Black democrat accuses democrat party of racism....well, they've been the racist party since slavery

Isn't it funny to watch George Wallace standing at the schoolhouse door blocking little negro children from entering the school?
Oh. Didn't I mention he was a DEMOCRAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ONLY reason the negroes have allowed themselves to be enslaved by the LIBs for so long is b/c to be blunt they 'aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree'. The LIBs know this.
It's the same as someone 'feeling up' a 'Special Needs' girl and knowing they can get away with it.
LIBs are despicable.
The LIBs are like the dirty old man who offers 'special needs' girls (AKA free cell phones to negroes,) candy so he can take advantage of them.
That is otherwise known as predatory behaviour.
You know. Like 'Billy The Love Muscle' Clinton behaved to a young intern. And now he's seen as a fucking hero among LIBs.
Go fucking figure.
As long as the negro race remains generally 10-15 IQ points behind all other races they will always be the 'Special Needs' race. That means forever.
Not all democrats are liberals.....just like not all re-pubs are liberals..Pigeonhole king you is....
And you be sure to smuggley retort you superior intelligence when the next black cop is giving you a ticket...
The word is 'you're' pal. "Smuggley"?
I don't get any tickets b/c I do not break the law.
The negro race is basically the world's "Special Needs" problem.
FDR Ran the Tuskegee Experiment on blacks and LBJ said of Thurgood Marshall, "..when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

And they are the luminaries, the greats, of the Democrat Party
The democrat party has ALWAYS been racist, intolerant, and generally hostile to the equality of individuals. Nothing has changed.
That why there has been a black democratic president, but not a republican one..
The Dems didn't give a shit about whether BOBO would be a good President.
Their 'social scientists' told them that the Tree Dwellers would block vote for BOBO b/c he was a negro.
They would have run Charlie Manson if they were sure every knife manufacturer in the country would vote for him.
So the GOP wants to help blacks by bringing back Jim Crow? did you come up with that? Since jim crow was a creation of the democrats....the republicans want nothing to do with it...

As to what Republicans are going to do for blacks....well....the same as they do for everyone else....that is called not being concerned or focused on race as the primary motivating force...unlike the democrats where race is their primary focus....

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