Black FL Legislators Injecting Race Into School Security Reforms

they do that with everything
it's one of their main preoccupations
True. I have found that blacks are pathologically quick to imagine threats or abuse against them. I once told a black guy who was watching me fish that the lure I was using to catch flounder, was a "jig". The guy got all uptight and thought I was insulting him. Damn fool didn't know that what those lures are called.

Jig Trailers - Bing images

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my coworker fished a lot and would use the same term
You know how you can tell spot a racist?

They see racism where it doesn't exist. (see above)

They are blind to their own racist thinking and motives. (see above)

Similar to how most alcoholics don't see their drinking as a problem, racists don't see their fear-based bigotry as "racist"... If is walks like a duck, quack likes a duck...
You are the one who is seeing racism that is not there. There is nothing in the OP that is racist, other than your distorted conception of racism.

Seeing racism where it doesn't exist >> THAT is racism. See post # 20.
Black kids are violent. The black leaders are afraid that when one of them attacks a teacher they might get shot.

“…in just the first year after the Obama administration issued its anti-discipline edict, public schools failed to expel more than 30,000 students who physically attacked teachers or staff across the country. Previously, “if you hit a teach, you’re gone,” he said, but that is no longer the case.”
Protecting school children is racist.
And this is an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most conservatives.

As parents and school officials around the country debate how to protect students from mass shootings and whether teachers should carry guns, New York City has pulled its armed police officers from public schools."
New York City public schools pull police officers from buildings in wake of Parkland shooting
Protecting school children is racist.
And this is an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most conservatives.

As parents and school officials around the country debate how to protect students from mass shootings and whether teachers should carry guns, New York City has pulled its armed police officers from public schools."
New York City public schools pull police officers from buildings in wake of Parkland shooting

Well, I guess we know where the next one will be, huh? :cuckoo:
Protecting school children is racist.
And this is an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most conservatives.

As parents and school officials around the country debate how to protect students from mass shootings and whether teachers should carry guns, New York City has pulled its armed police officers from public schools."
New York City public schools pull police officers from buildings in wake of Parkland shooting

Well, I guess we know where the next one will be, huh? :cuckoo:

Let's hope those dots don't get connected.
As parents and school officials around the country debate how to protect students from mass shootings and whether teachers should carry guns, New York City has pulled its armed police officers from public schools."
New York City public schools pull police officers from buildings in wake of Parkland shooting
I'd pull my kids out of those schools in one minute. Damned if I'd have my kids be endangered by scatterbrained Mayor Bill DeBlasio.
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As parents and school officials around the country debate how to protect students from mass shootings and whether teachers should carry guns, New York City has pulled its armed police officers from public schools."
New York City public schools pull police officers from buildings in wake of Parkland shooting
I'd pull my kids out of those schools in one minute. Damned if I'd have my kids be endangered by scatterbrained school officials.

One can only conjecture whether the potential physical harm is or isn't greater than the mental harm via Liberal indoctrination.

In full disclosure, we're homeschoolers.
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?

Because idiot, almost all of Florida teachers, resource officers, security and ancillary employees, are white. Haven’t we seen enough of this kind of administrative model when it comes to minority interactions? Blacks would have to be stupid not to be concerned.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
they do that with everything
it's one of their main preoccupations
True. I have found that blacks are pathologically quick to imagine threats or abuse against them. I once told a black guy who was watching me fish, that the lure I was using to catch flounder, was a "jig". The guy got all uptight and thought I was insulting him. Damn fool didn't know that what those lures are called.

Fishing Jigs - Bing images

View attachment 182336

Me and some buddies were at IHop and one of them ordered the migas.
The table full of blacks next to us all of a sudden went quiet...
they do that with everything
it's one of their main preoccupations
True. I have found that blacks are pathologically quick to imagine threats or abuse against them. I once told a black guy who was watching me fish, that the lure I was using to catch flounder, was a "jig". The guy got all uptight and thought I was insulting him. Damn fool didn't know that what those lures are called.

