Black Female Obama Supporter Set on Fire by the KKK?...

Just a typical Obama voter/lover.

Although she might be the all grown up Tawana Brawley.
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A phony KKK story. Staged hate crime? That hardly happens. *eye roll

Any truth to the reports that Jackson and Sharpton had to cancel their flight plans to Louisiana? *half joking. False claim about hate crimes and rape piss me off.

I still can't for the life of me figure out what her "plan" was and why burning herself in such a horrendous manner was her choice method for carrying out her "plan". Her sister was in on it too? One of those "believe it or not" stories that are becoming easier to believe these days.

It really probably only boils down to Ignorance...

She is probably just too Stupid to Realize that lighter fluid and toothpaste don't mix well.

Fraud gone Wrong.

I don't Think she Intended to almost Kill herself.

I Think her and her Sister wanted to help Obama and get 15 Minutes.

Heap FAIL. :thup:


And that's also a Problem...

This has already become Legend in the Hood...

This Woman was Burned by 3 Crackers in White Hoods for Supporting Obama...

^That will be told years from now.

And "Free Press" won't give the Prosecution of the Fraud a Fraction of the Coverage and the NAACP will simply walk away and look for another Opporunity.




Mal she actually said: "and told them three men in white hoodies"

Hmmm, now what exactly do we have here? The "KKK" wear hoodies now? :dunno:
Guess that was the retaliation for the Romney sign thing in Wsconsin....after all...leftists who give another person a black eye are just caged animals living in their own defecation....but Conservatives burning a woman alive....that's completely acceptable behavior....
Come again?
A phony KKK story. Staged hate crime? That hardly happens. *eye roll

Any truth to the reports that Jackson and Sharpton had to cancel their flight plans to Louisiana? *half joking. False claim about hate crimes and rape piss me off.

I still can't for the life of me figure out what her "plan" was and why burning herself in such a horrendous manner was her choice method for carrying out her "plan". Her sister was in on it too? One of those "believe it or not" stories that are becoming easier to believe these days.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that a person would mutilate themselves so badly for whatever her purpose, or letting your own sister do this to herself for whatever purpose. Don't get me wrong, if my sister wanted my help to do something like this I'd clock her cold as if she were a man. But only knock her ass out long enough to get her to a damn hospital before she had the chance to hurt herself.
This animal doesnt need prayers, she needs a prison sentence.............

I am Comfortable in that she has been Punished for her Actions as she sits in Critical Condition for her own Racism and Ignorance...

But her Sister and any others who would look to possibly Cause Race Riots in this Country...

They should be in Prison. :thup:


That was an insane twist....right out of a Hollywood movie.

The news media ran this story into the ground when it happened now that the truth has come out there has not been a peep about the truth.
When the hoped for result is achieved, the truth will always be rejected for the supporting lie.
That was an insane twist....right out of a Hollywood movie.

The news media ran this story into the ground when it happened now that the truth has come out there has not been a peep about the truth.

And they will Certainly walk away from it... Even if she and others are Prosecuted.

Doesn't fit the Guilty White Liberal Narrative.

The NAACP will likely Purge the Story from their Site because they are Miserably Dishonest Fucking Bigots...

And it goes on and on... on and on... on and on...


A phony KKK story. Staged hate crime? That hardly happens. *eye roll

Any truth to the reports that Jackson and Sharpton had to cancel their flight plans to Louisiana? *half joking. False claim about hate crimes and rape piss me off.

I still can't for the life of me figure out what her "plan" was and why burning herself in such a horrendous manner was her choice method for carrying out her "plan". Her sister was in on it too? One of those "believe it or not" stories that are becoming easier to believe these days.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that a person would mutilate themselves so badly for whatever her purpose, or letting your own sister do this to herself for whatever purpose. Don't get me wrong, if my sister wanted my help to do something like this I'd clock her cold as if she were a man. But only knock her ass out long enough to get her to a damn hospital before she had the chance to hurt herself.

I suspect she was naive or ignorant to the volatility of fire that is fueled as reported. Hard to believe but I have become less and less shocked at the level of stupid in this world. Was she only suppose to "burn a little" in order to pull off her scam? Don't know.
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That was an insane twist....right out of a Hollywood movie.

The news media ran this story into the ground when it happened now that the truth has come out there has not been a peep about the truth.

And they will Certainly walk away from it... Even if she and others are Prosecuted.

Doesn't fit the Guilty White Liberal Narrative.

The NAACP will likely Purge the Story from their Site because they are Miserably Dishonest Fucking Bigots...

And it goes on and on... on and on... on and on...



The usual media is definitely wearing sad faces today that this great KKK/blame whitey story took such a kick in the ass twist.
A phony KKK story. Staged hate crime? That hardly happens. *eye roll

Any truth to the reports that Jackson and Sharpton had to cancel their flight plans to Louisiana? *half joking. False claim about hate crimes and rape piss me off.

I still can't for the life of me figure out what her "plan" was and why burning herself in such a horrendous manner was her choice method for carrying out her "plan". Her sister was in on it too? One of those "believe it or not" stories that are becoming easier to believe these days.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that a person would mutilate themselves so badly for whatever her purpose, or letting your own sister do this to herself for whatever purpose. Don't get me wrong, if my sister wanted my help to do something like this I'd clock her cold as if she were a man. But only knock her ass out long enough to get her to a damn hospital before she had the chance to hurt herself.

I suspect she was naive or ignorant to the volatility of fire that is fueled as reported. Hard to believe but I have become less and less shocked at the level of stupid in this world. Was she only suppose to "burn a little" in order to pull off her scam? Don't know.

I think it was a Dangerous mix of the toothpaste she wrote ****** and KKK on her car with and the lighter fluid...

+ about 150lbs of REALLY Stupid. :thup:


like a moth to a flame I keep coming back to this thread

gunna have to answer for that at the Pearly Gates
Best part about this;

No one EVER went; "What the fuck are you talking about??!?!?!?! You think setting yourself on fire is a good idea?"
You play with fire, you are going to get burned.

then ridiculed on an international scale via the internet for being a dolt for not understanding that saying is also being specific about fire.
Not Klan. Klan wannabe's, most likely.

Way to get out the black vote, shitbirds!


Scuttle I'm hearin' is that the Racial Stuff was added after the Fact by other than the Attackers or done by the Attackers to make it look like it was KKK Members...

Going to be Interesting to see how this one plays out.

Cops seem to have an Obvious Case of a Hate Crime and they are Hesitating and the Obsessive use of the word "Alleged" coupled with the Sisters VERY odd short video have me Interested.

I'm going to Follow it. :thup:





Police always overuse the term "alleged"--it help keeps them out of potential litigation and in a job..

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