Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

Why should she have stood her ground? She was supposed to only give a verdict based on evidence. We're lucky she ended up doing the right thing.

The evidence was that Zimmerman was an armed adult and Trayvon was an unarmed child.

How did an unarmed "child" manage to break the nose of a grown ass man that was armed? ......:eusa_whistle:
"...When I read a bunch of posts, taking an extreme position, using the same words and ideas, I assume a common source. When the gist of the patter is promoting gun ownership among whites I assume that source to be the NRA doing the job that their owners, gun manufacturers, pay them to do."

Gun ownership... among Whites... among Blacks... among Browns... among Reds... among Yellows... among Greens-with-Purple-Polka-Dots... is NOT an 'extreme position'.

It is the position of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The bedrock of our Republic.

The promotion of gun ownership is only an 'extreme position' to the Extreme Left Gun-Grabbing Consortium who seeks to deprive Americans of such Rights.

Something that that Consortium is doomed to fail at... again.

( from someone who has not fired a weapon since his time of military service, years ago, and who has never allowed one in his house because of the risk to children, and who is not nor ever has been a member of the NRA or similar organization )
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"...How did an unarmed 'child' manage to break the nose of a grown ass man that was armed?"

Expert says that George Zimmerman's physical capabilities were inferior to Trayvon Martin's

Expert: Zimmerman was in worse shape than Martin


A Florida judge ruled Wednesday that Trayvon Martin's cellphone text messages about fighting and a defense animation depicting the struggle between Martin and George Zimmerman won't be introduced as evidence at Zimmerman's trial.

Judge Debra Nelson made her ruling a day after she heard arguments on the matter. Prosecutors had claimed the texts were irrelevant and taken out of context. They also objected to the computer animation, questioning its accuracy and saying it would mislead jurors.

"This is a murder trial. This isn't `Casablanca.' This isn't `Iron Man,'" prosecutor Richard Mantei said.

The judge seemed concerned about the animation's accuracy during arguments. While the animation can't be introduced as evidence that can be reviewed by jurors during their deliberations, defense attorneys may be able to use it during closing arguments, she ruled.

"To have an animation go back into jury room that they can play over and over again gives a certain weight to something that this court isn't exactly certain comports with the evidence presented at trial," Nelson said Wednesday night.

The judge agreed with prosecutors' concerns about introducing the 17-year-old's text messages. But defense attorney Don West had argued the texts were relevant since they showed Martin's interest in fighting and physical capabilities.

Defense attorneys on Wednesday called one of their last witnesses as they started winding down their case. Public safety consultant Dennis Root testified that Martin was in better physical shape than Zimmerman, and that the neighborhood watch volunteer wasn't any athlete.

"He would find himself lacking when compared to Mr. Martin," Root said of Zimmerman.


Expert says that George Zimmerman's physical capabilities were inferior to Trayvon Martin's - 7/10/2013 10:46:29 AM | Newser


That seems to take solve the mystery... especially when one considers that Zimmerman's gun was still holstered at the time he was jumped... so the pistol (Zimmerman's 'armed' status) did not come into play until later in the altercation.
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"...So how did that have any bearing on how Martin died..."

It has no bearing whatsoever upon how Martin died.

It merely reinforces the idea that that Jabba-the-Hut cow of a star prosecution witness was a lying piece of shit.

Wow. Racist much?

"...If I were wrongly accused of a horrible crime, I would be out there telling my side of the story. Strongly. I would look the jury in the eye and tell them I DIDN'T DO IT..."

That is you.

You are not he.

Zimmerman exercised his Constitutional Right not to take the stand; quite possibly upon the advice of his legal defense team.


Sorry, I work in a job where I have to make judgements all day about a person's integrity and straightforwardness. I have to talk to trained liars all day.

I think we kind of had a right to ask, "Why did you kill this child?"

And he didn't give us an answer.

Case closed.
"...So how did that have any bearing on how Martin died..."

It has no bearing whatsoever upon how Martin died.

It merely reinforces the idea that that Jabba-the-Hut cow of a star prosecution witness was a lying piece of shit.

Wow. Racist much?


Anti- fat, lying, drooling dimwitted slob, though... mebbe...

