Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

I'm sure that you are able to sell your fortune telling services to some, equally sure never to me.

Nobody gets the world that they want. Just the one that is.

In the interest of fairness, feel free to serve-up your basis for believing that Zimmerman still faces serious legal challenges in connection with the Martin killing...

As extra credit, feel free to stipulate why you believe that such challenge(s) are likely to succeed...

You may proceed at your discretion...

I feel that the country faces serious moral challenges when there are areas unsafe for citizens to conduct normal business and pleasure.

When armed thugs can execute people on the street for no more reason than they want to.

I'm surprised that people like you accept such a cultural revolution and are comfortable with it being legal in some areas.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Virtually every American city has 'areas unsafe for citizens to conduct normal business and pleasure'...This has been going on since the first cities were built.
No one wants to address that.
This comes as a surprise to you?
Did an armed thug execute somebody on the street?

I must've missed the memo.

Sucks when shit don't go your way all the time, doesn't it.
Stop whining. Or continue to whine. Nobody cares.
"Child".....What a bunch of bullshit..

I'm not worried about all the time.

I figure one of three ends for Fatboy Zimmerman.

a) The Feds put him in front of a non-retarded jury and he gets what's coming to him.
b) He gets in trouble for doing something else, and a non-retarded jury makes sure he gets whats coming to him.
c) He runs into a black vigilante who will show him what a real-ass whupping looks like, when not adminstered by a skinny kid...
In the interest of fairness, feel free to serve-up your basis for believing that Zimmerman still faces serious legal challenges in connection with the Martin killing...

As extra credit, feel free to stipulate why you believe that such challenge(s) are likely to succeed...

You may proceed at your discretion...

I feel that the country faces serious moral challenges when there are areas unsafe for citizens to conduct normal business and pleasure.

When armed thugs can execute people on the street for no more reason than they want to.

I'm surprised that people like you accept such a cultural revolution and are comfortable with it being legal in some areas.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Virtually every American city has 'areas unsafe for citizens to conduct normal business and pleasure'...This has been going on since the first cities were built.
No one wants to address that.
This comes as a surprise to you?

No. What surprises me are the people who don't care about that. As long as they are the ones armed.
Did an armed thug execute somebody on the street?

I must've missed the memo.

You are out of touch.

Look up the definitions of "armed", "thug", and "execute".

Report back.

Clarification, please.

To which incident are you referring?

Knowing the context might negate the need for a trip to the Dictionary or the Thesaurus.

I know of no incident currently under discussion involving an 'armed thug' engaged in 'executions' on the street.
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Sucks when shit don't go your way all the time, doesn't it.
Stop whining. Or continue to whine. Nobody cares.
"Child".....What a bunch of bullshit..

I'm not worried about all the time.

I figure one of three ends for Fatboy Zimmerman.

a) The Feds put him in front of a non-retarded jury and he gets what's coming to him.
b) He gets in trouble for doing something else, and a non-retarded jury makes sure he gets whats coming to him.
c) He runs into a black vigilante who will show him what a real-ass whupping looks like, when not adminstered by a skinny kid...

Then why in such protest?
What you figure is immaterial.
Just admit you want revenge.
And I suppose you approve of 'black' vigilantes. Caucasians however are vigilantes for simply protecting themselves.
I get it. Who cares. You are wrong and you won't be getting your way.
You may continue to foam at the mouth in anger.
Hey, I have an idea...Instead of calling upon your minions like some radical Islamist Cleric, why don't you go after Zimmerman yourself?
You're the one with the tough guy talk. Walk the walk.
This thread is about GZ/TM. But that has nothing to do with the definition of those words.

Sucks when shit don't go your way all the time, doesn't it.
Stop whining. Or continue to whine. Nobody cares.
"Child".....What a bunch of bullshit..

I'm not worried about all the time.

I figure one of three ends for Fatboy Zimmerman.

a) The Feds put him in front of a non-retarded jury and he gets what's coming to him.
b) He gets in trouble for doing something else, and a non-retarded jury makes sure he gets whats coming to him.
c) He runs into a black vigilante who will show him what a real-ass whupping looks like, when not adminstered by a skinny kid...

Then why in such protest?
What you figure is immaterial.
Just admit you want revenge.
And I suppose you approve of 'black' vigilantes. Caucasians however are vigilantes for simply protecting themselves.
I get it. Who cares. You are wrong and you won't be getting your way.
You may continue to foam at the mouth in anger.
Hey, I have an idea...Instead of calling upon your minions like some radical Islamist Cleric, why don't you go after Zimmerman yourself?
You're the one with the tough guy talk. Walk the walk.

While there are white vigilantes, this one was Hispanic.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I'm not worried about all the time.

I figure one of three ends for Fatboy Zimmerman.

a) The Feds put him in front of a non-retarded jury and he gets what's coming to him.
b) He gets in trouble for doing something else, and a non-retarded jury makes sure he gets whats coming to him.
c) He runs into a black vigilante who will show him what a real-ass whupping looks like, when not adminstered by a skinny kid...

Then why in such protest?
What you figure is immaterial.
Just admit you want revenge.
And I suppose you approve of 'black' vigilantes. Caucasians however are vigilantes for simply protecting themselves.
I get it. Who cares. You are wrong and you won't be getting your way.
You may continue to foam at the mouth in anger.
Hey, I have an idea...Instead of calling upon your minions like some radical Islamist Cleric, why don't you go after Zimmerman yourself?
You're the one with the tough guy talk. Walk the walk.

While there are white vigilantes, this one was Hispanic.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Tell that to JoeB....He insists GZ is white.
With the pro-Martin folk beginning to dribble and drool after repeating themselves to no point or good effect for the zillionth time...

