Black faith leaders announce campaign goal to strip 25 percent of black vote


Aug 13, 2012
Unhappy with President Barack Obama‘s support of same-sex marriage, a group of African-American faith leaders have announced a campaign aimed at stripping 25 percent of the black vote that went to Obama in 2008 (95 percent).

The newly formed nonprofit group, God Said, will begin targeting voters in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Florida with television and radio advertising, as well as a grassroots campaign to encourage people to consider the gospel when they enter the voting booth.

Read more: Faith leaders aim to strip 25 percent of black vote from Obama | The Daily Caller
We had a great thread going by AmyNation on lack of upward mobility, which died when it was pointed out that statistics proved the segment of our population which was trapped were those minorities locked into generational governmnent dependency by the Democrat machine.

African American need to shed those chains.
Unhappy with President Barack Obama‘s support of same-sex marriage, a group of African-American faith leaders have announced a campaign aimed at stripping 25 percent of the black vote that went to Obama in 2008 (95 percent).

The newly formed nonprofit group, God Said, will begin targeting voters in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Florida with television and radio advertising, as well as a grassroots campaign to encourage people to consider the gospel when they enter the voting booth.

Read more: Faith leaders aim to strip 25 percent of black vote from Obama | The Daily Caller

It shouldn't be based on just this one issue, but the overall concept of "coveting" and abusing political power for the wrong reasons, for greed for power, exploitation of the poor and abusing the forgiveness of the community of faith used to get votes.

I will try to look up and contact this "God Said" nonprofit to get help to save Freedmen's Town, a national historic site of 8-10 African American churches built by Freed Slaves, where the landmarks in this district are being destroyed under Democrat administrations in order to keep their offices. Thanks for posting this!
lol, OOPS!!!

Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s VictoryBy MICAH COHEN

While President Obama’s lopsided support among Latino and other minority voters has been a focus of postelection analysis, the overwhelming support he received from another growing demographic group — Americans who identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual — has received much less attention.

But the backing Mr. Obama received from gay voters also has a claim on having been decisive. Mitt Romney and Mr. Obama won roughly an equal number of votes among straight voters nationwide, exit polls showed. And, a new study argues, Mr. Romney appears to have won a narrow victory among straight voters in the swing states Ohio and Florida.

Mr. Obama’s more than three-to-one edge in exit polls among the 5 percent of voters who identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual was more than enough to give him the ultimate advantage, according to the study, by Gary J. Gates of the Williams Institute at the U.C.L.A. School of Law, in conjunction with Gallup

Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama's Victory -
#1 rallying cry of these black ministers: "gay folks are sinful and going to hell"
No American that believes in equal rights supports that shit.

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