"...If I were wrongly accused of a horrible crime, I would be out there telling my side of the story. Strongly. I would look the jury in the eye and tell them I DIDN'T DO IT..."

That is you.

You are not he.

Zimmerman exercised his Constitutional Right not to take the stand; quite possibly upon the advice of his legal defense team.


Sorry, I work in a job where I have to make judgements all day about a person's integrity and straightforwardness. I have to talk to trained liars all day.

I think we kind of had a right to ask, "Why did you kill this child?"

And he didn't give us an answer.

Case closed.

Your occupation does not signify in this context.

Your intuition does not signify in this context.

Only facts and evidence and the law signify.

Oh, and your question was, indeed, answered.

To the effect: "The little phukker was sitting on my chest and pounding on my head. I thought I was gonna die so I put a cap in his nasty little punk-ass."

And the law agreed with him.


Justifiable homicide.

The case is, indeed, closed.

Verdict: Not Guilty.
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"...When I read a bunch of posts, taking an extreme position, using the same words and ideas, I assume a common source. When the gist of the patter is promoting gun ownership among whites I assume that source to be the NRA doing the job that their owners, gun manufacturers, pay them to do."

Gun ownership... among Whites... among Blacks... among Browns... among Reds... among Yellows... among Greens-with-Purple-Polka-Dots... is NOT an 'extreme position'.

It is the position of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The bedrock of our Republic.

The promotion of gun ownership is only an 'extreme position' to the Extreme Left Gun-Grabbing Consortium who seeks to deprive Americans of such Rights.

Something that that Consortium is doomed to fail at... again.

( from someone who has not fired a weapon since his time of military service, years ago, and who has never allowed one in his house because of the risk to children, and who is not nor ever has been a member of the NRA or similar organization )

''Gun ownership... among Whites... among Blacks... among Browns... among Reds... among Yellows... among Greens-with-Purple-Polka-Dots... is NOT an 'extreme position''

If you think that there are no extreme gun owners in America you' re nuts.

What's extreme is your belief that Zimmerman is a hero.
Does this thread not provide a definitive illustration of how far left people have come to be known as limpwristers? These people cant deal with real....fascinating by any reasonable measure.....the level of disconnect. And yes.....they ALL think if you own a gun you are an extremist. Too.....reading their posts, one would think that they still haven't reached a verdict.:2up:

How do these people navigate life with the backbone of a Hershey Bar?
"...When I read a bunch of posts, taking an extreme position, using the same words and ideas, I assume a common source. When the gist of the patter is promoting gun ownership among whites I assume that source to be the NRA doing the job that their owners, gun manufacturers, pay them to do."

Gun ownership... among Whites... among Blacks... among Browns... among Reds... among Yellows... among Greens-with-Purple-Polka-Dots... is NOT an 'extreme position'.

It is the position of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The bedrock of our Republic.

The promotion of gun ownership is only an 'extreme position' to the Extreme Left Gun-Grabbing Consortium who seeks to deprive Americans of such Rights.

Something that that Consortium is doomed to fail at... again.

( from someone who has not fired a weapon since his time of military service, years ago, and who has never allowed one in his house because of the risk to children, and who is not nor ever has been a member of the NRA or similar organization )

''Gun ownership... among Whites... among Blacks... among Browns... among Reds... among Yellows... among Greens-with-Purple-Polka-Dots... is NOT an 'extreme position''

If you think that there are no extreme gun owners in America you' re nuts...

But that is not what I said...

I did not say that there are no extreme gun owners...

I said that advocating for Gun Ownership is not an extreme position...

I do not know any other way to express that using the English language...

"...What's extreme is your belief that Zimmerman is a hero."

But that is not what I said either - nor have I ever hinted at such a status for him.

He is, simply, a man judged Not Guilty at law.

I, for one, merely approve of the Rule of Law winning the day rather than Mob Rule.

I am against Lynch Mobs.

Black ones included.

I am also against Race-Baiters and Fear-Mongers like Jackson and Sharpton and those who sheepishly swarm-in, in their wake, to promote fear and hatred and division...

Your occupation does not signify in this context.

Your intuition does not signify in this context.

Only facts and evidence and the law signify.

