Black congressmoron Shelia Jackson Lee says constitution 400 years old

Pretending a person who speaks frequently never misspeaks makes you racists.

You non stop defended Bush for the much more obvious mistakes he made.

think about this.

Your making a speech and your also thinking of something else.

the number get accidently said while you thinking of something else.

But black women are held to a higher standard for some reason by you smucks.

that is due to your racial hate

Oh please the dumb bitch didn't "misspeak".

She's fucking retarded!! She once famously asked where she could find photos of the American flag that Neil Armstrong planted on Mars — yesterday insisted, in stark defiance of basic facts of history, that “today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace.”
what else do you know about her besides a few misspeakings?

that shes liberal female and black.

I suspect the black part is what you hate the most
what else do you know about her besides a few misspeakings?

that shes liberal female and black.

I suspect the black part is what you hate the most

Why do you liberals always have to bring race into the conversation?

I don't like her because she is stupid and not looking out for the best interest of her constituents. She fought tooth and nail to keep a failing school from closing while trashing successful charter schools.

But please, if you're going to address me then use the quote function and use proper grammar. I understand how both of those can be difficult for you, but do try.
Why do you liberals always have to bring race into the conversation?

To point out you racists?

I'd like, btw, to see some details on that school.

It's obvious you are a dumbass.

I never mentioned race. So what have I said that makes you believe I'm a racist?

The Texas Education Agency ruled to shut down North Forest Independent
School District
on April 1st due to alleged educational performance shortcomings.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee held a press conference shortly after the ruling
on the steps of the Houston NAACP office, joined by Reverend Charles Taylor, North
Forest’s School Board President and Yolanda Smith, the Executive Director of the
NAACP- Houston Branch.

North Forest Independent School District was a school district based in northeast Houston, Texas. The district has had a history of financial and academic issues since the late 1980s until 2013, when the state proceeded to have the district closed

History of academic and management troubles

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