Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

"...I see you still haven’t grasped the meaning of the term non-sequitur..."

Are you still here, chewin' on that pointless bone?... You can't even recognize the device used to label a 'state', versus use of a modifier... you probably don't even understand 'state' in this context... and you clearly don't 'get' the meaning of multitasking and its disconnect (irrelevancy) from the original premise in this context, either... never mind your unsolicited and unprovoked and foolhardy accusations of idiocy... so... fine... uh-huh... yeppers, sure thing, whatever... ya got me, sparky... now... go dry-hump somebody else's leg, Junior...

Next slide, please.

My,My, the incoherent ramblings of a child...And this one is MUCH older than 17.

Sucks when shit don't go your way all the time, doesn't it.
Stop whining. Or continue to whine. Nobody cares.
"Child".....What a bunch of bullshit..

I'm not worried about all the time.

I figure one of three ends for Fatboy Zimmerman.

a) The Feds put him in front of a non-retarded jury and he gets what's coming to him.
b) He gets in trouble for doing something else, and a non-retarded jury makes sure he gets whats coming to him.
c) He runs into a black vigilante who will show him what a real-ass whupping looks like, when not adminstered by a skinny kid...

Then why in such protest?
What you figure is immaterial.
Just admit you want revenge.
And I suppose you approve of 'black' vigilantes. Caucasians however are vigilantes for simply protecting themselves.
I get it. Who cares. You are wrong and you won't be getting your way.
You may continue to foam at the mouth in anger.
Hey, I have an idea...Instead of calling upon your minions like some radical Islamist Cleric, why don't you go after Zimmerman yourself?
You're the one with the tough guy talk. Walk the walk.

You mean why be upset that Florida has a racist justice system...

Um, the question answers itself.

It's not that Zimmerman isn't going to get his eventually. His sort always does.

It's that justice wasn't done here, due to a combination of racism and incompetence.

And that's a tragedy.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.
In her heart she knew the law of self-defense was wrong? :rolleyes:

No self-defense here. The guy should have stayed in his truck.
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned at the crime scene showed a clear case of aggression by the person shot who was a clear and certain threat to the shooter.

2. The shooter was a trained neighborhood watch patroller.

3. The neighborhood watchman communicated the problem to the police.

4. Police could not catch the thieves without citizen help.

5. The neighborhood watchman was bushwhacked by the person he'd just questioned.

6. The bushwhacker told the neighborhood watchman he was going to kill him.

7. The bushwhacker broke the neighborhood watchman's nose.

8. Then the bushwhacker beat the neighborhood watchman's head into concrete and wouldn't stop.

9. As a last resort, the neighborhood watchman successfully retrieved his gun and shot his assailant.

10. After an all-night questioning, the neighborhood watchman was set free because his story description matched the forensics evidence they gathered at the scene.

11. A re-examination of the forensics evidence showed it was a clear case of self-defense.

12. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the money-hungry race-baiting jackals of the black community decided the case would get them more money and laws passed to protect black criminals from people they assailed.

13. The prosecution decided to cooperate with Sharpton and Jackson and file charges in spite of the on-the-ground police report.

14. The prosecution illegally withheld evidence that the youth had a burgeoning file of run-ins with the law and photographic evidence of his thefts they found on the assailant's phone. The jury never saw these facts.

15. Omission of facts is a lie.

16. In spite of mistakes by lawyers on both sides, the judge proceeded with the case.

17. Even with omitted evidence, and after long consideration of charges, the jury agreed with the initial police report showing CLEAR self-defense. Even the woman who hated the neighborhood watchman agreed that self-defense was established that was clear and irrefutable.

18. The jury was instructed to follow the law. They did.

This is a nation of the rule of law.

Politics, however, eat people's brains away when they are instructed by party to pursue anti-law and chaotic upholding that excuses some and prosecutes others.

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:
Let's say that a racist reached the point in his hatred where he just decided he had to kill an object of his hatred. Of course, like all criminals, he didn't want to pay the consequences.

If I were him, I'd do exactly what George did. Exactly. It is a foolproof perfect murder.
In her heart she knew the law of self-defense was wrong? :rolleyes:

No self-defense here. The guy should have stayed in his truck.
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned at the crime scene showed a clear case of aggression by the person shot who was a clear and certain threat to the shooter.

2. The shooter was a trained neighborhood watch patroller.

3. The neighborhood watchman communicated the problem to the police.

4. Police could not catch the thieves without citizen help.

5. The neighborhood watchman was bushwhacked by the person he'd just questioned.

6. The bushwhacker told the neighborhood watchman he was going to kill him.

7. The bushwhacker broke the neighborhood watchman's nose.

8. Then the bushwhacker beat the neighborhood watchman's head into concrete and wouldn't stop.

9. As a last resort, the neighborhood watchman successfully retrieved his gun and shot his assailant.

10. After an all-night questioning, the neighborhood watchman was set free because his story description matched the forensics evidence they gathered at the scene.

11. A re-examination of the forensics evidence showed it was a clear case of self-defense.

12. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the money-hungry race-baiting jackals of the black community decided the case would get them more money and laws passed to protect black criminals from people they assailed.

13. The prosecution decided to cooperate with Sharpton and Jackson and file charges in spite of the on-the-ground police report.

