Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?)

Its simple mathematics, example, polygamists are not denied the right to marriage, just just cannot have polygamist marriages, the same with gays.

I agree, it is simple mathematics. Blacks are not denied the right to eat, they just cannot eat in white restaurants.
In what world is this true?
Black Voting Rights = Gay Buttsex Rights.
In what thread does this question belong? Certainly not this one. Is there a question regarding the OP available or will we continue to see candidates running for the Mayor's office of Haggertyville?
Nice dodge!

The op doesn't like homos equating a "right to buttsex" with the Civil Rights struggles of Blacks.
If homos have rights then they can do better than compare or jump on someone elses bandwagon. The argument should stand on it's own.
Homo marriage isn't as popular as advocates want it to be so they want a judge to overrule the people and make it legal.
Good luck with that but in the meantime you will run into people who are against it. And calling them "homophobes" advances the argument not one bit.

How can it be a dodge when it was explained why the question is irrelevant? If a candid dialogue about butt sex is desired I have heard there is a genre by the name of "porn" available online. However, it is wholly irrelevant to this OP.

The argument for equal rights for same sex marriage does stand on its own. Why falsely claim equality arguments for African americans are necessary for comparison?
Uh, actually, gays come from regular families where not a single one was raised "gay". They just are.

Most rapists and child molesters come from regular families also.

They wern't raised to rape and molest.

But that's how they turned out. :doubt:
Its simple mathematics, example, polygamists are not denied the right to marriage, just just cannot have polygamist marriages, the same with gays.

I agree, it is simple mathematics. Blacks are not denied the right to eat, they just cannot eat in white restaurants.

Dumb equation, you're comparing Jim Crow laws to the faggot agenda to gay marriage, like comparing apples to oranges.
How can it be a dodge when it was explained why the question is irrelevant? If a candid dialogue about butt sex is desired I have heard there is a genre by the name of "porn" available online. However, it is wholly irrelevant to this OP.

The argument for equal rights for same sex marriage does stand on its own. Why falsely claim equality arguments for African americans are necessary for comparison?

Jackass, samesex marriage is *NOT* an equal rights issue, its a quest for special rights issue since every grown adult American has the right to marriage. If faggots should be allowed to marry so should polygamists and people who want to marry children and animals.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

I guess you are as ignorant about the law as you are of most everything else. What blacks suffered through in their time in America was not the basis for extending any rights to them. Suffering and circumstances do not make a case for equality although that can be an argument to show that equality is not attained.

Like blacks were at one time, gays are being treated as separate but equal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Lies, gays are not fighting for equal rights, they're fighting for the rights to a special marriage suited for them, no more and no less so its ridiculous for faggots to co opt the black civil rights movements for their own personal agenda. Every American has the right to marry they just don't have the rights to special marriages suited for them, polygamists are one example. Faggots are not denied marriage, they just don't have the right to "faggot marriage."

Women were denied the Right to Vote based on their inner thy packages and your camp wants to deny Equal Protection of the law for same sex marriages based on exactly the same reason. Is that one of the reasons the anti-American camps can't see how their position denies the fundamental value of equality? I know if all my time was spent inspecting the real estate of crotches I wouldn't catch the painfully obvious red flag that I should not form Civil philosophy from strictly poles and holes.

Is it realized that not all apparent heterosexual marriages are truly heterosexual? Gay people have been forced to fake their sexual orientation for so long that the group is the most sought after political advisors on the market today.

The homophobic camps also fail to realize the burden of proof falls in their court. It is not up to Americans to prove why gays should have Equal rights. The un-Americans in our midst must demonstrate why the discrimination is justified. Since same sex marriage has been a reality in MA for over a few years now it should not be difficult to provide us with empirical evidence why bigotry against gays is justified. So what have you got? One liners about butt sex? That the best that can be done?
Women were denied the Right to Vote based on their inner thy packages and your camp wants to deny Equal Protection of the law for same sex marriages based on exactly the same reason.

First it was co opting blacks civil rights, now its on to the women? Faggots have the right to marriage, every man in woman in America has the right to marriage, they just don't have the right to special marriages to suit their needs and sexual lifestyle, thats the crux of the matter. The equal rights argument is a well placed strawman argument. If you beliueve gays should have equal samesex marriage rights then you must also support polygamists having the right to multiple marriages, otherwise you're just as bigoted and biased as those you keep calling homophobes.
Jackass, samesex marriage is *NOT* an equal rights issue, its a quest for special rights issue since every grown adult American has the right to marriage. If faggots should be allowed to marry so should polygamists and people who want to marry children and animals.

I'm not sure if you actually believe this is the case (I'd doubt it unless you really are totally unaware of the law) or if you're just continuing to obfuscate a simple issue.

