Bizarre : Muscovite teen who burned the Quran near the Cathedral Mosque in the center of Volgograd was beaten up by Kadyrov (Muslim war - lord) s 15


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Bizarre reality of Moscow empire, it sounds like a Joke , but its not a joke, just Muscovy ....

Bizarre : Muscovite teen who burned the Quran near the Cathedral Mosque in the center of Volgograd was beaten up by Kadyrov (Muslim war - lord) s 15-year-old son Adam.

Nikita Zhuravel who burned the Quran near the Cathedral Mosque in the center of Volgograd was beaten up by Kadyrov’s 15-year-old son Adam. The beating took place after Ramzan Kadyrov met with Zhuravel in a pre-trial detention center in Grozny. Zhuravel’s case was transferred from Volgograd to Chechnya. The reason for this was "a number of grounds, in particular numerous appeals" from Chechen residents with a request to "recognize them as victims".Chechen Minister for National Policy, Foreign Relations, Press and Information Akhmed Dudayev published a video in which he admitted that Ramzan Kadyrov's son Adam did indeed beat Nikita Zhuravel. Dudayev also added:“We do not have the opportunity to reach out to the Satanists in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, America, who daily burn the Quran under the windows of the traitors of our people. And here the Satanist was transferred to the Chechen Republic, and Adam Kadyrov was able to reach him.Adam Kadyrov is a young minor who studied the Quran from an early age and memorized the Holy Scripture. He is the grandson of Akhmat Kadyrov, who sacrificed his life in the war against religious extremists. He is the son of Ramzan Kadyrov, who defeated these terrorists.Nikita Zhuravel encroached on the feelings of billions of Muslims around the world, millions of Muslims within our country. In addition, he hurt the feelings of all sane people. He is a traitor to the Motherland, he sold out to the Ukrainian special services* which want to sow ethnic hatred in the Russian Federation.”*During the interrogation, Nikita Zhuravel said that he acted on the instructions from the Ukrainian special services for a reward of 10 thousand rubles. He also confessed to taking photos of the military facilities for them.

Baron any comment on this ?
I like the way Moscow colonial subjects treat Muscovites 🇷🇺 🐖

Nikita Zhuravel, 19, was detained in May on suspicion of publicly burning a Koran in the southwestern region of Volgograd. The criminal case against him was handed to investigators in the majority Muslim republic of Chechnya after "multiple requests by residents."

Lawyers and activists warned that Zhuravel’s transfer to Chechnya, which has a history of human rights abuses under Kadyrov’s 16-year rule, placed the young man at risk of torture and even death.

Russia’s Presidential Human Rights Commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova issued a statement this week saying she received a complaint from Zhuravel accusing the Chechen leader's 15-year-old son Adam of beating him in detention.
You Kyiv Nazis have beaten 500 000 fighters ——including lots of women , kids and old people , to death ——- Nazi Winkle the Titty . Despicable , Winkle . Subhuman Nazis . Your brothers .

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