14. The prosecution illegally withheld evidence that the youth had a burgeoning file of run-ins with the law and photographic evidence of his thefts they found on the assailant's phone. The jury never saw these facts.

15. Omission of facts is a lie.

16. In spite of mistakes by lawyers on both sides, the judge proceeded with the case.

17. Even with omitted evidence, and after long consideration of charges, the jury agreed with the initial police report showing CLEAR self-defense. Even the woman who hated the neighborhood watchman agreed that self-defense was established that was clear and irrefutable.

18. The jury was instructed to follow the law. They did.

This is a nation of the rule of law.

Politics, however, eat people's brains away when they are instructed by party to pursue anti-law and chaotic upholding that excuses some and prosecutes others.

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

''Politics, however, eat people's brains away when they are instructed by party to pursue anti-law and chaotic upholding that excuses some and prosecutes others.''

''Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.''

Wow. Straight from Rush. What a fantasy world you live in.
"...My,My, the incoherent ramblings of a child...And this one is MUCH older than 17."


More mindless automatic gainsay and groundless, pointless derision...

Get off of my leg, little poodle, you're not my type...
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Let's say that a racist reached the point in his hatred where he just decided he had to kill an object of his hatred. Of course, like all criminals, he didn't want to pay the consequences.

If I were him, I'd do exactly what George did. Exactly. It is a foolproof perfect murder.



No self-defense here. The guy should have stayed in his truck.
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned at the crime scene showed a clear case of aggression by the person shot who was a clear and certain threat to the shooter.

2. The shooter was a trained neighborhood watch patroller.

3. The neighborhood watchman communicated the problem to the police.

4. Police could not catch the thieves without citizen help.

5. The neighborhood watchman was bushwhacked by the person he'd just questioned.

6. The bushwhacker told the neighborhood watchman he was going to kill him.

7. The bushwhacker broke the neighborhood watchman's nose.

8. Then the bushwhacker beat the neighborhood watchman's head into concrete and wouldn't stop.

9. As a last resort, the neighborhood watchman successfully retrieved his gun and shot his assailant.

10. After an all-night questioning, the neighborhood watchman was set free because his story description matched the forensics evidence they gathered at the scene.

11. A re-examination of the forensics evidence showed it was a clear case of self-defense.

12. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the money-hungry race-baiting jackals of the black community decided the case would get them more money and laws passed to protect black criminals from people they assailed.

13. The prosecution decided to cooperate with Sharpton and Jackson and file charges in spite of the on-the-ground police report.

14. The prosecution illegally withheld evidence that the youth had a burgeoning file of run-ins with the law and photographic evidence of his thefts they found on the assailant's phone. The jury never saw these facts.

15. Omission of facts is a lie.

16. In spite of mistakes by lawyers on both sides, the judge proceeded with the case.

17. Even with omitted evidence, and after long consideration of charges, the jury agreed with the initial police report showing CLEAR self-defense. Even the woman who hated the neighborhood watchman agreed that self-defense was established that was clear and irrefutable.

18. The jury was instructed to follow the law. They did.

This is a nation of the rule of law.

Politics, however, eat people's brains away when they are instructed by party to pursue anti-law and chaotic upholding that excuses some and prosecutes others.

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

''Politics, however, eat people's brains away when they are instructed by party to pursue anti-law and chaotic upholding that excuses some and prosecutes others.''

''Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.''

Wow. Straight from Rush. What a fantasy world you live in.

Sorry, sir, I don't own a radio, and that's where I understand that Rush Limbaugh speaks his mind to many Americans. I'm just not one of them.

Please reconsider keeping your day job. Your deja-vu sucks, and as a seer, you'd lose your audience on your first swing at the ball.​
Perhaps you and he just coincidently subscribe to the same conspiracy theory mags.
Just to be theory and philosophy is gay and guided purely upon emotion.......but facts are well, facts!!!!

Harvard University, April 2013.........

Research is conclusive >>>>>

more guns = less crimes

the evidence is overwhelming!!!!

Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?
In her heart she knew the law of self-defense was wrong? :rolleyes:

No self-defense here. The guy should have stayed in his truck.
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned ...

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.
No self-defense here. The guy should have stayed in his truck.
Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned ...

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.

Repeating the same old Incorrect Statements time-and-again does not make them any more valid the 100th time than it did the 1st...

Smell the coffee, Joe.

1. The forensics gleaned ...

Since it is politically expedient to keep black voters, the Democrat Party has sent people to every public forum in which politicized matters are discussed.

Me thinks thee protesteth too much, Joe. :lol:

Just cutting all the crap out because I don't give a fuck.

Here's the ONLY salient fact.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child who was committing no crime.

And a white Racist legal system gave him a walk.

Repeating the same old Incorrect Statements time-and-again does not make them any more valid the 100th time than it did the 1st...


Give me a case where a black dude shot an unarmed white child and was acquitted.


Other than that. Racist.
No need to give you such a case.

Such a case has no bearing upon the Zimmerman case.

The matter is closed, at law.
I think it is fascinating how predictable it is to watch the blacks and hyper-progressives with any of this stuff that involves race.......the white guy is always the bad guy!!!! And shit.....the black leaders laugh their asses off at how easy it is to pull off the ruse.......


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