Polygamy is illegal, pedophilia is illegal, incest is illegal, and bestiality is illegal.

Homosexuality is NOT illegal. That's the point. They're not trying to get "special marriages," but regular ones with another consenting adult non-related human and all the rights (to visit a spouse in the hospital, grant a spouse a green card or citizenship, familial legal status) that come with it. Denying the same rights other citizens enjoy on this basis is arbitrary and directly in contrast with equal treatment under the law guaranteed to all non-criminal US citizens.

I'd really appreciate it if you address and respond to the points I've made here and try to refute this on a legal basis. Your sense of morality or disapproval of homosexuality is tangential to the point that there is no legal distinction between homosexual citizens and heterosexual citizens, so denying one group the rights the other group enjoys is itself illegal. Again, it's a fairly simple and straightforward legal issue concerning civil rights that are directly comparable to the struggle to achieve civil and equal rights for black citizens.

On what legal grounds can you justify unequal treatment under the law?
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If you're going to argue against civil rights for American citizens, you have to do that, you can't hide behind "buttsex."
I'm not arguing against Civil Rights for Americans. The OP stated that he doesn't equate Black Civil Rights struggles with Gay marriage "rights".

None of you Gay rights supporters have successfully made the argument for Gay Marriage either because it can't stand on it's own.

Why don't gays make their own church and get married there? Oh yeah, because they want to destroy heterosexual peoples' churches that's why.

Fair enough on the first point, but how do you respond to my point about the merits of the equation, re: both sets of people are American citizens who are not denied equal rights under any legal basis but under a dubious and arbitrary one (skin color, sexuality)?

The argument for gay marriage does stand on its own, the argument against it attempts to ignore the simple facts of the law that all non-criminal citizens are guaranteed equal rights and equal protection so if the state recognizes heterosexual marriages and grants specific rights in relation, they must do the same to homosexual marriages since homosexuality is not a crime that justifies granting lesser rights.

I'm quite familiar with Unitarian Universalist churches and a variety of other religions that accept homosexual members. That's not what we're arguing about though. Religious people have solid justification for opposing homosexuality as its condemned in the Bible. The State and government has no justification for opposing same-sex marriage as marriage is granted to all other law-abiding citizens and you can't make a legally sound distinction between gay citizens and straight citizens.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

I guess you are as ignorant about the law as you are of most everything else. What blacks suffered through in their time in America was not the basis for extending any rights to them. Suffering and circumstances do not make a case for equality although that can be an argument to show that equality is not attained.

Like blacks were at one time, gays are being treated as separate but equal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Lies, gays are not fighting for equal rights, they're fighting for the rights to a special marriage suited for them, no more and no less so its ridiculous for faggots to co opt the black civil rights movements for their own personal agenda. Every American has the right to marry they just don't have the rights to special marriages suited for them, polygamists are one example. Faggots are not denied marriage, they just don't have the right to "faggot marriage."

Well what i find so odd BASStard is that the SAME arguments that were used against interracial marrige are the SAME being used against gays. The "Justice of the peace" even admited that he refused to marry a black man and a white womean because they would have kids that would grow up with a horrible childhood.......Let me see where have I heard THAT before? Oh yeah because the SAME people against Gays raising children complain that children of gay couples will have bad child hoods because they will be raised by two MOMMIES or two DADDIES and will get teased.

The best I can tell based on the rhetoric of the extreme REICH is they would RATHER have children raised by an ABUSIVE hetero house hold than a LOVING well adjusted Homo family. You know dad comes home beats his wife rapes his daughter and beats the hell out of his son so he will grow up to be a REAL man. It is kind of odd to prefer that kids coming home to two fathers who love each other and support their families should for some odd reason that the right NEVER wants to admit is that gay couples tend to have better fiscal resources than hetro couples.

So abuse and poor living conditions equate to being better than homo households. Such an odd phylosophy that it is hard to wrap your head around their reasoning. Oh and SEPERATE but EQUAL iwas struck down by the Supreme court so Civil Unions should also be based on the same basis.
What damage has been caused by gays requiring social protection?

Seems to me the most damage caused by homosexuality are the reactions of the bigots. Think about it for a moment......imagine if all the whining about gays were to be suddenly stopped.....what actual damage is caused by gay people?

Civilized society is based family.

Family is the backbone of all civilizations.

Families are based on a man and a woman, plus any children that they have.

Homosexuality is a deviant lifestyle that breaks up families.

Homo marriage is an abomination that destroys the traditional concept of marriage.

When a society legalizes homo marriage and lifestyle.

It is a symptom of a nation and a culture that is in decay and dying.

