Black death talk

They gave you COVID. China shut down your economy and changed the world to a divervent state of existence from which there will never be a return to normalcy. Case in point: We Americans supposedly elected a President who we thought would return "business as usual" to this country, after the pandemic. That has worked out horribly. Remember how the world changed after 9/11? Same thing. This is not the same world it was in 2019, nor will it ever be the same again.
I see you are one of those Conspiracy Theorists cleverly blaming those velly nice peeps for your evil nature . So, even though you stored the virus in Fort Detrick, you blame the velly nice peeps .And though Gain of function was at Chapel Hill , north Carolina, that is also the fault of the velly nice peeps . As it also was when your Doc Faucet sold it to Wuhan with permission of your Black Chief Bumboy . I expect you want us to believe that a bat flew in to the bio-lab and flew out again with the virus accidently spreading it in the local market . You Americans -- velly funny peeps .
I see you are one of those Conspiracy Theorists cleverly blaming those velly nice peeps for your evil nature . So, even though you stored the virus in Fort Detrick, you blame the velly nice peeps .And though Gain of function was at Chapel Hill , north Carolina, that is also the fault of the velly nice peeps . As it also was when your Doc Faucet sold it to Wuhan with permission of your Black Chief Bumboy . I expect you want us to believe that a bat flew in to the bio-lab and flew out again with the virus accidently spreading it in the local market . You Americans -- velly funny peeps .

COVID was a bio-weapon developed by the CCP, and partially-funded by the Obama administration.

Fuck China and Obama both with the same rusty AIDS-infected garden rake.
When did they try to conquer the world?

All the time. They kept getting their asses kicked. The Vietnamese ran them out of Cambodia, very embarrassing for a 'world power n stuff', and Russians couldn't even defeat Ukraine, despite it being disarmed and then abandoned by Obama and Biden.
People think of the Black DEATH as just a European crisis but it may have caused more DEATHS in CHINA and it also had similar deaths in the Muslims World

I think pretty much everybody should know this. Yersinia Pestis is endemic to Central Asia, and likely was introduced to China via the Yuan Dynasty. For those that do not know, that is the dynasty founded by Kublai Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) in 1294 as an extension of the Mongol Empire. And about a decade before it hit Europe (via the Silk Road) it decimated much of China.

But it is not "Chinese", even though that is the region that first felt the impact of that disease. It is actually endemic to Central Asia (specifically modern Mongolia). And with its large population, China has long been the perfect incubator for diseases to break out into human populations.
Straight up BS

I had several topics I wanted to discuss about the the black plague and you F it up
Straight up BS

I had several topics I wanted to discuss about the the black plague and you F it up

No, you did not want to discuss anything. You wanted to pontificate on your own almost nonsensical beliefs and do not seem to like that many are refusing to follow your claims.

Oh, and they were not "Mongolian trade routes", they were a combination of primarily Chinese, Arab, and Italian trade routes that had been in existence since the days of the Roman Republic. Well over 1,200 years before the Mongols rose to power when they were simply a bunch of wandering nomads that were busy kicking the snot out of other groups and causing the multiple waves of "Barbarians" to crash into the Roman Empire.

It was indeed introduced to Europe through the Mongols, but it had already been ravaging much of Asia for over a century before that including India.
Was going to talk about
origins, how is spread, and how it changed society after and how people
No, you did not want to discuss anything. You wanted to pontificate on your own almost nonsensical beliefs and do not seem to like that many are refusing to follow your claims.

Oh, and they were not "Mongolian trade routes", they were a combination of primarily Chinese, Arab, and Italian trade routes that had been in existence since the days of the Roman Republic. Well over 1,200 years before the Mongols rose to power when they were simply a bunch of wandering nomads that were busy kicking the snot out of other groups and causing the multiple waves of "Barbarians" to crash into the Roman Empire.

It was indeed introduced to Europe through the Mongols, but it had already been ravaging much of Asia for over a century before that including India.

I am very well studied in Western European history.
No, you did not want to discuss anything. You wanted to pontificate on your own almost nonsensical beliefs and do not seem to like that many are refusing to follow your claims.

Oh, and they were not "Mongolian trade routes", they were a combination of primarily Chinese, Arab, and Italian trade routes that had been in existence since the days of the Roman Republic. Well over 1,200 years before the Mongols rose to power when they were simply a bunch of wandering nomads that were busy kicking the snot out of other groups and causing the multiple waves of "Barbarians" to crash into the Roman Empire.

It was indeed introduced to Europe through the Mongols, but it had already been ravaging much of Asia for over a century before that including India.

