Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

No need to give you such a case.

Such a case has no bearing upon the Zimmerman case.

The matter is closed, at law.

Again, until the Feds charge him, yeah.

But thanks for admitting that this was a racist verdict with no precedence or analog.
Give me a case where a black dude shot an unarmed white child and was acquitted.

Roderick Scott, an African American man, shot and killed Christopher Cervini, a 17-year-old white youth, in 2009. Scott faced a charge of first-degree manslaughter, and claimed he shot the teen in self defense. Scott was subsequently acquitted. Roderick Scott

You are welcome.

Except the parts you left out..

You know, that these kids were actually committing a crime...
Not to mention, in this case, there WAS an arrest. There WAS an investigation, and there WERE charges filed.

Also, Scott announced who he was, announced he had a gun and gave the kid a warning.

All things ZImmerman couldn't be bothered to do, apparently.
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No need to give you such a case.

Such a case has no bearing upon the Zimmerman case.

The matter is closed, at law.

Again, until the Feds charge him, yeah.

Multiple colleagues have attempted to educate you as to why it is extremely unlikely that the Federal Government will do anything more whatsoever, directed against George Zimmerman, but, given your apparent emotional investment in a now dead case, you cannot bring yourself to acknowledge the likelihood yourself. Your problem. Not ours.

"...But thanks for admitting that this was a racist verdict with no precedence or analog."

I neither admitted (nor even thought) any such thing.

You are attempting to put words into my mouth.

And failing miserably at even that simple task, in a most remarkably juvenile fashion.

Again... your problem... not mine.

How sad for you.
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Not to mention, in this case, there WAS an arrest. There WAS an investigation, and there WERE charges filed.

Also, Scott announced who he was, announced he had a gun and gave the kid a warning.

All things ZImmerman couldn't be bothered to do, apparently.

s0n....hate to break it to you.....and how you missed the memo, I haven't a clue. The trial ended weeks ago now.......

You can post up 1,000 more posts in the next two weeks ( easy for you!!!:up:) and I promise, its not going to change the outcome!!!

Give me a case where a black dude shot an unarmed white child and was acquitted. Roderick Scott

You are welcome.

Except the parts you left out..

You know, that these kids were actually committing a crime...

Allegedly commiting a crime. We can say that Martin was allegedly casing the condos to commit a burglary if that makes any difference. Your request did not say

Give me a case where a black dude shot an unarmed white child who was not commiting a crime, even though he could have smoked some marijuana but that does not count, I mean a real crime the black dude actually claims the white kid committed because we will believe what the black dude says the white kid was doing even though we can't believe anything that GZ says TM was doing... , even if the white kid was not convicted of a crime.... and if you can find that then I will move the goal post once again and demand you find me a case of black dude killing a white kid who was not committing a crime and who had just bought Skittles at 7/11 and then was acquitted..
Not to mention, in this case, there WAS an arrest. There WAS an investigation, and there WERE charges filed.

Also, Scott announced who he was, announced he had a gun and gave the kid a warning.

All things ZImmerman couldn't be bothered to do, apparently.

Err GZ was arrested it was investigated and there were charges filed. In fact a jury containing a greater percentage of black jurors that are in the general population in Fla found him Not Guilty. And no announcement was made because TM jumped out of the darkness and sucker punched GZ... ow wait, you probably do not believe that!!

But you do believe the black dude announced who he was, announced he had a gun and gave the kid a warning.... because he said so apparently.. and then the white kid, staring a gun down the barrel actually charged Scott? Really? You believe that???


The kids mom says Scott killed her son in COLD BLOOD!! And you want to believe this killers self serving statement without question..


Jury Finds Roderick Scott Not Guilty - Rochester
No self-defense here. The guy should have stayed in his truck.
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned ...

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.
A 17-year-old man who bushwhacks someone for merely asking him a question a few minutes later, breaks noses, tells the questioner he's going to kill him, proceeds to hit his head hard against a concrete slab and doesn't stop can kill people. Had he succeeded in killing Zimmerman, the concrete slab would have been considered the murder weapon.

Sorry to pop your bubble, Mr. Joe131, but Mr. Martin from all appearances and the forensics evidence, was indeed trying to end Mr. Zimmerman's future with either death or living as a vegetable for the duration of his battered life.

I'm not buying that puerile crap. He would have been tried as an adult if his plan to kill had succeeded.

Fortunately, justice has been served, and the self-defense law is to be credited for ending the path Trayvon headed down when he was worried the neighborhood watchman would turn him into the authorities and decided to make sure he was not apprehended by killing Zimmerman by first stunning him with a nose break, and then pounced, slamming his head against a concrete slab while he was stunned to finish the job.
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By the time the stories end, TM will be being portrayed as a rabid werewolf.
Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.

Repeating the same old Incorrect Statements time-and-again does not make them any more valid the 100th time than it did the 1st...


Give me a case where a black dude shot an unarmed white child and was acquitted.


