Black Americans Crushed Under Obama

During Boosh we were paying 4-5 bucks a gallon, now it's less than 2 bucks...thanks to massive production in the US..
During Bush the price dropped back to 1.35 due to restrictions on extraction being lifted. Obama reimposed those restrictions and in spite of the impact of fracking we are still 50% higher in price than before Obama. You are allowing this president to affect your making of a living.
It dropped due to the economy crashing......Which affected my buying power more than now...
Oil prices dropped due to drilling moratoriums being lifted beginning in summer 2008. That happened before the market crash. It dropped drastically when Congress agreed to allow remain offshore restrictions to expire at the end of September 2008. The prices rose again before economic recovery and as a result of Obama immediately reimposing those restrictions upon taking office. Our lame and nearly nonexistent economic recovery is entirely due to Obama energy policy.
It's is recovered where I live, business is booming..............
It has improved but not recovered. If you accept having lost lots of disposable income as a result of presidential proactivity and welcome it's resumption then you can't say you don't allow a president to affect your making of a living.
I have restriction on income from health issues, if not, I'd be out there making 5k a month like I used to, and I worked through 4 recessions has never stopped me from earning a living.No president has stopped me from earning a living..What's next, gonna blame the president for truck prices?.......Just cause you have a bad attitude doesn't influence my earning potential after my next operation..
During Bush the price dropped back to 1.35 due to restrictions on extraction being lifted. Obama reimposed those restrictions and in spite of the impact of fracking we are still 50% higher in price than before Obama. You are allowing this president to affect your making of a living.
It dropped due to the economy crashing......Which affected my buying power more than now...
Oil prices dropped due to drilling moratoriums being lifted beginning in summer 2008. That happened before the market crash. It dropped drastically when Congress agreed to allow remain offshore restrictions to expire at the end of September 2008. The prices rose again before economic recovery and as a result of Obama immediately reimposing those restrictions upon taking office. Our lame and nearly nonexistent economic recovery is entirely due to Obama energy policy.
It's is recovered where I live, business is booming..............
It has improved but not recovered. If you accept having lost lots of disposable income as a result of presidential proactivity and welcome it's resumption then you can't say you don't allow a president to affect your making of a living.
I have restriction on income from health issues, if not, I'd be out there making 5k a month like I used to, and I worked through 4 recessions has never stopped me from earning a living.No president has stopped me from earning a living..What's next, gonna blame the president for truck prices?.......Just cause you have a bad attitude doesn't influence my earning potential after my next operation..
I don't have a bad attitude. I'm just addressing a current and consistent problem and I'm explaining its source. Too many oblivious people allow that problem to perpetuate.
It dropped due to the economy crashing......Which affected my buying power more than now...
Oil prices dropped due to drilling moratoriums being lifted beginning in summer 2008. That happened before the market crash. It dropped drastically when Congress agreed to allow remain offshore restrictions to expire at the end of September 2008. The prices rose again before economic recovery and as a result of Obama immediately reimposing those restrictions upon taking office. Our lame and nearly nonexistent economic recovery is entirely due to Obama energy policy.
It's is recovered where I live, business is booming..............
It has improved but not recovered. If you accept having lost lots of disposable income as a result of presidential proactivity and welcome it's resumption then you can't say you don't allow a president to affect your making of a living.
I have restriction on income from health issues, if not, I'd be out there making 5k a month like I used to, and I worked through 4 recessions has never stopped me from earning a living.No president has stopped me from earning a living..What's next, gonna blame the president for truck prices?.......Just cause you have a bad attitude doesn't influence my earning potential after my next operation..
I don't have a bad attitude. I'm just addressing a current and consistent problem and I'm explaining its source. Too many oblivious people allow that problem to perpetuate.
I count my blessing and became a minimalist on consumer goods, since I have had everything I needed 30 years ago..
How is cutting the shit out of public schools, letting the infrastructure turn to shit and cutting everything going to help the black community?

It seems to be your entire plan.

The most important thing that needs to be done is we need to increase the wealth within the black community and that takes education.

Public schools fail in comparison to charter schools, religious schools and home education. They teach nothing but political correctness, racial hatred, expecting entitlements, intolerance of Christianity and righteousness of Islam.

Obama had almost eight "shovel ready" years to do something about the crumbling infrastructure.

Obama had the same eight years to reduce black unemployment, black crime and black poverty.

He failed. I guess he found multi tasking too daunting except smoking and playing golf at the same time.
Rightwing liars and their ODS – as ridiculous as they are pathetic.

The left wing is the one with a truth problem

Median Household Incomes Five Years After the Great Recession - dshort - Advisor Perspectives


all in spite of this massive new government transfer of money to people like blacks


democrats and blacks fail, every time, slogans and hopium are not substitutes for real production
Black Americans Crushed Under Obama

I would like to have somebody tell me specifically what this administration has accomplished for the black community?

And be able to supply documented evidence.
I'm more worried about what Republicans have done to every community.

Voter suppression

A farm bill giving millions to sitting members of congress and fucking over veterans and children

Tax cuts for billionaires (which Trump wants more of)

Blocking health care for million resulting in how many deaths?

Blocking jobs plans

Cutting VA funding

It seems the GOP's plan is to fuck up the country worse than they did under Bush. So far, only Obama has stood between them and disaster.

And worse, they know it. They want to destroy America and start over with a "white" country. Man, are they an evil bunch.

See, they almost did it. But we managed to stop them.


Them are the facts.
Black Americans Crushed Under Obama

I would like to have somebody tell me specifically what this administration has accomplished for the black community?

And be able to supply documented evidence.
I'm more worried about what Republicans have done to every community.

Voter suppression

A farm bill giving millions to sitting members of congress and fucking over veterans and children

Tax cuts for billionaires (which Trump wants more of)

Blocking health care for million resulting in how many deaths?

Blocking jobs plans

Cutting VA funding

It seems the GOP's plan is to fuck up the country worse than they did under Bush. So far, only Obama has stood between them and disaster.

And worse, they know it. They want to destroy America and start over with a "white" country. Man, are they an evil bunch.

explain just how the fuck republicans can suppress voters in places like Baltimore where it is hard to even find a republican?

the VA has always sucked, anything government run has sucked

Our best times in the last 40 years have been when we had conservative policy running the show, 94-2000 and the 80s, if you are worried about that then I don't give a shit about your happiness
How is cutting the shit out of public schools, letting the infrastructure turn to shit and cutting everything going to help the black community?

It seems to be your entire plan.

The most important thing that needs to be done is we need to increase the wealth within the black community and that takes education.

Voucher, Matty

The republican revolution in 1994 kicked off the best era of my lifetime, only after 9/11 and the demos retook the house is when things fell apart. 1994-2001 was also VERY good to blacks

too bad there was a stock bubble
How is cutting the shit out of public schools, letting the infrastructure turn to shit and cutting everything going to help the black community?

It seems to be your entire plan.

The most important thing that needs to be done is we need to increase the wealth within the black community and that takes education.

Voucher, Matty


Vouchers are the worst idea ever. Nothing will destroy education for the poor faster.
How is cutting the shit out of public schools, letting the infrastructure turn to shit and cutting everything going to help the black community?

It seems to be your entire plan.

The most important thing that needs to be done is we need to increase the wealth within the black community and that takes education.

Inner city school spending is already higher per student than most suburban school spending. Money is not the issue in our public education system, nor has it ever been. In fact, the U.S. spends more on public education than any other nation in the world except for one and we have one of the lowest results to show for it in the industrialized world.

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