You know ZERO about history. I mean ZERO

My information is based on real books from PHD people
I think pretty much everybody should know this. Yersinia Pestis is endemic to Central Asia, and likely was introduced to China via the Yuan Dynasty. For those that do not know, that is the dynasty founded by Kublai Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) in 1294 as an extension of the Mongol Empire. And about a decade before it hit Europe (via the Silk Road) it decimated much of China.

But it is not "Chinese", even though that is the region that first felt the impact of that disease. It is actually endemic to Central Asia (specifically modern Mongolia). And with its large population, China has long been the perfect incubator for diseases to break out into human populations.

I even read a PHD book on this matter and know the subject.
You are vermin
What about the Spanish Flu 1918 which killed between 50--100 million ? Americans keep quiet about that, though it likely came from them and was transported into Europe by their military.

Actually, that is not commonly accepted anymore but the US was one of the first nations to see an outbreak (but not the first). And this is actually rather obvious, as there are almost no infectious diseases that originate in either North or South America. Other than syphilis, almost all diseases in both continents are not infectious between individuals but need a vector (normally an insect) in order to spread. This is believed to be a major reason why the immune systems of the natives were so weak before the arrival of Europeans. They literally had almost no diseases that could be spread between humans through contact so even simple ones like the common cold or chicken pox was fatal to them.

And even syphilis was not fatal at that time, and only appeared as a skin rash. It was after meeting the much stronger immune systems of Europeans that it mutated and became what we know today. Not unlike HIV, which had been endemic in parts of Africa as a mutation of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus for over a century (and was not particularly deadly as it took decades to kill the patient). But once it moved into European hosts in at least the 1960s it quickly mutated and became much stronger than it had been before. But the earliest variants were already known in Africa by the early 1970s, called the "slim disease". But research is still going on to find the real origin, but most believe it actually made the jump from chimps to humans in the late 1800s or early 1900s primarily from bush meat.

The earliest outbreaks of Spanish Flu were actually in China in 1917. Then in 1918 it broke out almost simultaneously in both North America (likely from pigs - the US was a major importer of live pigs from China in that era) as well as Europe (both the British and French used Chinese laborers as part of their construction forces). And this is not unusual in a viral outbreak, where once it leaves the original region it quickly spreads and can hit multiple locations rather quickly. And because most of the transit of the time was shut down other than military, that tended to focus the initial points of outbreak.
I even read a PHD book on this matter and know the subject.
You are vermin

Wow, I'm impressed.


As an FYI, I have actually been studying things like this since the mid-1980s. And about 2 decades ago when I was first trying to warn people that another global pandemic was eventually going to hit most of my family and friends thought I was just paranoid. But in reality, it was just knowing the simple fact that at roughly every 100 years a major global pandemic has broken out.

In fact, once COVID broke out much of my family wondered if my being in the military gave me some kind of "inside information" as I predicted quite accurately how long the main outbreak would go on, and the multiple waves that would follow with differing variants. But this was not rocket science, that is how every pandemic happened in the past (most specifically Spanish Flu).

Oh, and so have I. If you want, I can even suggest a few to you.

First, The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. That was a fascinating book about the Ebola Reston outbreak in the US in 1990.

Another is either of the two books by Doctor William Close on the outbreaks of Ebola in Africa. He was one of the first to deal with the initial outbreaks in 1976.

I have read both of his books on the outbreak, and he unquestionably is a medical doctor.

Great, you "read a book", big deal. This has actually been a professional interest of mine for over 4 decades now.

Go back to the sandbox, junior. Your insults and almost nonsensical claims and rants do not impress me at all.
Wow, I'm impressed.


As an FYI, I have actually been studying things like this since the mid-1980s. And about 2 decades ago when I was first trying to warn people that another global pandemic was eventually going to hit most of my family and friends thought I was just paranoid. But in reality, it was just knowing the simple fact that at roughly every 100 years a major global pandemic has broken out.

In fact, once COVID broke out much of my family wondered if my being in the military gave me some kind of "inside information" as I predicted quite accurately how long the main outbreak would go on, and the multiple waves that would follow with differing variants. But this was not rocket science, that is how every pandemic happened in the past (most specifically Spanish Flu).

Oh, and so have I. If you want, I can even suggest a few to you.

First, The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. That was a fascinating book about the Ebola Reston outbreak in the US in 1990.

Another is either of the two books by Doctor William Close on the outbreaks of Ebola in Africa. He was one of the first to deal with the initial outbreaks in 1976.

I have read both of his books on the outbreak, and he unquestionably is a medical doctor.

Great, you "read a book", big deal. This has actually been a professional interest of mine for over 4 decades now.

Go back to the sandbox, junior. Your insults and almost nonsensical claims and rants do not impress me at all.

I dont know who the hell you think you are but you aint going to F up my threads !!!
Got it .. jerk

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