Oh, and your question was, indeed, answered.

To the effect: "The little phukker was sitting on my chest and pounding on my head. I thought I was gonna die so I put a cap in his nasty little punk-ass."

And the law agreed with him.


Justifiable homicide.

The case is, indeed, closed.

Verdict: Not Guilty.

No, five white people who were stupider than rocks ruled that they couldn't understand the law.

Yeah, he was getting pounded so bad that he only had a couple small scratches.

Point was, he didn't want to get on the stand because he KNOWS he's guilty.

Not to worry, this guy will get into trouble again.

Your occupation does not signify in this context.

Your intuition does not signify in this context.

Only facts and evidence and the law signify.

Oh, and your question was, indeed, answered.

To the effect: "The little phukker was sitting on my chest and pounding on my head. I thought I was gonna die so I put a cap in his nasty little punk-ass."

And the law agreed with him.


Justifiable homicide.

The case is, indeed, closed.

Verdict: Not Guilty.

No, five white people who were stupider than rocks ruled that they couldn't understand the law...

No... six of your fellow US citizens and local resident peers of the accused ruled that they had no basis at-law with which to hold Zimmerman culpable of Murder or Manslaughter beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Their verdict - which does not meet with your approval - is not sufficient grounds to impugn their honor, veracity nor intelligence.

On the contrary - their rendering of a Not Guilty verdict - despite their foreknowledge that the verdict would prove unpopular in some quarters - speaks well and highly of their commitment to the Rule of Law rather than the Rule of the Lynch Mob.

"...Yeah, he was getting pounded so bad that he only had a couple small scratches. Point was, he didn't want to get on the stand because he KNOWS he's guilty..."

A jury of Zimmerman's peers - including one of partial African-American descent - disagree with you that any of that old, shopworn material was either true nor relevant to the case-at-hand nor their verdict. Your anticipated duck-shoot outcome did not materialize and you can't bear to let it go, but that has nothing to do with Reality nor The Law.

"...Not to worry, this guy will get into trouble again."

Non sequitur - and, I seriously doubt that anyone else on the face of the planet is going to lose any sleep over Zimmerman's future prospects for another tangle with the Law.
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[No, five white people who were stupider than rocks ruled that they couldn't understand the law...

No... six of your fellow US citizens and local resident peers of the accused ruled that they had no basis at-law with which to hold Zimmerman culpable of Murder or Manslaughter beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Their verdict - which does not meet with your approval - is not sufficient grounds to impugn their honor, veracity nor intelligence.

On the contrary - their rendering of a Not Guilty verdict - despite their foreknowledge that the verdict would prove unpopular in some quarters - speaks well and highly of their commitment to the Rule of Law rather than the Rule of the Lynch Mob.

Guy, no one goes to a jury for a ruling of law. You go to a jury because it can be emotionally manipulated, which is what was done here. These jurors were stupidier than rocks, just judging by the two who have come forward and are baffled why the whole world is outraged at them.

A jury of Zimmerman's peers - including one of partial African-American descent - disagree with you that any of that old, shopworn material was either true nor relevant to the case-at-hand nor their verdict. Your anticipated duck-shoot outcome did not materialize and you can't bear to let it go, but that has nothing to do with Reality nor The Law.

My anticipated outcome is that if you kill a child, you should be held accountable for it.

Most of the world, you have an armed thug and an unarmed dead child with a smoking hole in him, most people think, "murder".

"...Not to worry, this guy will get into trouble again."

Non sequitur - and, I seriously doubt that anyone else on the face of the planet is going to lose any sleep over Zimmerman's future prospects for another tangle with the Law.

But, yeah, this guy has been in trouble before, and will get into trouble again.

Except now he's a marked man.
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[No, five white people who were stupider than rocks ruled that they couldn't understand the law...

No... six of your fellow US citizens and local resident peers of the accused ruled that they had no basis at-law with which to hold Zimmerman culpable of Murder or Manslaughter beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Their verdict - which does not meet with your approval - is not sufficient grounds to impugn their honor, veracity nor intelligence.

On the contrary - their rendering of a Not Guilty verdict - despite their foreknowledge that the verdict would prove unpopular in some quarters - speaks well and highly of their commitment to the Rule of Law rather than the Rule of the Lynch Mob.

