Black Female Obama Supporter Set on Fire by the KKK?...

The schoolboy story faded away too. Since he's a juvenile they can't put too much in the press, but his story didn't add up at all. In his case it appears that the mother wanted her boy out of that school, which was interracial.

Why would the black woman set herself on fire? Crazy is the first word that comes to mind, but it's possible she wanted attention and money - hitting all the news and talk shows can reap some cash, plus free flights and hotel...
The schoolboy story faded away too. Since he's a juvenile they can't put too much in the press, but his story didn't add up at all. In his case it appears that the mother wanted her boy out of that school, which was interracial.

Why would the black woman set herself on fire? Crazy is the first word that comes to mind, but it's possible she wanted attention and money - hitting all the news and talk shows can reap some cash, plus free flights and hotel...

There are easier and less painful ways of getting attention and money than setting yourself on fire. That is an act of someone who has no hope and is desparate.

Has citizens of this great nation truely become so hopeless and despearate?
CaféAuLait;6213152 said:

I knew it 8 hours ago before it was announced... read back over this thread. My sources are rarely Wrong and this one had MAD Stank on it.

Now the Media will Ignore.

Will the NAACP continue to Demand for a thorough Investigation?... :lol:



I find it suspicious that many of the sites have not updated their story's to show she did this to herself. It is a big story. I checked CBS, NBC, CNN, and ABC. The all still showed about an hour ago that three white guys did it.

They are letting it do as much Damage as possible to Romney via the Rumor Mill...

They will run a small retraction after the Election. :thup:


The schoolboy story faded away too. Since he's a juvenile they can't put too much in the press, but his story didn't add up at all. In his case it appears that the mother wanted her boy out of that school, which was interracial.

Why would the black woman set herself on fire? Crazy is the first word that comes to mind, but it's possible she wanted attention and money - hitting all the news and talk shows can reap some cash, plus free flights and hotel...

There are easier and less painful ways of getting attention and money than setting yourself on fire. That is an act of someone who has no hope and is desparate.

Has citizens of this great nation truely become so hopeless and despearate?

It's a MASSIVE Fraud Fail...

Her Sister is a Suspect. :thup:


The schoolboy story faded away too. Since he's a juvenile they can't put too much in the press, but his story didn't add up at all. In his case it appears that the mother wanted her boy out of that school, which was interracial.

Why would the black woman set herself on fire? Crazy is the first word that comes to mind, but it's possible she wanted attention and money - hitting all the news and talk shows can reap some cash, plus free flights and hotel...

Could be just plain, simple, racism.

Couple years back we had a person who set themselves on fire in their car. I believe it was an Indian dude, who claimed that a few white guys tried to kill him. He was found to have been lying - and this was during a time when there had been a number of racial attacks against Indians. He just wanted to stir the pot, so to speak.
What a fucking race baiting ****.

It's race baiters like this bitch that fuck race relations up. And it's stupid bleeding heart white morons who fell for this shit that fuck race relations up.
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The schoolboy story faded away too. Since he's a juvenile they can't put too much in the press, but his story didn't add up at all. In his case it appears that the mother wanted her boy out of that school, which was interracial.

Why would the black woman set herself on fire? Crazy is the first word that comes to mind, but it's possible she wanted attention and money - hitting all the news and talk shows can reap some cash, plus free flights and hotel...

There are easier and less painful ways of getting attention and money than setting yourself on fire. That is an act of someone who has no hope and is desparate.

Has citizens of this great nation truely become so hopeless and despearate?

This sort of thing has been going on forever, all over the world, for any number of reasons.
Remember that woman who wanted her kids out of the way so she shot all 4 of them, then shot herself in the arm, then claimed some guy tried to hijack the car? I knew a guy that hurt himself at work so he could get a great big settlement from the company and sit on his ass for a couple of years (he's never voted, btw.)
A lot of people that have never been burned have no idea how much it hurts. They tend to think a first-degree burn hurts about as much as a sunburn and goes away after a few days. I'm pretty sure that woman didn't intend to get burned so badly, something went wrong with her plan.
The schoolboy story faded away too. Since he's a juvenile they can't put too much in the press, but his story didn't add up at all. In his case it appears that the mother wanted her boy out of that school, which was interracial.

