Black activists: Boycott Kobe Bryant NOW over Trayvon Martin comments


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Pacific Northwest
Kobe Bryant Trayvon Martin Comments: Laker Star Takes Shots for Race Remarks on George Zimmerman Murder Case

"I won't react to something just because I'm supposed to, because I'm an African-American. That argument doesn't make any sense to me," Bryant said. "So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we've progressed as a society? Well, we've progressed as a society, then don't jump to somebody's defense just because they're African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won't assert myself."

Because he said one should wait for facts, there are demands he be boycotted.

Najee Ali, a self-described civil rights activist and Project Islamic H.O.P.E. director, called for boycott Thursday of all Bryant-related products, according to Fox News.

"African American youth should no longer buy Bryant's jerseys or shoes and should boycott all products he endorses," Ali said in a statement. "Bryant doesn't identify with the struggle that our African-American youth face nationally. So why should we continue to support Bryant who has never truly identified with the African American experience."

Others accuse him of being out of touch because he was raised in another country(pretty sure he was raised in the US?)

(Kobe) is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country," Brown said and Brown went onto say he would not be invited to any black athlete summits.

Kobe Bryant fires back at Jim Brown over African-American ?culture? comments | For The Win

Kobe Bryant Trayvon Martin Comments: Laker Star Takes Shots for Race Remarks on George Zimmerman Murder Case : US&Politics : Latin Post

Should Kobe be boycotted?
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Dems have spend a lot of time and a lot of our money training black to all think alike; they hate it when someone walks off the Plantation
For crying out loud! The guys' got a broken leg, only played in 6 games this season, we just got beat the other night by the team (Bucks) with the worst record in the NBA, got blown out by Love last night....

....WTF more can you do to a guy, who makes $24M a year?

Back the fuck up, Ali!
Clay was a better fighter!
this country and your freedoms are under attack by ignorant people like this activist

sit back and do nothing you lose
Democrats attack people who tell the truth. White people are called racist for having the same opinion as Kobe, so does that mean Kobe is racist against black people too? :lol:
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"Don't be so defiant,
we have Kobe Bryant!"​

I wonder what Jellybeans' take is on all this?

For those who don't know, Jellybean Bryant, is Kobe's dad.
It's like having to deal with a kindergarten class.
They always need help to do basically anything. Make sure they have something to eat. Make sure they have somewhere to sleep. Make sure if they get sick there will be some one to take care of them. Make sure they get back and forth.
Every one knows they aren't able to look after themselves. Never will be. Always make excuses for their bad behavior. "If the teacher wasn't a secret 'racist' all the kids would be ready for grade one". Ya right.
And if one of them does learn how to tie their own shoe laces the others steal the kids' shoes so they wouldn't look stupid for not being able to tie their own laces. Sound familiar?
The greatest threat to any young Black kid is other Black kids. Getting good grades in grade four? Your schools books will be stolen and you'll face getting attacked by the kids in your neighborhood.
Stop trying in the class room and join your local 'tribe' and you'll be safe.
Some fucking life.
He caved

"Travon Martin was wronged THAT'S my opinion and that's what I believe the FACTS showed. The system did not work #myopinion #tweetURthoughts."
CaféAuLait;8849483 said:
Kobe Bryant Trayvon Martin Comments: Laker Star Takes Shots for Race Remarks on George Zimmerman Murder Case

"I won't react to something just because I'm supposed to, because I'm an African-American. That argument doesn't make any sense to me," Bryant said. "So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we've progressed as a society? Well, we've progressed as a society, then don't jump to somebody's defense just because they're African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won't assert myself."

Because he said one should wait for facts, there are demands he be boycotted.

Najee Ali, a self-described civil rights activist and Project Islamic H.O.P.E. director, called for boycott Thursday of all Bryant-related products, according to Fox News.

"African American youth should no longer buy Bryant's jerseys or shoes and should boycott all products he endorses," Ali said in a statement. "Bryant doesn't identify with the struggle that our African-American youth face nationally. So why should we continue to support Bryant who has never truly identified with the African American experience."

Others accuse him of being out of touch because he was raised in another country(pretty sure he was raised in the US?)

(Kobe) is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country," Brown said and Brown went onto say he would not be invited to any black athlete summits.

Kobe Bryant fires back at Jim Brown over African-American ?culture? comments | For The Win

Kobe Bryant Trayvon Martin Comments: Laker Star Takes Shots for Race Remarks on George Zimmerman Murder Case : US&Politics : Latin Post

Should Kobe be boycotted?

Like any other citizen, Kobe Bryant has a right to his opinion. Truth be told, the person calling for a "boycott" of Bryant endorsed products is NOT a household name in the average black household.

So this story will gain little if any traction. The issue with this is that too many people are under the impression that the so called "Black community" thinks like one single celled monolithic entity, incapable of individual expression. There are more out there who are NOT "joiners" then there are those who fit that description.

And as far as Jim Brown goes. He WAS a great football player....from an era long past, and his activism was at its peak in the 1960's.

The audience that listens to him is rapidly shrinking. He is almost 80 years old.
Blacks are puppets and will do as told. Sad but true. If they don't the are house ******* or uncle toms, liberal progress at it's worse.
CaféAuLait;8849483 said:
Kobe Bryant Trayvon Martin Comments: Laker Star Takes Shots for Race Remarks on George Zimmerman Murder Case

"I won't react to something just because I'm supposed to, because I'm an African-American. That argument doesn't make any sense to me," Bryant said. "So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we've progressed as a society? Well, we've progressed as a society, then don't jump to somebody's defense just because they're African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won't assert myself."

Because he said one should wait for facts, there are demands he be boycotted.

Najee Ali, a self-described civil rights activist and Project Islamic H.O.P.E. director, called for boycott Thursday of all Bryant-related products, according to Fox News.

"African American youth should no longer buy Bryant's jerseys or shoes and should boycott all products he endorses," Ali said in a statement. "Bryant doesn't identify with the struggle that our African-American youth face nationally. So why should we continue to support Bryant who has never truly identified with the African American experience."

Others accuse him of being out of touch because he was raised in another country(pretty sure he was raised in the US?)

(Kobe) is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country," Brown said and Brown went onto say he would not be invited to any black athlete summits.

Kobe Bryant fires back at Jim Brown over African-American ?culture? comments | For The Win

Kobe Bryant Trayvon Martin Comments: Laker Star Takes Shots for Race Remarks on George Zimmerman Murder Case : US&Politics : Latin Post

Should Kobe be boycotted?

of course

would you expect any less of the folks
It's like having to deal with a kindergarten class.
They always need help to do basically anything. Make sure they have something to eat. Make sure they have somewhere to sleep. Make sure if they get sick there will be some one to take care of them. Make sure they get back and forth.
Every one knows they aren't able to look after themselves. Never will be. Always make excuses for their bad behavior. "If the teacher wasn't a secret 'racist' all the kids would be ready for grade one". Ya right.
And if one of them does learn how to tie their own shoe laces the others steal the kids' shoes so they wouldn't look stupid for not being able to tie their own laces. Sound familiar?
The greatest threat to any young Black kid is other Black kids. Getting good grades in grade four? Your schools books will be stolen and you'll face getting attacked by the kids in your neighborhood.
Stop trying in the class room and join your local 'tribe' and you'll be safe.
Some fucking life.

Sad, but so true! The, "Get Whitey" movement didn't disband, the media just stopped covering it.

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