"Black Brunch" swarms into iconic downtown Charleston haha!

Hominy Grill is fucking delicious. :thup:


It sure is. Charleston may be the most underrated city in America. The food here is just indescribable. And that infamous 10/1 girl/guy ratio??? Its over hyped...its only like 4/1 haha!!! And seems like 90% of them are at least a 7 or hotter.
Is the Green House
Wtf do those diners have to do with anything? Because they might be white?

The protesters are literally racial profiling. ..hunting white people to harrass.
That's why I would use a table leg on some noggins. I need a cane but my HurryCane is made out of metal and I don't want to kill anybody, just raise some knots.
Or just jump up and yell louder...reading the daily crime report in the paper. Then the real problem is exposed.
Business owners should be more creative ... There are many ways to eliminate the problem outside the place of business.
If they were smart ... They could get a real boost in business by offering a place that is free from the mess.

Crud ... I would offer folks a free desert for putting up with the cover charge.

Business owners should be more creative ... There are many ways to eliminate the problem outside the place of business.
If they were smart ... They could get a real boost in business by offering a place that is free from the mess.

Crud ... I would offer folks a free desert for putting up with the cover charge.


Bouncers and dress codes work. But higher end brunch spots never have needed it...because as the protesters say...only rich white people do "brunch".
This is racist. Can you imagine the outrage if whites did this to blacks?

Yeah. Can you imagine.....

40 white businessmen go into ShaNayNays Soul Food Diner and read aloud the names of 100 armed robbery convicts who have victimized the local economy.....


How DARE those people express their opinions under the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution? How dare THEY?!?!?

Shit, before you know it, Tea Partiers are going to be marching on Washington with signs like "we came unarmed, this time"....


Difference? Tea Party does it on open public propery. The TP isnt swarming a restaurant to purposely disrupt people's meals bought with hard earned money. If Black Brunchers want to set up in the PUBLIC Marion Square in Charleston and protest...have at it.

Good working folks using their hard earned money to enjoy a meal on maybe their one day off work....and these losers swarm in like roaches to fuck with them. Disgusting. And they're LOSING whatever hope they had in getting these people's support.

I never said it was a good idea, but it is obviously not illegal. You know why?
Because those people have NOT been arrested.

So, care to try again, this time with talent?
The cops do not arrest everyone that they witness breaking the law. They actually only arrest a very small portion because so damn much is illegal. When was the last person arrested for jaywalking?

How DARE those people express their opinions under the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution? How dare THEY?!?!?

Shit, before you know it, Tea Partiers are going to be marching on Washington with signs like "we came unarmed, this time"....


Difference? Tea Party does it on open public propery. The TP isnt swarming a restaurant to purposely disrupt people's meals bought with hard earned money. If Black Brunchers want to set up in the PUBLIC Marion Square in Charleston and protest...have at it.

Good working folks using their hard earned money to enjoy a meal on maybe their one day off work....and these losers swarm in like roaches to fuck with them. Disgusting. And they're LOSING whatever hope they had in getting these people's support.

I never said it was a good idea, but it is obviously not illegal. You know why?
Because those people have NOT been arrested.

So, care to try again, this time with talent?
The cops do not arrest everyone that they witness breaking the law. They actually only arrest a very small portion because so damn much is illegal. When was the last person arrested for jaywalking?

There you have a very valid point.

But if this is so bothersome, why have legal complaints not been launched?

How DARE those people express their opinions under the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution? How dare THEY?!?!?

Shit, before you know it, Tea Partiers are going to be marching on Washington with signs like "we came unarmed, this time"....


Difference? Tea Party does it on open public propery. The TP isnt swarming a restaurant to purposely disrupt people's meals bought with hard earned money. If Black Brunchers want to set up in the PUBLIC Marion Square in Charleston and protest...have at it.

Good working folks using their hard earned money to enjoy a meal on maybe their one day off work....and these losers swarm in like roaches to fuck with them. Disgusting. And they're LOSING whatever hope they had in getting these people's support.

I never said it was a good idea, but it is obviously not illegal. You know why?
Because those people have NOT been arrested.

So, care to try again, this time with talent?
The cops do not arrest everyone that they witness breaking the law. They actually only arrest a very small portion because so damn much is illegal. When was the last person arrested for jaywalking?

There you have a very valid point.

But if this is so bothersome, why have legal complaints not been launched?

Because they arent affecting enough businesses or for long enough. Their movement is a joke and the majority of people...know its a sham. They know 99.9% of cops are great...and thats why they just dont care.

How DARE those people express their opinions under the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution? How dare THEY?!?!?

Shit, before you know it, Tea Partiers are going to be marching on Washington with signs like "we came unarmed, this time"....


Difference? Tea Party does it on open public propery. The TP isnt swarming a restaurant to purposely disrupt people's meals bought with hard earned money. If Black Brunchers want to set up in the PUBLIC Marion Square in Charleston and protest...have at it.

Good working folks using their hard earned money to enjoy a meal on maybe their one day off work....and these losers swarm in like roaches to fuck with them. Disgusting. And they're LOSING whatever hope they had in getting these people's support.

I never said it was a good idea, but it is obviously not illegal. You know why?
Because those people have NOT been arrested.

So, care to try again, this time with talent?
The cops do not arrest everyone that they witness breaking the law. They actually only arrest a very small portion because so damn much is illegal. When was the last person arrested for jaywalking?

There you have a very valid point.

But if this is so bothersome, why have legal complaints not been launched?
I would guess because legal complaints can be a very expensive and arduous process. No one really wants to take legal action if they can avoid it even in extreme cases.

The police also do not like to arrest groups like this as that is taxing on the legal system, takes an inordinate amount of their time and is quite ineffective. The 'punishment' is rather small and the media attention usually more than makes up for it for those with a cause. If they break up peaceably when the police arrive they tend to leave it at that - and they should IMHO. This is mostly blown out of proportion in my view. Having a bunch of people trying to recite rhetoric to me wouldn't disturb me one bit - I can simply ignore them.
Charleston police break up Walter Scott protest during Sunday brunch at Hominy Grill - Post and Courier

This type nonsense is normally reserved for liberal shitholes...like Oakland or Detroit.

Black Brunch has now struck Charleston. ..twice. Historic Charleston is a world class tourist destination. Annually ranked by Conde Nast and other travel experts. A couple times been ranked the #1 tourist city in the US and even the world one year.

They swarmd Hominy Grill today. High Cotton last week. Charlestons food scene is nationally reknowned. Forbes lists 3 Charleston restaurants among the 100 best in America.

They called Charleston PD to bring out the bug spray and shoo them off. It was mostly a bunch of tourists not giving a damn about their message.

This shit may work in liberal rat holes. Not here. We know that personal responsibility and choices are what leads to 99.9% of what happens to us.

UH, if I were you, I'd be careful with that bug spray, I'm certain half the colored guys there are family members!!
It ends up so much better when the diners and staff throw the protesters out bodily.
they have already went overboard with all this

they are going to piss off the wrong people ONE DAY. so be it

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