black dude steals drugs from pharmacy in california

Maybe if Califorkya made all crime legal, the racism would stop, & Walgreens could reopen! :)
Two black 'leaders' were interviewed on PBS Newshour a couple of nights ago. They whined about how they need a lot more investment in black communities in order for them to improve.

How can these people be so fucking stupid? Blacks steal everything in sight, cause countless problems, riot, loot, burn, and destroy businesses, turn their neighborhoods into shitholes. Then cry because no one with a brain wants to open a business or invest a dime in those shitholes. Fucking amazing.

Hell, the only sensible thing to do is stay as far away as possible from these folks. Let them continue to wallow in self pity and blame whitey for all their problems. Lying to themselves is a highly developed art form with these people. Nothing will ever change that.
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Maybe if Califorkya made all crime legal, the racism would stop, & Walgreens could reopen! :)
the videos from other pharamcys in onther states not just california. you cAN thanks the damn liberals hollywooders for all ass hole governor.
Two black 'leaders' were interviewed on PBS Newshour a couple of nights ago. They whined about how they need a lot more investment in black communities in order for them to improve.

How can these people be so fucking stupid? Blacks steal everything in sight, cause countless problems, riot, loot, burn, and destroy businesses, turn their neighborhoods into shitholes. Then cry because no one with a brain wants to open a business or invest a dime in those shitholes. Fucking amazing.

Hell, the only sensible thing to do is stay as far away as possible from these folks. Let them continue to wallow in self pity and blame whitey for all their problems. Lying to themselves is a highly developed art form with these people. Nothing will ever change that.
ans they lock stuff up in stores in front of them
Two black 'leaders' were interviewed on PBS Newshour a couple of nights ago. They whined about how they need a lot more investment in black communities in order for them to improve.

How can these people be so fucking stupid? Blacks steal everything in sight, cause countless problems, riot, loot, burn, and destroy businesses, turn their neighborhoods into shitholes. Then cry because no one with a brain wants to open a business or invest a dime in those shitholes. Fucking amazing.

Hell, the only sensible thing to do is stay as far away as possible from these folks. Let them continue to wallow in self pity and blame whitey for all their problems. Lying to themselves is a highly developed art form with these people. Nothing will ever change that.
You could invest ten trillion dollars per decade into this community and it wouldn't improve. You can't fix them.
Yes indeed, no one has ever robbed a pharmacy in the USA until now.

you people bury your head in the sand....but when a cop defends the community, you go APESHIT
Two black 'leaders' were interviewed on PBS Newshour a couple of nights ago. They whined about how they need a lot more investment in black communities in order for them to improve.

How can these people be so fucking stupid? Blacks steal everything in sight, cause countless problems, riot, loot, burn, and destroy businesses, turn their neighborhoods into shitholes. Then cry because no one with a brain wants to open a business or invest a dime in those shitholes. Fucking amazing.

Hell, the only sensible thing to do is stay as far away as possible from these folks. Let them continue to wallow in self pity and blame whitey for all their problems. Lying to themselves is a highly developed art form with these people. Nothing will ever change that.
Ghettos are SELF MADE by the people who live there. It's a MORALITY problem, not an "investment" problem.

BLACKS are why blacks can't have nice things

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