Fishing Jigs - Bing images

View attachment 182336

Me and some buddies were at IHop and one of them ordered the migas.
The table full of blacks next to us all of a sudden went quiet...
I never heard that word before
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?
Context is important (although most on the right don’t think so):

‘But several black Democrats argued that the optional proposal to put armed personnel in Florida schools was "a poison pill" that would disproportionately threaten blacks students or even black armed school personnel whom law enforcement may misidentify as the gunman in a active shooter situation.

"It's hard for people not to think about the kids in their own community," said Rep. Bobby DuBose, D-Fort Lauderdale. "What happened in Parkland breaks my heart. but look at last year and see how many people died of gun violence in Parkland. It's zero and yet you come to my community. Gun violence is a daily worry."’

‘Toxic’ gun fight opens emotional and political wounds in Legislature

Whether or not white conservatives agree with this is of course irrelevant – the fact remains that for African-Americans the reality of blacks being killed by law enforcement is an appropriate and legitimate concern, and yet another reason as to why arming teachers is idiocy.

I swear I don't know how you try to talk sense to the racist pondscum high fiving each other. *shakes head*
they do that with everything
it's one of their main preoccupations
True. I have found that blacks are pathologically quick to imagine threats or abuse against them. I once told a black guy who was watching me fish, that the lure I was using to catch flounder, was a "jig". The guy got all uptight and thought I was insulting him. Damn fool didn't know that what those lures are called.

Fishing Jigs - Bing images

View attachment 182336

Me and some buddies were at IHop and one of them ordered the migas.
The table full of blacks next to us all of a sudden went quiet...
I never heard that word before

If you're not from Texas thats not surprising.
I'll never forget the time our 4x4 group was in Marble Falls Texas and we went for dinner at River City Grill.

I wore my mickey mouse obama shirt....

Holy Shit!!!!
This black family acted like the clan just walked out on the deck!!
They insisted the shirt was racist and they told management
they needed to throw us out.
Of course management told them there was nothing racist about the shirt and refused their demands.
I thought pops was going to stroke out right there at his table!!:laugh:
I'll never forget the time our 4x4 group was in Marble Falls Texas and we went for dinner at River City Grill.
View attachment 182780
I wore my mickey mouse obama shirt....
View attachment 182781
Holy Shit!!!!
This black family acted like the clan just walked out on the deck!!
They insisted the shirt was racist and they told management
they needed to throw us out.
Of course management told them there was nothing racist about the shirt and refused their demands.
I thought pops was going to stroke out right there at his table!!:laugh:
more proof their minds are warped by race
I'll never forget the time our 4x4 group was in Marble Falls Texas and we went for dinner at River City Grill.
View attachment 182780
I wore my mickey mouse obama shirt....
View attachment 182781
Holy Shit!!!!
This black family acted like the clan just walked out on the deck!!
They insisted the shirt was racist and they told management
they needed to throw us out.
Of course management told them there was nothing racist about the shirt and refused their demands.
I thought pops was going to stroke out right there at his table!!:laugh:
more proof their minds are warped by race

Yep...they see racism in everything.
I even explained to the guy that it wasnt about race but obamas mickey mouse policies.
I'll never forget the time our 4x4 group was in Marble Falls Texas and we went for dinner at River City Grill.
View attachment 182780
I wore my mickey mouse obama shirt....
View attachment 182781
Holy Shit!!!!
This black family acted like the clan just walked out on the deck!!
They insisted the shirt was racist and they told management
they needed to throw us out.
Of course management told them there was nothing racist about the shirt and refused their demands.
I thought pops was going to stroke out right there at his table!!:laugh:
more proof their minds are warped by race

Yep...they see racism in everything.
I even explained to the guy that it wasnt about race but obamas mickey mouse policies.
and that is also racist!! :laugh::laugh:
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

The words, obsession and compulsive, have a presence in the descriptions of a large number of common mental disorders.

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