Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray'


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth.
I learned about black people fighting in the Civil War in public high school in the 80s. Thanks for the links, though.

Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth.

This is a very good topic to use, especially when folks want to argue about the reasons for fighting the Civil War.

I've read from as many as 67,000 to 93,000 blacks fought for the Confederacy
during the Civil War. (180,000 fought for the North)

The Southern Blacks served in Integrated Units while the Northern Troops
served in segregated units. (Ironic?)

Lincoln was forced to alter the reason for fighting from preserving the Union
to slavery after Antietam. After "the bloodiest day" in American History the
Northern folks developed the attitude of let the South leave if they want to.
It wasn't worth the bloodshed that was going on.

Blacks only fighting for the North is just more lies that education has altered.
It goes with..."Lincoln Freed the Slaves." "The Emancipation Proclamation
freed "All" the slaves," etc, etc...Kinda goes along with the myth of the 69Th
New York (Irish Brigade). There were Irish Brigades in the Southern Army

Good topic
After the debacle at Chattanooga, the confederate scum seriously considered offering emancipation for the slaves in the south if they would fight for the illegal confederacy.

Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth.

There were Jews that fought for Hitler as well.

It doesn't say anything about their valor, it just proves in all things there will be a certain group of people that are as ignorant as the day is long.

Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth. many are we talking here?

You are not asking me but I'll tell you. I read an article written by a
Black Professor at American University. (I can't remember his name).
He said between 67,000 and 93,000. The below link says
50,000 to 100,000.
One politician asked, “What did we go to war for, if not to protect our property?” Another suggested, “If slaves will make good soldiers, our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Lee weighed in on the issue and asked the Confederate government for help. “We must decide whether slavery shall be extinguished by our enemies and the slaves be used against us, or use them ourselves.” Lee asked that the slaves be freed as a condition of fighting, but the bill that passed the Confederate Congress on March 13, 1865,did not stipulate freedom for those who served.
No armed slaves actually fought for the Confederacy
One option considered would have offered emancipation for those who fought, but not their families.

Dumbass reb traitors.

Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth.

This is a very good topic to use, especially when folks want to argue about the reasons for fighting the Civil War.

I've read from as many as 67,000 to 93,000 blacks fought for the Confederacy
during the Civil War. (180,000 fought for the North)

The Southern Blacks served in Integrated Units while the Northern Troops
served in segregated units. (Ironic?)

Lincoln was forced to alter the reason for fighting from preserving the Union
to slavery after Antietam. After "the bloodiest day" in American History the
Northern folks developed the attitude of let the South leave if they want to.
It wasn't worth the bloodshed that was going on.

Blacks only fighting for the North is just more lies that education has altered.
It goes with..."Lincoln Freed the Slaves." "The Emancipation Proclamation
freed "All" the slaves," etc, etc...Kinda goes along with the myth of the 69Th
New York (Irish Brigade). There were Irish Brigades in the Southern Army

Good topic

Where did you get that 67,000 to 93,000 figure? Does it count those who were just field hands building breastworks, etc. but not given guns?
After the debacle at Chattanooga, the confederate scum seriously considered offering emancipation for the slaves in the south if they would fight for the illegal confederacy.
According to the video, they didn't allow it til March '65....the war ended one month later.

The vote on it came too late. The traitors had already lost for all intents and purposes.
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Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth.

This is a very good topic to use, especially when folks want to argue about the reasons for fighting the Civil War.

I've read from as many as 67,000 to 93,000 blacks fought for the Confederacy
during the Civil War. (180,000 fought for the North)

The Southern Blacks served in Integrated Units while the Northern Troops
served in segregated units. (Ironic?)

Lincoln was forced to alter the reason for fighting from preserving the Union
to slavery after Antietam. After "the bloodiest day" in American History the
Northern folks developed the attitude of let the South leave if they want to.
It wasn't worth the bloodshed that was going on.

Blacks only fighting for the North is just more lies that education has altered.
It goes with..."Lincoln Freed the Slaves." "The Emancipation Proclamation
freed "All" the slaves," etc, etc...Kinda goes along with the myth of the 69Th
New York (Irish Brigade). There were Irish Brigades in the Southern Army

Good topic

Where did you get that 67,000 to 93,000 figure? Does it count those who were just field hands building breastworks, etc. but not given guns?

Slaves were brought along with the Confederate army. They did menial work, hauled supplies, dug trenches, dug graves

They were not armed and were not soldiers

Yes, that is right. Black confederates.

Liberal education is not an education. It is re-education or better known as brainwashing. We know nothing of the truth. Worse than that, we reject the truth.

I was surprised when I read your post and then went and researched it. You are right the South had many bros enlist in the Army of the South. Never knew that and my Mom never said anything about it. You would think it would be good to know about the past.

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