Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?)

Polygamy is illegal, pedophilia is illegal, incest is illegal, and bestiality is illegal.

Homosexuality is NOT illegal.

Well Neo-Nazis, Klansman and religious cults are all legal in America, using your logic every agenda that they push for should also be legal, your argument makes absolutely no damn sense.

On what legal grounds can you justify unequal treatment under the law?

There is no damn unequal treatment under the law towards gays, if you allow so called "faggot marriage" then you must legalize polygamy, why should polygamists be denied the same rights and protection under the law that are given to monogamous couples? Its a slippery slope type argument.

Still using that lame ass argument, then why not push to legalize incest since that's still straight marriage.
Polygamy is illegal, pedophilia is illegal, incest is illegal, and bestiality is illegal.

Homosexuality is NOT illegal.

Well Neo-Nazis, Klansman and religious cults are all legal in America, using your logic every agenda that they push for should also be legal, your argument makes absolutely no damn sense.

On what legal grounds can you justify unequal treatment under the law?

There is no damn unequal treatment under the law towards gays, if you allow so called "faggot marriage" then you must legalize polygamy, why should polygamists be denied the same rights and protection under the law that are given to monogamous couples? Its a slippery slope type argument.

Still using that lame ass argument, then why not push to legalize incest since that's still straight marriage.

Its a decent and truthful argument, if gay marriage is to be allowed so should incest marriages and polygamy since the homosexual agenda is solely based upon the idea that whatever consenting adults agree to do should be allowed, thats the gas that fuels their fire, the lame, immoral "sexual freedom" agenda.
Well Neo-Nazis, Klansman and religious cults are all legal in America, using your logic every agenda that they push for should also be legal, your argument makes absolutely no damn sense.

There is no damn unequal treatment under the law towards gays, if you allow so called "faggot marriage" then you must legalize polygamy, why should polygamists be denied the same rights and protection under the law that are given to monogamous couples? Its a slippery slope type argument.

Still using that lame ass argument, then why not push to legalize incest since that's still straight marriage.

Its a decent and truthful argument, if gay marriage is to be allowed so should incest marriages and polygamy since the homosexual agenda is solely based upon the idea that whatever consenting adults agree to do should be allowed, thats the gas that fuels their fire, the lame, immoral "sexual freedom" agenda.

:doubt: You are too misinformed and resist learning any real facts, so any debate with you is futile because until you actually see the facts, you will never have a good argument. Get your fucking religion out of our laws, then I may agree with you, until then I am siding with allowing gay marriage.
Still using that lame ass argument, then why not push to legalize incest since that's still straight marriage.

Its a decent and truthful argument, if gay marriage is to be allowed so should incest marriages and polygamy since the homosexual agenda is solely based upon the idea that whatever consenting adults agree to do should be allowed, thats the gas that fuels their fire, the lame, immoral "sexual freedom" agenda.

:doubt: You are too misinformed and resist learning any real facts, so any debate with you is futile because until you actually see the facts, you will never have a good argument. Get your fucking religion out of our laws, then I may agree with you, until then I am siding with allowing gay marriage.

The ironic part is Jesus would not be the one bearing false witness against gays. I can't even begin to describe how bad it sucks to have other Christians soil any word or symbol of Christ to justify their selfishness and bigotry. Christians who use the bible to justify their opposition to gay marriage generally don't have much of a clue about the historical Jesus nor the philosophies he taught. In short, the problem is not his Religion, it's hate.
Get your fucking religion out of our laws, then I may agree with you, until then I am siding with allowing gay marriage.
Let's start with "Thou shalt not kill" ok? :lol:

Actually the bible and the law are very in tune with each other when it comes to that, also-

You can kill to defend yourself.. in both places.

You can kill to protect someone else from imminent harm, in both places..

O yeah and "judge not, lest ye be judged" falls hand in hand with "innocent until proven guilty".. :lol:
Get your fucking religion out of our laws, then I may agree with you, until then I am siding with allowing gay marriage.
Let's start with "Thou shalt not kill" ok? :lol:

Actually the bible and the law are very in tune with each other when it comes to that, also-

You can kill to defend yourself.. in both places.

You can kill to protect someone else from imminent harm, in both places..

O yeah and "judge not, lest ye be judged" falls hand in hand with "innocent until proven guilty".. :lol:

That's questionable for both theological and historical reasons. Jesus instructed his audience to not resist an evil person and retracted the "eye for an eye" philosophy in Mathew 5. We know the earliest disciples did not engage in violence when they were attacked and murdered by both the Temple employees and Rome. Christianity, as an institution did not use violence at all until centuries after Jesus spoke to the crowds and even then not all Christians agreed violence for self defense, or any other reason, was acceptable. It only happened after the State (under Constantine) incorporated some tenets of Christianity into its official religion.

The "judge not lest ye be judged" is at odds with the "innocent until proven guilty" because it specifically addresses those who are known to be guilty and its application is saying to forgive the guilty because none are truly innocent.

It just blows my mind how so many American Christians focus on homosexuality. The issue was so terribly crucially import to Jesus he never spoke on the matter. So how the hell did we get to the point today where some Christians act like homosexuality is the only issue mentioned in the New Testament? It almost looks like they believe forgiveness from God is based mainly on how many times they can lie about gays and you get promoted to higher levels of Heaven for every 100 times you say how much you hate gays. Lewis Black has a really funny short bit about it.
Get your fucking religion out of our laws, then I may agree with you, until then I am siding with allowing gay marriage.
Let's start with "Thou shalt not kill" ok? :lol:

Actually the bible and the law are very in tune with each other when it comes to that, also-

You can kill to defend yourself.. in both places.

