black couple sues appraisal company for low appraisal on home

You haven't been able to answer that 300K difference question yet.
you know I give you a lot of shit about being prejudice but this thread shows a good number of white people that are the same. there is absolutely no defense for the difference in the appraisals, almost double is not defendable yet they keep coming up with excuses.
you know I give you a lot of shit about being prejudice but this thread shows a good number of white people that are the same. there is absolutely no defense for the difference in the appraisals, almost double is not defendable yet they keep coming up with excuses.
The appraiser 100% could have taken these people's race into account when he did the valuation and if he did he was wrong. That said Im not sure we have enough evidence to say for sure that's what happened, and if he did it's not the fault of
BTW this is the owner of


He's Taiwanese I think. Probably not a member of the KKK.
Or that we don't want your virus carrying kid in our school who won't practice safety...

Vaccinations NEVER should have become a cultural issue, but it did because you guys would rather cut off your right arm than admit that you made a mistake putting Trump in the White House.
Vaccinations became a political issue because nobody trusted the people who were mandating them.
Nobody trusts Nazis.

And if the God damn vaccine actually worked it wouldn't have to be given to everyone. Vaccines don't work that way, you stupid fucking asshole!!!!!!!
you know I give you a lot of shit about being prejudice but this thread shows a good number of white people that are the same. there is absolutely no defense for the difference in the appraisals, almost double is not defendable yet they keep coming up with excuses.

The word prejudice means to pre-judge which is what you are doing in this case; the idea that there is no other possible reason for the low appraisal but race. You only heard one side of the story, it was written very biased, it hasn't made it to court yet, but we're the ones that are prejudiced?

I don't recall anybody here saying it absolutely had nothing to do with this couple being black, only that there are other more likely possibilities.
Or that we don't want your virus carrying kid in our school who won't practice safety...

Vaccinations NEVER should have become a cultural issue, but it did because you guys would rather cut off your right arm than admit that you made a mistake putting Trump in the White House.
If someone doesnt have high cholesterol, do you think it's wise for them to take a statin anyway? What other medications should people who aren't affected by the illness the medication is for should people be taking? That's what you are advocating for here. Children are NOT at risk with COVID. Anyone under the age of 50 really isnt at any risk. Only 6% of all the people who have died of/with COVID in the US are under 50. .1% were school aged. .7% under 30. So explain to me again why we are injecting kids with this exactly? Over 50 maybe if you arent generally heathly. If you are over 65 I get it. Over 75 you're crazy not to get vax'd. What's the risk? You certainly arent worried about long term effects.
The appraiser 100% could have taken these people's race into account when he did the valuation and if he did he was wrong. That said Im not sure we have enough evidence to say for sure that's what happened, and if he did it's not the fault of
I agree Loan depot is not at fault, but you are arguing even the appraiser was not at fault and that is stupid,
The word prejudice means to pre-judge which is what you are doing in this case; the idea that there is no other possible reason for the low appraisal but race. You only heard one side of the story, it was written very biased, it hasn't made it to court yet, but we're the ones that are prejudiced?

I don't recall anybody here saying it absolutely had nothing to do with this couple being black, only that there are other more likely possibilities.
LOL ya it was just a minor difference of doubling the value nothing to see here right?
I agree Loan depot is not at fault, but you are arguing even the appraiser was not at fault and that is stupid,
No I said there wasnt enough evidence to say why the appraisal was low. Certainly, when this thread started there wasnt nearly enough information. We didnt even have a timeline. I still think it may be difficult to PROVE there was some racial motivation behind the initial appraisal.
You are ignoring the elephant in the room. That when the family removed all pictures of black people and had a white person show them the house, the second appraiser did the job right.
That’s a stretch, the second appraiser was with a different firm. Just like everything in life, we have good and bad, we’re humans…
That sounds like a good reason to not have high-volume lenders, then. Or for them to get better.
I’ll be the first to agree they are not always the best choice, but they are usually the lowest cost and when someone is buying a home, interest rates & closing cost are major factors. I never recommend them, lender’s are a dime a dozen.
Even though I had no credit card
You have no credit cards, zero?
No I said there wasnt enough evidence to say why the appraisal was low. Certainly, when this thread started there wasnt nearly enough information. We didnt even have a timeline. I still think it may be difficult to PROVE there was some racial motivation behind the initial appraisal.
it wasn't just low it was half the second and you claim it was just a low appraisal.
The appraiser 100% could have taken these people's race into account when he did the valuation and if he did he was wrong. That said Im not sure we have enough evidence to say for sure that's what happened, and if he did it's not the fault of

I don't think that there is any other sensible explanation of why Appraiser A lowballed an estimate for a black family by comparing the property to distant properties in poorer neighborhoods OTHER than racism. The fact a second appraiser did it right just underscores it.

Loan Depot is responsible because they hired this guy, and didn't check his work.
You have no credit cards, zero?
Why did you deceptively edit this sentence, where I said I had no Credit Card Debt? (I have credit cards, but pay them off every month.)

I’ll be the first to agree they are not always the best choice, but they are usually the lowest cost and when someone is buying a home, interest rates & closing cost are major factors. I never recommend them, lender’s are a dime a dozen.

Actually, what they are good for is suckering in people who don't know any better.

That’s a stretch, the second appraiser was with a different firm. Just like everything in life, we have good and bad, we’re humans…

I don't think it's a stretch at all. Occam's razor. All other thing being equal, the simplest answer is usually the right one.
BTW this is the owner of

View attachment 688759

He's Taiwanese I think. Probably not a member of the KKK.

Meaning what? It's been my experience that Asian people can be even more racist against blacks than white people can.

The problem here is that the Appraisal passed through probably dozens of hands, and not one person said, "Hey, wait a minute", until the couple in question got another appraisal after whitewashing their house.
I don't think that there is any other sensible explanation of why Appraiser A lowballed an estimate for a black family by comparing the property to distant properties in poorer neighborhoods OTHER than racism. The fact a second appraiser did it right just underscores it.

Loan Depot is responsible because they hired this guy, and didn't check his work.
No they didn’t hire him . We’ve been over this. You’re just unwilling to grasp the simple concept
No they didn’t hire him . We’ve been over this. You’re just unwilling to grasp the simple concept

They picked him. They decided his flawed work was okay with them.

They will settle this out of court, because, Frankly, it's a bad look.
They picked him. They decided his flawed work was okay with them.

They will settle this out of court, because, Frankly, it's a bad look.
Go read up on what an AMC is. Until then I’m done with this convo. You’re not willing to even do a minimal amount of reading in order to talk intelligently about a subject. I even linked it for you.

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