Black FL Legislators Injecting Race Into School Security Reforms

Black kids are violent. The black leaders are afraid that when one of them attacks a teacher they might get shot.
You've raised a very important issue. It doesn't call for exceptional insight to realize it won't be long before an armed White teacher blows away some assaultive Black student.
What a surprise! Some of Florida's black legislators have decided to inject race into the job of hardening schools against the possibility of future school shooting attacks. Can some of these guys ever deal with an issue, without somehow making it racial ?

1. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Teens moved a mountain in Tallahassee, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

" legislators who feared an optional program to arm teachers and school personnel with guns, would proportionately threaten black kids in school"

I wonder if anyone can explain why/how a black kid would be threatened by teachers and other school personnel being armed ? This doesn't seem to make any sense.

2. In the Tampa Bay Times, in an article entitled >> Laws seek to exempt records, regarding the Florida guardian program, this rather weird sentence appeared >>

"The controversial program...would require staff who opt-in for the program to receive 132 hours of firearm training, and diversity training, and undergo psychological and physical tests."

What does diversity have to do with school security (ie.protecting people) ?

Because idiot, almost all of Florida teachers, resource officers, security and ancillary employees, are white. Haven’t we seen enough of this kind of administrative model when it comes to minority interactions? Blacks would have to be stupid not to be concerned.
YOU are the idiot. For thinking that blacks have something to be concerned about from white teachers, resource officers, security and ancillary employees. So Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and the rest of the race hustlers show up with their usual victimization scam, and you fall for it, right ?

Trouble with too many blacks is, they think all white America is out to beat them - in the meantime, the only one that's beating them is themselves, for thinking that.

The question I asked is a rhetorical one. I'll give you the answer. What does diversity have to do with school security ? Not a damn thing.
You've raised a very important issue. It doesn't call for exceptional insight to realize it won't be long before an armed White teacher blows away some assaultive Black student.
If that black student were to attack somebody (anybody), then he would DESERVE to get shot, and should be shot. (to protect the victim he was attacking).

Same thing would apply if a white student were attacking somebody. It's time to put a stop to all the attacking, whoever and wherever it may be coming from.

All the more reason, for arming school personnel.
I swear I don't know how you try to talk sense to the racist pondscum high fiving each other. *shakes head*
Yeah, it's hard to do, when the conservatives know why cops shoot unarmed blacks, and, like all ignorant about law enforcement liberals, you don't.
You've raised a very important issue. It doesn't call for exceptional insight to realize it won't be long before an armed White teacher blows away some assaultive Black student.
If that black student were to attack somebody (anybody), then he would DESERVE to get shot, and should be shot. (to protect the victim he was attacking).

Same thing would apply if a white student were attacking somebody. It's time to put a stop to all the attacking, whoever and wherever it may be coming from.

All the more reason, for arming school personnel.
Whether or not the White teacher who shoots an assaultive Black student is justified the same level of hell will be raised by the Black community. The only point I was making is such a shooting is inevitable. Once teachers are armed it will be a simple matter of time.
Man, I had an old black Social Studies teacher that could stop any fight in the school.

He was their "go to" man.

I think he was a slumlord too.

He was an ex-sergeant in something, not one to mess with

Him and the other one with a tubby belly, not many fights went down there.
Whether or not the White teacher who shoots an assaultive Black student is justified the same level of hell will be raised by the Black community. The only point I was making is such a shooting is inevitable. Once teachers are armed it will be a simple matter of time.
I wouldn't doubt it. Teenagers are not known for their tact and discretion. They're known for their violence - especially the black ones. Whatever. It's time to lay down the law, on all attackers. And in Florida the law is > if you attack, you get shot. Period.
Whether or not the White teacher who shoots an assaultive Black student is justified the same level of hell will be raised by the Black community. The only point I was making is such a shooting is inevitable. Once teachers are armed it will be a simple matter of time.
I wouldn't doubt it. Teenagers are not known for their tact and discretion. They're known for their violence - especially the black ones. Whatever. It's time to lay down the law, on all attackers. And in Florida the law is > if you attack, you get shot. Period.

I had a black friend that learned that 1st hand, 26 years ago. He tried to rob a guy that had a gun with his wife and a baby in a carriage. Dumb move, bro.

I love ya but I can't support that. I'll go to your funeral. He was a good feller. Not sure what he was thinking.
I had a black friend that learned that 1st hand, 26 years ago. He tried to rob a guy with his wife and a baby in a carriage. Dumb move, bro.

I love ya but I can't support that. I'll go to your funeral.
Kids need to know about how to deal with the police. # 1 rule > keep your hands VISIBLE. if you don't, you're dead. Lots of unarmed black guys that the brothers rag about, got shot just because they didn't know that.

And why didn't they ? Because it never got taught to them by their liberal teachers, who don't know squat about guns or cops.
Black kids are violent. The black leaders are afraid that when one of them attacks a teacher they might get shot.
An inevitable prospect.

One of the things mainstream media diligently avoids reporting is the violent nature of Black students and the frequency of attacks on White teachers.

I had a black friend that learned that 1st hand, 26 years ago. He tried to rob a guy with his wife and a baby in a carriage. Dumb move, bro.

I love ya but I can't support that. I'll go to your funeral.
Kids need to know about how to deal with the police. # 1 rule > keep your hands VISIBLE. if you don't, you're dead. Lots of unarmed black guys that the brothers rag about, got shot just because they didn't know that.

And why didn't they ? Because it never got taught to them by their liberal teachers, who don't know squat about guns or cops.

Well actually we were taught that in my day.
Black kids are violent. The black leaders are afraid that when one of them attacks a teacher they might get shot.
An inevitable prospect.

One of the things mainstream media diligently avoids reporting is the violent nature of Black students and the frequency of attacks on White teachers.

That is disgusting. This is what happens when kids have no discipline.

If i was in that class, I'd jump on him, some things just aren't right.

You respect the elderly. Apparently his mama never instilled in him that you respect your elders.

I guess I come from a different time. It surely was pre-UFC.

If somebody was down and had given up, you didn't keep beating them, it was over. It was like that for about 80 years or more. Thanks, Dana White, you made the world more violent, lemme punch you dead in your mouth!

And none of them damn heathens in that class helped her and were egging it on?

All pieces of shit IMO. Ventilate them apathetic sociopath motherfuckers!

Okay, hang 'um, I don't care. They're not going to make society better at all.
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