Guy, no one goes to a jury for a ruling of law. You go to a jury because it can be emotionally manipulated, which is what was done here. These jurors were stupidier than rocks, just judging by the two who have come forward and are baffled why the whole world is outraged at them.

My anticipated outcome is that if you kill a child, you should be held accountable for it.

Most of the world, you have an armed thug and an unarmed dead child with a smoking hole in him, most people think, "murder".

"...Not to worry, this guy will get into trouble again."

Non sequitur - and, I seriously doubt that anyone else on the face of the planet is going to lose any sleep over Zimmerman's future prospects for another tangle with the Law.

But, yeah, this guy has been in trouble before, and will get into trouble again.

Except now he's a marked man.


99% of the country has gotten past this......whats your story? Speculation 4 weeks after a rendered verdict is gay. Got a scoop for you can throw up another 1,000 posts and the outcome isn't going to change.

Perhaps my earlier gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics weren't sobering enough........

Maybe this one???? >>>>>

One thing is instructive following the Zimmerman verdict........

86% of blacks disapprove of the verdict. Translation? "We believe 100% of what the black 'civil rights' race baiting leaders are telling us!!"

Poll: Americans divided on Zimmerman verdict - KCBD NewsChannel 11 Lubbock

Anybody with an IQ even slightly above that of a small soap dish should be concerned. Between the blacks and the hyper-progressives ( some of whom we find on this thread) we obviously have people who's outlook is "FUCK THE LAW!!". To them, if a black person dies, its ALWAYS the fault of the white guy.

That's a problem.........:coffee:
"...Guy, no one goes to a jury for a ruling of law..."

No shit, Sherlock.

I was merely being conversational and using YOUR verbiage...

( "...No, five white people who were stupider than rocks ruled..." )

...without really giving a rat's ass about the precise terminology.

I knew what you meant and did not think it important enough to correct your original usage.

I find it amusing that you, in turn, attempt to correct me, for playing along with YOU, and being more forgiving of YOUR verbiage-usage oversight than you were about my playing-along WITH you.

Just too precious for words.

"...You go to a jury because it can be emotionally manipulated, which is what was done here..."


You go to a jury because it is the fundamental Constitutional Right of every accused person to a trial by a jury of one's peers.

You go to a jury of peers because they do not have the government's vested interest in finding fault or blame and are more likely to apply rigorous screening prior to conviction.

The jury was not emotionally manipulated to an extent which determined their verdict.

Otherwise, the pro-Martin camp would have won their anticipated duck-walk verdict, by sympathizing with the dead teen and his family, rather than attending to relevant law.

"...These jurors were stupidier than rocks, just judging by the two who have come forward and are baffled why the whole world is outraged at them."

No such assessment is indicated, nor is that your call to make.

The jury appears to have conducted itself correctly and honorably and conscientiously and in accordance with relevant law, and they manifested sufficient intelligence, integrity and courage, to properly discharge their obligations under the law.

No more is required of any jury of peers.

You are simply desperate to assign blame to anybody possible, for a verdict you disagree with, and have resorted to besmirching conscientious fellow citizens who performed a difficult duty in an exemplary and commendable manner.

"...Yes, it is unfortunate that Saber-Tooth Tigers are no longer around to weed people this stupid out of the gene pool. Most of the world, you have an armed thug and an unarmed dead child with a smoking hole in him, most people think, 'murder'..."

Both incorrect and irrelevant, and nothing more than yet another pointless manifestation of sour grapes which signifies nothing in the final analysis.

"...Except now he's a marked man."

If, by that, you mean that he may be at-risk of Racially-Motivated Violence, then, yes, I agree, there is some modicum of danger, in that respect, for some weeks or months, anyway, until the whole thing dies down.

Lynch-Mobs and Vigilantes come in ALL colors.


With any luck, any racially-motivated person(s) bringing harm to Zimmerman will be caught, tried, convicted and sentenced, at law, of both Criminal Harm AND Civil Rights (Hate-Crimes) Violations.

Now wouldn't THAT be a hoot?

That blade slices both ways, even if one edge isn't used as much as the other...
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