Other than that. Racist.

WOW. IS There even a case like that?
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned ...

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.
A 17-year-old man who bushwhacks someone for merely asking him a question a few minutes later, breaks noses, tells the questioner he's going to kill him, proceeds to hit his head hard against a concrete slab and doesn't stop can kill people. Had he succeeded in killing Zimmerman, the concrete slab would have been considered the murder weapon.

Sorry to pop your bubble, Mr. Joe131, but Mr. Martin from all appearances and the forensics evidence, was indeed trying to end Mr. Zimmerman's future with either death or living as a vegetable for the duration of his battered life.

I'm not buying that puerile crap. He would have been tried as an adult if his plan to kill had succeeded.

Fortunately, justice has been served, and the self-defense law is to be credited for ending the path Trayvon headed down when he was worried the neighborhood watchman would turn him into the authorities and decided to make sure he was not apprehended by killing Zimmerman by first stunning him with a nose break, and then pounced, slamming his head against a concrete slab while he was stunned to finish the job.
Because if someone is following you at night, you would simply smile and maybe go up to him and shake his hand. Just stop. That kid had a right to mot be profiled, have the fucking police called on him, and not be follows by a armed guy that night. Fuck Zimmerman.
End of this story is zimmermans life is over as he knew it. Good. It's the least that could happen since this hero shot an unarmed kid who was doing nothing wrong.
Give me a case where a black dude shot an unarmed white child and was acquitted.

Roderick Scott, an African American man, shot and killed Christopher Cervini, a 17-year-old white youth, in 2009. Scott faced a charge of first-degree manslaughter, and claimed he shot the teen in self defense. Scott was subsequently acquitted. Roderick Scott

You are welcome.
AH. There is that one case. I wonder what the stats are.on blacks ahooting white kids and getting away with it as opposed to white on black kids shootings.
Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.
A 17-year-old man who bushwhacks someone for merely asking him a question a few minutes later, breaks noses, tells the questioner he's going to kill him, proceeds to hit his head hard against a concrete slab and doesn't stop can kill people. Had he succeeded in killing Zimmerman, the concrete slab would have been considered the murder weapon.

Sorry to pop your bubble, Mr. Joe131, but Mr. Martin from all appearances and the forensics evidence, was indeed trying to end Mr. Zimmerman's future with either death or living as a vegetable for the duration of his battered life.

I'm not buying that puerile crap. He would have been tried as an adult if his plan to kill had succeeded.

Fortunately, justice has been served, and the self-defense law is to be credited for ending the path Trayvon headed down when he was worried the neighborhood watchman would turn him into the authorities and decided to make sure he was not apprehended by killing Zimmerman by first stunning him with a nose break, and then pounced, slamming his head against a concrete slab while he was stunned to finish the job.
Because if someone is following you at night, you would simply smile and maybe go up to him and shake his hand. Just stop. That kid had a right to mot be profiled, have the fucking police called on him, and not be follows by a armed guy that night. Fuck Zimmerman.

I sure wish Martin would have been carrying a cell phone so he could have called the police for assistance......

Oh wait, he did, so he was sooooo scared of this stalking stranger that he called his girlfriend.

Again, you simply cannot make this crap up

They actually repeat it over and over and over
End of this story is zimmermans life is over as he knew it. Good. It's the least that could happen since this hero shot an unarmed kid who was doing nothing wrong.

Zona, are you for or against capital punishment?
End of this story is zimmermans life is over as he knew it. Good. It's the least that could happen since this hero shot an unarmed kid who was doing nothing wrong.

Zona, are you for or against capital punishment?

100% for it. The only negative part about it is, it takes too damn long to kill em. It's costs us $$$. That is annoying.
freedombecki said:
The forensics gleaned at the crime scene showed a clear case of aggression by the person shot who was a clear and certain threat to the shooter.

What forensics were those? Most of the evidence at the scene was ignored or overlooked by the incompetent or blasé SPD.

2. The shooter was a trained neighborhood watch patroller.

No he was not! GZ did NOT go through the NHW parent organization (The National Sheriff’s Association) to form his unaffiliated entity. Probably because the real NHW program forbade following, they discourage the use of guns and other vigilante tactics GZ seemed all too ready to employ! Besides, he likely would have been rejected due to his past history of violence!

3. The neighborhood watchman communicated the problem to the police.

And there is where it should have ended. He could have followed Martin in a less conspicuous manner until the police arrived if he indeed had to follow him at all!

4. Police could not catch the thieves without citizen help.

There is NO evidence that Martin was a thief just because he was black and wearing a hoodie! Martin could not know who GZ was. TO HIM GZ was a criminal stalking TM’s neighborhood!

5. The neighborhood watchman was bushwhacked by the person he'd just questioned.

Are you sure that was the way things went down? I am not so sure!

6. The bushwhacker told the neighborhood watchman he was going to kill him.

Did he? Did you hear him say that?