That's why I call for the criminalization of homosexuality and all homos be arrested and locked up as criminals.

Uh, actually, gays come from regular families where not a single one was raised "gay". They just are. It's people like you denying gays that is breaking up the family. Don't you get it? It's YOU!

Hey what's the DIVORCE rates of hetro marriges? Since you seem to think HERO FAMILIES are so STRONG then I would think it would be difficul to reconcile the two.
The best I can tell based on the rhetoric of the extreme REICH is they would RATHER have children raised by an ABUSIVE hetero house hold than a LOVING well adjusted Homo family. You know dad comes home beats his wife rapes his daughter and beats the hell out of his son so he will grow up to be a REAL man. It is kind of odd to prefer that kids coming home to two fathers who love each other and support their families should for some odd reason that the right NEVER wants to admit is that gay couples tend to have better fiscal resources than hetro couples.
Just more nonsense from the homo supporters.

They always paint a picture of a normal heterosexual couple as extremely abusive and dysfunctional.

And a homosexual couple as perfect and loving model parents.

I guess they forgot to mention that homos have highet suicide rates, drug abuse, child molestation, and mental illness. :eek:
Despite several people in this thread arguing against gay marriage, none have touched on any of my several posts pointing out how legally the State is compelled to treat gay and straight marriages exactly the same.

Why is that? Charlie? Sunni?

What is your argument for denying equal and civil rights to gay Americans based on the arguments I've proffered and the laws of the country recognizing heterosexual citizens and homosexual citizens as simply citizens? What legal justification is there for the argument you're advancing, on what grounds could it be done? Do you completely dismiss the rule of law and American citizens Constitutionally guaranteed rights? If not, how do you square it with denying homosexuals equal rights?
So how about you tell me just WHAT special rights gays would get through marriage? The right to comunity property? The right to have their partners get benefits from employers. The right to adopt. The right to make medical decisions. Now gays can get those rights but only after a LOT of legal expenses. So why should they have to pay to get those RIGHTS that hetros get with one simple document of a state recognised MARRIAGE?
Uh, actually, gays come from regular families where not a single one was raised "gay". They just are.

Most rapists and child molesters come from regular families also.

They wern't raised to rape and molest.

But that's how they turned out. :doubt:

But most rapists and child molesters are straight, white men who are married and Christian. That means they are nothing like the gays. Oops.
I have called for the state to get out of the marriage business all together.....I have called for the state to get out of the marriage business all together........It woulg go on but if you haven't seen Air Plane you won't get it.
You do know that a "FEE" to vote was stuck down by the Supreme Court right? This is very much the same. Gays have to suffer far greater expense to get the same rights as hetro couples. Why should that be? Does that seem RIGHT to you? If so WHY? Why should it be SO MUCH more difficult to have those legal recognitions?
Women were denied the Right to Vote based on their inner thy packages and your camp wants to deny Equal Protection of the law for same sex marriages based on exactly the same reason.

First it was co opting blacks civil rights, now its on to the women? Faggots have the right to marriage, every man in woman in America has the right to marriage, they just don't have the right to special marriages to suit their needs and sexual lifestyle, thats the crux of the matter. The equal rights argument is a well placed strawman argument. If you beliueve gays should have equal samesex marriage rights then you must also support polygamists having the right to multiple marriages, otherwise you're just as bigoted and biased as those you keep calling homophobes.

You are absolutely horribly dishonest in dialogue. Y
ou cherry pick and edit posts so you can attack what you perceive to be the weakest point to try and make your rebuttal seem intelligent. The worst part is even when you do that your arguments are still empty.

Your claim that one must support polygamy to be consistent with supporting same sex marriage is ridiculous and shows you do not understand the issue. The discrimination against gays is based on the government giving legal rights to a hetero couple based on them being of the opposite sex. Your polygamy red herring ignores the basis of the discrimination against gays.

No matter what info gets posted you continually ignore everything that shows how and why your bigotry is unjustified and iam not going to enable you by jumping through hoops designed to do nothing but waste people's time. Your avatar makes it even worse and it symbolically urinates all over the Cross.
If you want to destroy america, just allow homosexual's more destructive than any terrorists attacks!
Polygamy is illegal, pedophilia is illegal, incest is illegal, and bestiality is illegal.

Homosexuality is NOT illegal.

Well Neo-Nazis, Klansman and religious cults are all legal in America, using your logic every agenda that they push for should also be legal, your argument makes absolutely no damn sense.

On what legal grounds can you justify unequal treatment under the law?

There is no damn unequal treatment under the law towards gays, if you allow so called "faggot marriage" then you must legalize polygamy, why should polygamists be denied the same rights and protection under the law that are given to monogamous couples? Its a slippery slope type argument.

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