Why would the black woman set herself on fire? Crazy is the first word that comes to mind, but it's possible she wanted attention and money - hitting all the news and talk shows can reap some cash, plus free flights and hotel...

There are easier and less painful ways of getting attention and money than setting yourself on fire. That is an act of someone who has no hope and is desparate.

Has citizens of this great nation truely become so hopeless and despearate?

This sort of thing has been going on forever, all over the world, for any number of reasons.
Remember that woman who wanted her kids out of the way so she shot all 4 of them, then shot herself in the arm, then claimed some guy tried to hijack the car? I knew a guy that hurt himself at work so he could get a great big settlement from the company and sit on his ass for a couple of years (he's never voted, btw.)
A lot of people that have never been burned have no idea how much it hurts. They tend to think a first-degree burn hurts about as much as a sunburn and goes away after a few days. I'm pretty sure that woman didn't intend to get burned so badly, something went wrong with her plan.

I've had second degree burns before, and they are bloody painful. People are ignorant, like you said, they assume that first degree burns are nothing more than a sunburn, and that they can handle it. Not always...
There are easier and less painful ways of getting attention and money than setting yourself on fire. That is an act of someone who has no hope and is desparate.

Has citizens of this great nation truely become so hopeless and despearate?

This sort of thing has been going on forever, all over the world, for any number of reasons.
Remember that woman who wanted her kids out of the way so she shot all 4 of them, then shot herself in the arm, then claimed some guy tried to hijack the car? I knew a guy that hurt himself at work so he could get a great big settlement from the company and sit on his ass for a couple of years (he's never voted, btw.)
A lot of people that have never been burned have no idea how much it hurts. They tend to think a first-degree burn hurts about as much as a sunburn and goes away after a few days. I'm pretty sure that woman didn't intend to get burned so badly, something went wrong with her plan.

I've had second degree burns before, and they are bloody painful. People are ignorant, like you said, they assume that first degree burns are nothing more than a sunburn, and that they can handle it. Not always...

One of the bigger issues with burns is the resulting infection. Given she burned over 60 percent of her body's largest organ ( the skin), she is going to have a long hard row to hoe.
CaféAuLait;6213231 said:
I've had second degree burns before, and they are bloody painful. People are ignorant, like you said, they assume that first degree burns are nothing more than a sunburn, and that they can handle it. Not always...

One of the bigger issues with burns is the resulting infection. Given she burned over 60 percent of her body's largest organ ( the skin), she is going to have a long hard row to hoe.[/QUOTE]

It's even worse than that. She has burns over 90% of her body. The 60% is the 3rd degree burns, the rest are 2nd degree burns. This woman will be lucky to survive.
Sharmeka Moffitt set on fire in Louisiana


They are saying "Alleged" so I will say that if this is True those who did it should be by Set on Fire also. :thup:



Sharmeka Moffitt made up a story about being attacked and set on fire, according to a spokesman for Louisiana's Franklin Parish sheriff's office. Spokesman Kevin Cobb told reporters this afternoon that it looks like the 20-year-old woman set herself ablaze on Sunday night. She remains in critical condition at a hospital in Shreveport, La. Police say evidence they've uncovered indicates Moffitt wrote "KKK" and a racial slur on her car. She had said she was attacked by three men wearing white hoodies. Police understandably say Moffitt and her family still deserve prayers. [Source]

Sharmeka Moffitt, Lousiana woman, may have faked hate crime

Sorry if that's late

But what kind of whacko goes to the length of setting herself on fire?

seriously though, 3 men in "white" hoodies?
I hereby nominate Little Miss Moffit for a Darwin award!!

And I'm kinda hoping for some ironic fire aids
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Now she has to live with her disfigurements (assuming she survives) and people wont feel sorry for her because she lied and did it herself. Karma is a bitch. She deserves the miserable life that is ahead of her.
Guess that was the retaliation for the Romney sign thing in Wsconsin....after all...leftists who give another person a black eye are just caged animals living in their own defecation....but Conservatives burning a woman alive....that's completely acceptable behavior....

Gosh, I love idiots, they are so predictable.

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