This thread is getting almost as silly as the mainstream Zimmy thread...

Somebody press the button and nuke this thing...
With the pro-Martin folk beginning to dribble and drool after repeating themselves to no point or good effect for the zillionth time...

This thread is getting almost as silly as the mainstream Zimmy thread...

Somebody press the button and nuke this thing...

The dead horse has been buried. I am bailing on this popsicle stand.
Let Joey froth at the mouth over this.
Kondor3 said:
My ability to multitask is non sequitur (unrelated) to whether or not there are more important matters in the world requiring our attention, or whether or not the matter is closed, at law.

You raise an irrelevancy as counterpoint.

Non sequitur.

Next time, I suggest you pause briefly in order to better understand the context before you embark upon a rebuke that may otherwise fail in its intended effect.

I see you still haven’t grasped the meaning of the term non-sequitur. If you had even an inkling of how it is applied in the English language you wouldn’t be using it as an adjective. HINT: it is a noun so your attempt to disguise it as an adjective is pure tom foolery. Your ability to multitask has nothing to do with the term non sequitur. Stop making a fool of your self and concede that you are an idiot.
I'm not worried about all the time.

I figure one of three ends for Fatboy Zimmerman.

a) The Feds put him in front of a non-retarded jury and he gets what's coming to him.
b) He gets in trouble for doing something else, and a non-retarded jury makes sure he gets whats coming to him.
c) He runs into a black vigilante who will show him what a real-ass whupping looks like, when not adminstered by a skinny kid...

Then why in such protest?
What you figure is immaterial.
Just admit you want revenge.
And I suppose you approve of 'black' vigilantes. Caucasians however are vigilantes for simply protecting themselves.
I get it. Who cares. You are wrong and you won't be getting your way.
You may continue to foam at the mouth in anger.
Hey, I have an idea...Instead of calling upon your minions like some radical Islamist Cleric, why don't you go after Zimmerman yourself?
You're the one with the tough guy talk. Walk the walk.

While there are white vigilantes, this one was Hispanic.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

His mother is Peruvian and his father is German. How does this make him hispanic?
Kondor3 said:
Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Why do you right wing zombies want to follow the letter of the law when it suits you but don't want to follow it when it doesn't. BY LAW Martin was a child since he was under 18. THATS THE LAW!

And as far as his disciplinary record...WHOOPIE DEE DOO! Captain Kirk of STAR TREK fame had a more
"problem" childhood than TM! Thats what makes good leaders, they don't conform to every little thing authority demands of them. They tend to act independently and live precariously. Who knows what great things Trayvon might have accomplished had he lived.
"...I see you still haven’t grasped the meaning of the term non-sequitur..."

Are you still here, chewin' on that pointless bone?... You can't even recognize the device used to label a 'state', versus use of a modifier... you probably don't even understand 'state' in this context... and you clearly don't 'get' the meaning of multitasking and its disconnect (irrelevancy) from the original premise in this context, either... never mind your unsolicited and unprovoked and foolhardy accusations of idiocy... so... fine... uh-huh... yeppers, sure thing, whatever... ya got me, sparky... now... go dry-hump somebody else's leg, Junior...

Next slide, please.
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Kondor3 said:
Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Why do you right wing zombies want to follow the letter of the law when it suits you but don't want to follow it when it doesn't. BY LAW Martin was a child since he was under 18. THATS THE LAW!

And as far as his disciplinary record...WHOOPIE DEE DOO! Captain Kirk of STAR TREK fame had a more
"problem" childhood than TM! Thats what makes good leaders, they don't conform to every little thing authority demands of them. They tend to act independently and live precariously. Who knows what great things Trayvon might have accomplished had he lived.

No. By law he was a minor. A child is someone who us under the age of 10.
With the pro-Martin folk beginning to dribble and drool after repeating themselves to no point or good effect for the zillionth time...

This thread is getting almost as silly as the mainstream Zimmy thread...

Somebody press the button and nuke this thing...

The dead horse has been buried. I am bailing on this popsicle stand.
Let Joey froth at the mouth over this.

Yeah... he's not the only remaining dribble-and-drooler over sour grapes, but, yeah, you're right.

The Fat Lady has sung... it's over... time to close-up shop here.
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Kondor3 said:
Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Why do you right wing zombies want to follow the letter of the law when it suits you but don't want to follow it when it doesn't. BY LAW Martin was a child since he was under 18. THATS THE LAW!

And as far as his disciplinary record...WHOOPIE DEE DOO! Captain Kirk of STAR TREK fame had a more
"problem" childhood than TM! Thats what makes good leaders, they don't conform to every little thing authority demands of them. They tend to act independently and live precariously. Who knows what great things Trayvon might have accomplished had he lived.

No. By law he was a minor. A child is someone who us under the age of 10.

Well, I guess my dictionary is different from yours. Here is an assortment of definitions. Which one do you think most closely fits my BY LAW definition as used previously?
Websters said:

child [chīld](plural chil·dren [chíldrən])
1. young human being: a young human being between birth and puberty
2. human offspring: a son or daughter of human parents 3. somebody not yet of age: somebody under a legally specified age who is considered not to be legally responsible for his or her actions
4. baby: a baby or infant
5. unborn baby: a baby that has not yet been born
6. immature adult: an adult who is regarded as behaving in a childish or inappropriately childlike way
7. product or result: somebody or something considered to be either produced or strongly influenced by a particular environment, period, or historical figure a child of nature a child of the 1960s
8. descendant or member of people: a descendant of somebody, or a member of a people with a common ancestor or geographic origin (often used in the plural) children of Abraham

[ Old English cild ]
The items in red seem to back me up...

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