Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

Nice SNIP job. I was addressing Prof's typo/ Freudian Slip where he inadvertantly used the word TRAIL instead of TRIAL. You should have included that, it would have appeared more honest!

Actually, my intent was to provide you with info as you previously posted this:

BTW, if juror B29 said words to the effect that the case should never have gone to trial ( I have found no reliable source for that) she likely was referring to the circus that emerged in the wake if an intentional imbroglio orchestrated by the SPD, The Medical Examiner, the Defense, the Prosecution and southern white friends!

Sorry if you misunderstood my intent.

I don't thnk any amount of obfuscation is going to change the basic premise of what Juror 29 actually said or meant during her interview.

Correct untill she understood what the law actually was, she thought that murder was committed merely when one person kills another and did not understand the requisite elments of the crime of murder such as intent and depraved mind. When those facts were brought to her attention it was clear that the state had not proven its case and she was lawfully obligated to find GZ not guilty. In fact she wondered why the state even bothered to bring the case to trial. This is really clear if you listen to the unedited version of the interview.

She believes that GZ is guilty but that the state could not prove it. And, from what I saw of the evidence or lack thereof, I believe that too! One exception: The state did NOT WANT TO PROVE IT!

So you obiously concur that the state did not prove its case and that GZ is not guilty. Interesting hypothesis about the state intentionally throwing the case though. You have any proof of that or is it merely conjecture?

You have Stamina.

1.999999... + 1.999999... = 4 also.

No it does not. Yes it does. No it does not. Yes it does. ............

I am against beating horses....... especially when they are alive.
The differences between GZ and TM were only in their armament. One was an armed thug, one was an unarmed thug. I know which kind I'd rather have in my neighborhood.

Wow, quite an admission

Your honesty is refreshing

I hope that you aren't so crazy as to prefer armed thugs in your neighborhood.
It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.
No, There is more to this story....GOD SAVE THE UNION


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No, There is more to this story...
The number of people who care continues to shrink dramatically every day.

The story is off the front page and barely even present in the middle pages any longer.

America is already hip-deep in the process of forgetting.

Time will take care of the rest.

Tick... tick... tick...
The differences between GZ and TM were only in their armament. One was an armed thug, one was an unarmed thug. I know which kind I'd rather have in my neighborhood.

Wow, quite an admission

Your honesty is refreshing

I hope that you aren't so crazy as to prefer armed thugs in your neighborhood.

The admission was that Martin was a thug. I never called Zimmerman a thug.

Neighborhood watches watch for thugs.

Thugs attack the vulnerable. They can't know they are entirely vulnerable, so many times they use methods such as sucker punches to gain advantage.

Looks like Zimmerman's story gained validity.
It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.

Time to "talk" about jobs again I suppose........
It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.

yes the media will want to talk less and less about it

as the wrongful discharge of the IT whistle blower lawsuit advances

and the possibility of special investigators assigned to the corruption

exposed by the zimmerman case
It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.

yes the media will want to talk less and less about it

as the wrongful discharge of the IT whistle blower lawsuit advances

and the possibility of special investigators assigned to the corruption

exposed by the zimmerman case

Funny how little


Nothing you hear

About that from the media

It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.

yes the media will want to talk less and less about it

as the wrongful discharge of the IT whistle blower lawsuit advances

and the possibility of special investigators assigned to the corruption

exposed by the zimmerman case

Funny how little


Nothing you hear

About that from the media


yeah and it is some pretty big stuff
yes the media will want to talk less and less about it

as the wrongful discharge of the IT whistle blower lawsuit advances

and the possibility of special investigators assigned to the corruption

exposed by the zimmerman case

Funny how little


Nothing you hear

About that from the media


yeah and it is some pretty big stuff

No sense riling up the sheeple

If they're really quiet

Maybe the corruption

Will just fade away

And no one will

It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.

yes the media will want to talk less and less about it

as the wrongful discharge of the IT whistle blower lawsuit advances

and the possibility of special investigators assigned to the corruption

exposed by the zimmerman case

Funny how the investigators think they can get away with this while they themselves are under investigation for Fast & Furious, spying on and wire-tapping the Associated Press and Fox News journalists, the IRS harassment program that is still ongoing, the Benghazi coverup, the fact that we haven't had a budget passed in 5 years, the Obamaphone program, the SNAP program, and now our military is currently implementing a Global Safety Program to replace MSDS, according to a treaty we signed with the UN. It takes away our sovereignty and subjects us to pollution controls at the behest of the world body. I had a briefing on it last week. It goes into effect by the end of the year. Developing countries like Mexico, China, and just about every country other than Britain, Europe, and the United States are excluded from it's restrictions.
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It's been 20 days since George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty.

Zimmerman remains free.

Martin remains dead.

And America-at-large continues the process of Forgetting.

The Universe continues to unfold in the way that it should.

yes the media will want to talk less and less about it

as the wrongful discharge of the IT whistle blower lawsuit advances

and the possibility of special investigators assigned to the corruption

exposed by the zimmerman case

Funny how the investigators think they can get away with this while they themselves are under investigation for Fast & Furious, spying on and wire-tapping the Associated Press and Fox News journalists, the IRS harassment program that is still ongoing, the Benghazi coverup, the fact that we haven't had a budget passed in 5 years, the Obamaphone program, the SNAP program, and now our military is currently implementing a Global Safety Program to replace MSDS, according to a treaty we signed with the UN. It takes away our sovereignty and subjects us to pollution controls at the behest of the world body. I had a briefing on it last week. It goes into effect by the end of the year. Developing countries like Mexico, China, and just about every country other than Britain, Europe, and the United States are excluded from it's restrictions.

so far they have gotten away with it

that is what happens when the government decides that it can work

outside of the law
They pretty much called the cops every time he saw a black kid. Only a matter of time before he shot one, which is what he did.

Zimmerman killed a child. This is pretty much the only salient fact in this case. Everything else is white folks and gun nuts trying to protect their little dung hills of fear.

He killed a 17 year old. That's even MORE factual. Why don't you go with it instead of being misleading?

The law says a 17 year old is a child. Sorry.

A two year old and a 17 year old are viewed equally under the law? Each one is a "child" right? ....:cuckoo:
Wow, quite an admission

Your honesty is refreshing

I hope that you aren't so crazy as to prefer armed thugs in your neighborhood.

The admission was that Martin was a thug. I never called Zimmerman a thug.

Neighborhood watches watch for thugs.

Thugs attack the vulnerable. They can't know they are entirely vulnerable, so many times they use methods such as sucker punches to gain advantage.

Looks like Zimmerman's story gained validity.

Looks to me like you define thugs by color.

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