller DID deliver what they wanted and that thinkers are All reading it Wrong

The "tantrum"??? Trump lost and the election, tried to overthrow the government and retain power, and you talk about the Democrats, who handed over power to Trump willingly and without reservation, as throwing a "tantrum".

The rest of us aren't as stupid and gullible and you clearly are.
The "tantrum"??? Trump lost and the election, tried to overthrow the government and retain power, and you talk about the Democrats, who handed over power to Trump willingly and without reservation, as throwing a "tantrum".

The rest of us aren't as stupid and gullible and you clearly are.
Your hired gun said otherwise and we know you are emotionally distraught over that
Hillary wants to be in the conversation when the democrats pick their nominee in 2024. But I don't think this is the way to do that.
Got to get the collusion cult motivated

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