Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

No, There is more to this story....GOD SAVE THE UNION


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Favorite Zimmerman post evah.
lmao.........profoundly awesome.

"Not Guilty" makes them bat shit crazy.

mentioning the name George Zimmeman

makes them bat shit crazy

adding not guilty makes them rabid bat shit crazy


the Zimmerman sightings have added to this group think excitement


Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome.
my personal favorite from my Photobucket Classics..........had it done by 7am the next morning after the verdict. Had the k00k progressives shitting their pants.

I hope that you aren't so crazy as to prefer armed thugs in your neighborhood.

The admission was that Martin was a thug. I never called Zimmerman a thug.

Neighborhood watches watch for thugs.

Thugs attack the vulnerable. They can't know they are entirely vulnerable, so many times they use methods such as sucker punches to gain advantage.

Looks like Zimmerman's story gained validity.

Looks to me like you define thugs by color.

No, by their character.

And their actions.

You want to judge them by their age and color.
"Not Guilty" makes them bat shit crazy.

mentioning the name George Zimmeman

makes them bat shit crazy

adding not guilty makes them rabid bat shit crazy


the Zimmerman sightings have added to this group think excitement

American black leaders have this down to a science.........

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog


Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome.

The black leaders of this country have this down to a science.........

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand « Jon Rappoport's Blog

Testarossa....bookmark the Rappaport site and also "Washingtons Blog"'ll end up visiting it every single day. Trust me.
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mentioning the name George Zimmeman

makes them bat shit crazy

adding not guilty makes them rabid bat shit crazy


the Zimmerman sightings have added to this group think excitement

American black leaders have this down to a science.........

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog


Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome.

The black leaders of this country have this down to a science.........

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand « Jon Rappoport's Blog


It's their job. It's how they make their money.
I hope that you aren't so crazy as to prefer armed thugs in your neighborhood.

The admission was that Martin was a thug. I never called Zimmerman a thug.

Neighborhood watches watch for thugs.

Thugs attack the vulnerable. They can't know they are entirely vulnerable, so many times they use methods such as sucker punches to gain advantage.

Looks like Zimmerman's story gained validity.

Looks to me like you define thugs by color.

Please show where I did that.
The admission was that Martin was a thug. I never called Zimmerman a thug.

Neighborhood watches watch for thugs.

Thugs attack the vulnerable. They can't know they are entirely vulnerable, so many times they use methods such as sucker punches to gain advantage.

Looks like Zimmerman's story gained validity.

Looks to me like you define thugs by color.

Please show where I did that.

That would be the sound of <silence> you're hearing Pop
What else would explain your conclusion that an unarmed black man out for a night time stroll is a thug, and an armed white man out looking for trouble is not?
What else would explain your conclusion that an unarmed black man out for a night time stroll is a thug, and an armed white man out looking for trouble is not?

You tell me

Youre the one that said Trayvon Martin was a thug.

Are you backing away now?

Do thugs call the police?
No, that was you. I said GZ was a thug. Not the hero that the NRA has you claiming.
No, that was you. I said GZ was a thug. Not the hero that the NRA has you claiming.

Post 460 of this thread shows you calling Trayvon a thug.

Now man up and find the post saying what you accused me of.
No, that was you. I said GZ was a thug. Not the hero that the NRA has you claiming.

There's nothing that I can do to help you with your reading.
The differences between GZ and TM were only in their armament. One was an armed thug, one was an unarmed thug. I know which kind I'd rather have in my neighborhood.

Here ya go PMZ. Your post where you call TM a thug.

Care to explain why now you claim you never called TM a thug?
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