You can kill to protect someone else from imminent harm, in both places..

O yeah and "judge not, lest ye be judged" falls hand in hand with "innocent until proven guilty".. :lol:

And in the Bible, if a man rapes a women, his "punishment" is to marry her for life. Oops.
Let's start with "Thou shalt not kill" ok? :lol:

Actually the bible and the law are very in tune with each other when it comes to that, also-

You can kill to defend yourself.. in both places.

You can kill to protect someone else from imminent harm, in both places..

O yeah and "judge not, lest ye be judged" falls hand in hand with "innocent until proven guilty".. :lol:

And in the Bible, if a man rapes a women, his "punishment" is to marry her for life. Oops.

Specifically the OT and don't forget the other part of the punishment was he had to pay her father a decent chunk of change.
The argument for gay marriage does stand on its own, the argument against it attempts to ignore the simple facts of the law that all non-criminal citizens are guaranteed equal rights and equal protection so if the state recognizes heterosexual marriages and grants specific rights in relation, they must do the same to homosexual marriages since homosexuality is not a crime that justifies granting lesser rights.

Except it means the law must apply to everyone equally, not appease everyone equally. Arguments like yours are the reason people mention polygamy and incest so much in the gay marriage debate.
Let's start with "Thou shalt not kill" ok? :lol:

Actually the bible and the law are very in tune with each other when it comes to that, also-

You can kill to defend yourself.. in both places.

You can kill to protect someone else from imminent harm, in both places..

O yeah and "judge not, lest ye be judged" falls hand in hand with "innocent until proven guilty".. :lol:

That's questionable for both theological and historical reasons. Jesus instructed his audience to not resist an evil person and retracted the "eye for an eye" philosophy in Mathew 5. We know the earliest disciples did not engage in violence when they were attacked and murdered by both the Temple employees and Rome. Christianity, as an institution did not use violence at all until centuries after Jesus spoke to the crowds and even then not all Christians agreed violence for self defense, or any other reason, was acceptable. It only happened after the State (under Constantine) incorporated some tenets of Christianity into its official religion.

Eh even thats debatable.. I think there were certain instances when Jesus wanted us to turn the other cheek, and certain instances when killing was acceptable, if in self defense or defense of the common good. Jesus may seem like a very black and white person, but I think that there is much gray area that is also seen by our Lord, some of which was spelled out to us, and some of which we have to ascertain on our own..

The "judge not lest ye be judged" is at odds with the "innocent until proven guilty" because it specifically addresses those who are known to be guilty and its application is saying to forgive the guilty because none are truly innocent.

What I am trying to say about this, is that homosexuals openly admit to being homosexual. If they are guilty of a sin in God's eyes, and should be judged by him, then people should not wish them to have bad fortune or death, etc..
Also, homosexuality is not a crime. People should not be treated like criminals when no crime took place.

It just blows my mind how so many American Christians focus on homosexuality. The issue was so terribly crucially import to Jesus he never spoke on the matter. So how the hell did we get to the point today where some Christians act like homosexuality is the only issue mentioned in the New Testament? It almost looks like they believe forgiveness from God is based mainly on how many times they can lie about gays and you get promoted to higher levels of Heaven for every 100 times you say how much you hate gays. Lewis Black has a really funny short bit about it.


Well said!
The pro-gay marriage argument is failing miserably because the pro-gays still can't get around that slippery slope argument.
The Bass repeats, no American is denied the privilege of marriage, how ever not all Americans have the right to types of marriages suited specifically to their sexual lifestyle. Those who argue that gays should marry likewise must agree that polygamists should also be equally granted the right to marriage, to allow one and deny the other would be discrimination, right???
The pro-gay marriage argument is failing miserably because the pro-gays still can't get around that slippery slope argument.

Ya, we know you like it slippery. No need to share further with the board.
RadiofagATL trolling the forum for buttsex, typical of white male faggots.

Goddammit C-Bass.

Stop PMing me. No, I will not open any pictures you send me of you having "hot spider-monkey-love" 52nd Street.
Ya, we know you like it slippery. No need to share further with the board.
RadiofagATL trolling the forum for buttsex, typical of white male faggots.

Goddammit C-Bass.

Stop PMing me. No, I will not open any pictures you send me of you having "hot spider-monkey-love" 52nd Street.

Pull your head out of your four point of contact and quit fantasizing about a black man sending you pics, you faggots seek too much attention.
RadiofagATL trolling the forum for buttsex, typical of white male faggots.

Goddammit C-Bass.

Stop PMing me. No, I will not open any pictures you send me of you having "hot spider-monkey-love" 52nd Street.

Pull your head out of your four point of contact and quit fantasizing about a black man sending you pics, you faggots seek too much attention.

Stop it C-Bass. I won't look at your banana no matter how much you beg me to.
The Bass repeats, no American is denied the privilege of marriage, how ever not all Americans have the right to types of marriages suited specifically to their sexual lifestyle. Those who argue that gays should marry likewise must agree that polygamists should also be equally granted the right to marriage, to allow one and deny the other would be discrimination, right???

As a Conservative my first choice would be to remove government from marriage. Uncle Sam has no proper seat in such a private relationship. However, if the government is going to afford laws and rights it must do so equally. I wouldn't care if polygamy was legalized because I don't give a shit how other consenting adults decide to live their lives.

Bass, you don't really care about any valid arguments regarding the issue. Why continue to insult everyone's intelligence and pretend you actually have conviction? Your hatred is your best friend and enemy at the same time. All you care about is trying to infect others with your hate.

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