7. The bushwhacker broke the neighborhood watchman's nose.

Good! He broke the nose of a strange man who seemed to be stalking him!

8. Then the bushwhacker beat the neighborhood watchman's head into concrete and wouldn't stop.

Where is the evidence supporting that? Surely you aren’t going to allude to those superficial cuts on the back of GZ’s head! I would have liked to see the actual blood stained concrete where the head bashing was alleged to have occurred. Too bad an inept police presence did not preserve that evidence if it was there at all!

9. As a last resort, the neighborhood watchman successfully retrieved his gun and shot his assailant.

It is still a mystery as to how GZ was able to “retrieve” a gun from his waist area with someone straddling him. It is highly improbable!

10. After an all-night questioning, the neighborhood watchman was set free because his story description matched the forensics evidence they gathered at the scene.

What evidence was that besides the pictures. The rest of the story is that one lead detective wanted to charge GZ with murder but was over ridden by his superiors!

11. A re-examination of the forensics evidence showed it was a clear case of self-defense.
Yep, it was about as clear as a group of bigots and co-conspirators could make it

2. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the money-hungry race-baiting jackals of the black community decided the case would get them more money and laws passed to protect black criminals from people they assailed.

That’s quite a stretch, but it goes along with the rest of your biased thesis!

13. The prosecution decided to cooperate with Sharpton and Jackson and file charges in spite of the on-the-ground police report.

There was no cooperation at all with Jackson or Sharpton. The appearance of such cooperation was demanded by the public but the good ol’ boys in the Florida Justice system controlled the outcome from beginning to end. Nothing was arbitrary.

14. The prosecution illegally withheld evidence that the youth had a burgeoning file of run-ins with the law and photographic evidence of his thefts they found on the assailant's phone. The jury never saw these facts.

I doubt anything found on TM’s phone could be used as evidence to supoort the idea that he deserved to be shot while standing HIS ground.

15. Omission of facts is a lie.
No, circumstantial fodder is irrelevant. GZ’s violent past was not introduced so TM's record could not be either,

16. In spite of mistakes by lawyers on both sides, the judge proceeded with the case.

As planned!

17. Even with omitted evidence, and after long consideration of charges, the jury agreed with the initial police report showing CLEAR self-defense. Even the woman who hated the neighborhood watchman agreed that self-defense was established that was clear and irrefutable.
No, reasonable doubt was established..not actual guilt or innocence! Don't over use the word irrefutable, it does not apply here!

18. The jury was instructed to follow the law. They did.
They could have found GZ guilty and still followed the law, just look at how many people sat on death row for years in Texas only to be exonerated years later. Reasonable doubt by a jury dumb-inated by southern whites helped to set GZ free, not the law.

This is a nation of the rule of law.
As long as those laws are just and equitable, I have no problem with your statement. But even so, it’s the people who are sworn to carry them out that we have to worry about!
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Err GZ was arrested it was investigated and there were charges filed. In fact a jury containing a greater percentage of black jurors that are in the general population in Fla found him Not Guilty. And no announcement was made because TM jumped out of the darkness and sucker punched GZ... ow wait, you probably do not believe that!!

No, I don't buy that because Zimmerman changed his story so many times that he wasn't credible...

But you do believe the black dude announced who he was, announced he had a gun and gave the kid a warning.... because he said so apparently.. and then the white kid, staring a gun down the barrel actually charged Scott? Really? You believe that???


The kids mom says Scott killed her son in COLD BLOOD!! And you want to believe this killers self serving statement without question..


Um, yeah, actually I kind of do. You want to know why? Because he got on the stand and testified, unlike Zimmerscum.

And this is the key thing. If you are accused of a horrible crime, I want you to look me in the eye and explain yourself. If you don't, I pretty much have good reason to assume you did it.
Err GZ was arrested it was investigated and there were charges filed. In fact a jury containing a greater percentage of black jurors that are in the general population in Fla found him Not Guilty. And no announcement was made because TM jumped out of the darkness and sucker punched GZ... ow wait, you probably do not believe that!!

No, I don't buy that because Zimmerman changed his story so many times that he wasn't credible...

But you do believe the black dude announced who he was, announced he had a gun and gave the kid a warning.... because he said so apparently.. and then the white kid, staring a gun down the barrel actually charged Scott? Really? You believe that???


The kids mom says Scott killed her son in COLD BLOOD!! And you want to believe this killers self serving statement without question..


Um, yeah, actually I kind of do. You want to know why? Because he got on the stand and testified, unlike Zimmerscum.

And this is the key thing. If you are accused of a horrible crime, I want you to look me in the eye and explain yourself. If you don't, I pretty much have good reason to assume you did it.

I agree with this: if you are truly completely innocent, if you have nothing to hide and you are accused of a crime, you would want to take the stand and speak up for yourself, look the jury in the eye and state your case. The fact Zimmerman didn't do that speaks volumes.

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