Black Female Obama Supporter Set on Fire by the KKK?...

Woah! That is pretty damn sick if true. Motive?

Probably the same mental disorder that Ashley Todd had back in '08. Remember? She's the one that claimed she was beat up for wearing a McCain sticker?

Fuckin' nuts, man....

Yeah that was nuts too but setting oneself on fire to this degree is pretty damn disturbed.
Guess that was the retaliation for the Romney sign thing in Wsconsin....after all...leftists who give another person a black eye are just caged animals living in their own defecation....but Conservatives burning a woman alive....that's completely acceptable behavior....

what are you talking about? On what planet is this acceptable behavior? And who the heck said anything about liberals or conservatives? I dont know the political affiliation of anyone involved, where the heck did you find that information?
I sure hope that woman gets the help she obviously needs...

And those are the key words right there. I've seen people to alot of crazy stuff to themselves, and I've heard a few stories crazier than what I've seen myself. I've even seen suicides and suicide attempts a few times. But for a person to be able to set herself on fire...deliberately and with a plan to commit a hoax to frame others for doing it...

This woman is not well, not in the slightest. I'm completely beside myself trying to wrap my mind around this. Hypothetically speaking, if my life ever got to the point of being suicidal, I could down a bottle of pills, I could probably pull a trigger, I could definitely clam bake myself in a room with a burning charcoal grill.....but I could never, not in a million years, set myself on fire. Hands down the most excruciating natural way to die, and the third worst way ever conceived by anyone in the world behind Vlad Tepes style impalement and crucifixion. I can't imagine doing that to myself.
Sharmeka Moffitt set on fire in Louisiana


They are saying "Alleged" so I will say that if this is True those who did it should be by Set on Fire also. :thup:



Police say Louisiana woman set herself ablaze Sharmeka Moffitt, Lousiana woman, may have faked hate crime

I knew it 8 hours ago before it was announced... read back over this thread. My sources are rarely Wrong and this one had MAD Stank on it.

Now the Media will Ignore.

Will the NAACP continue to Demand for a thorough Investigation?... :lol:



I was sure it was a spontaneous human combustion fueled by Obama’s lies.

“Sharmeka Moffitt made up a story about being attacked and set on fire, according to a spokesman for Louisiana's Franklin Parish sheriff's office. Spokesman Kevin Cobb told reporters this afternoon that it looks like the 20-year-old woman set herself ablaze on Sunday night. She remains in critical condition at a hospital in Shreveport, La. Police say evidence they've uncovered indicates Moffitt wrote "KKK" and a racial slur on her car. She had said she was attacked by three men wearing white hoodies. Police understandably say Moffitt and her family still deserve prayers. [Source

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I was sure it was a spontaneous human combustion fueled by Obama’s lies.

“Sharmeka Moffitt made up a story about being attacked and set on fire, according to a spokesman for Louisiana's Franklin Parish sheriff's office. Spokesman Kevin Cobb told reporters this afternoon that it looks like the 20-year-old woman set herself ablaze on Sunday night. She remains in critical condition at a hospital in Shreveport, La. Police say evidence they've uncovered indicates Moffitt wrote "KKK" and a racial slur on her car. She had said she was attacked by three men wearing white hoodies. Police understandably say Moffitt and her family still deserve prayers. [Source


Her Sister Lied for her on that video...

She's a Suspected Accomplice in the Fraud. :thus:


Sharmeka Moffitt set on fire in Louisiana


They are saying "Alleged" so I will say that if this is True those who did it should be by Set on Fire also. :thup:



Police say Louisiana woman set herself ablaze Sharmeka Moffitt, Lousiana woman, may have faked hate crime

I knew it 8 hours ago before it was announced... read back over this thread. My sources are rarely Wrong and this one had MAD Stank on it.

Now the Media will Ignore.

Will the NAACP continue to Demand for a thorough Investigation?... :lol:



I find it suspicious that many of the sites have not updated their story's to show she did this to herself. It is a big story. I checked CBS, NBC, CNN, and ABC. The all still showed about an hour ago that three white guys did it.

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