Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

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Favorite Zimmerman post evah.

lmao.........profoundly awesome.

"Not Guilty" makes them bat shit crazy.

All he had to do was provoke someone into attacking him. Not too hard to do when there are no witnesses.
I don't.

Do you care to explain why you don't call an armed, civilian white man looking for trouble a thug?
''The black leaders of this country have this down to a science.........''

They learned it from marketing organizations like the NRA.
I've had worse injuries than that without any help from others.
No, the jury only said the the evidence was not sufficient to prove murder 2 or manslaughter beyond reasonable doubt and nobody had even tried to make the case for manslaughter.

Unlike the NRA, who makes it's money from arming people up, I consider any person with a concealed weapon as expecting big trouble.
He wanted so much to make sure there were no witnesses that he did the one thing one should do to insure that no one would know about his fiendish scheme

Call the Police!

You are a piece o work
I don't.

Do you care to explain why you don't call an armed, civilian white man looking for trouble a thug?

[MENTION=43245]Pop23[/MENTION] ...this is a damn good point. Care to take a stab at it?

I already did, but to amuse the tool

Someone "looking for trouble" by definition, does not call the Police. That is counterproductive to the need to cause trouble.

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