BLACK former NFL player murders 5 WHITE people

Actually, you did.
Do you think so?

not by a long shot

black race baiters have been plying their trade since MLK was killed, most recently since obama took office and started babbling about racist white cops at Harvard
Big surprise. 2 Patriot linebackers tried to car jack me just outside Boston 3am about 16 years ago. Pulled heat on them ran faster than any quarterback. What "could have happened" if they weren't detered.
Yea because whites stopped being racist after Dr. King died, excuse me was murdered. Smfh.
Most baby boomers were young and impressionable

they were open for social change

But blacks turned militant and burned bridges to many whites who never did them any harm
Yea because whites stopped being racist after Dr. King died, excuse me was murdered. Smfh.
Most baby boomers were young and impressionable

they were open for social change

But blacks turned militant and burned bridges to many whites who never did them any harm

Sorry peddle that weak ass argument somewhere else, that is the best excuse you have? Folks who were being victimized now made the racist more racist, smfh.

Bull Connor was the norm in the South, most white men in the South were racist as hell.
Sad case of mental illness.

America has to do better.

How are other countries handling mental illness better but we aren't? The answer to this is, they aren't either. It's just that many countries have a ban on guns. Despite what many might think trying to kill multiple ppl by random stabbings isn't really the most efficient way to kill, especially if you don't even know what you're doing.
Fortunately murder is rare

Most Black Lies Matter players just beat up th

sure, as long as it doesent involve any kissing or shoe shinning
Sad case of mental illness. America has to do better.

Another unchecked, sadistic hate crime perped by an out of control mad black racist protected by liberal PC.

Unchecked? I don't think so. You are doing your very Qult45 best to 'check' with your overtly obvious bad faith, passive aggressive horse shit. I feel I must ask: are you fucking retarded?
.............. most recently since obama took office and started babbling about racist white cops at Harvard

That has really become a watershed moment in American history. That sparked a change of direction which led to the general mistrust and disrespect of police as well as unsubstantiated claims of racism within police departments. Obama was such an idiot in that moment and he should have walked that back immediately. So alas, all cops are bastards now.
I know so. This war started as soon as the white man came to this land.
If you think the Indians were just peaceful and fun loving guys before the white man got here you have led a sheltered life
Very sad story. I read that the doctor he killed had treated him.

Might be CTE. Or maybe just mentally ill. Or maybe just an asshole. Either way, very unfortunate.

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