Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

The evidence was that Zimmerman was an armed adult and Trayvon was an unarmed child.

No. There was no child involved. If your position is as strong as you want everyone to believe why do you feel the need to lie about the facts?

OK, how about "minor"? F U and your semantic word games. People under the age of 18 are not adults according to the law.

I posted on here a couple of weeks ago that I was told by an attorney the jury had no choice but to let Zimmerman go because of the way Florida law now reads. You told me that I needed to think instead of relying on the opinions of others. But B29 corroborates my point and post. You're still babbling about nothing.

Word games? Words mean something. When you use words to delibrately misrepresent what happened, that's called lying. If you have to lie to make your points, you clearly recognize at a subconcious level that your argument sucks.

And you are foolish to rely on what others tell you instead of learning for yourself. The Jury did have no choice but to let him go because he isn't guilty. See if someone is beating you, you have the natural right to defend yourself. In fact, I am 99% certain if someone attacked you, you would fight back. And I know you would bitch and moan if someone tried to throw you in jail for fighting back. So stop being a hypocrite and learn things instead of just listening to what others tell you. Think for once in your life.
Eventually, Zimmerman will get his. Look at OJ.

BodeyZona finally got one thing right.

Eventually Mr. Zimmerman WILL get his:

A FAT judgment or settlement from fucking NBC and probably one or two other big financial settlements.

And, of course, there may be some other paydays down the road for the poor man.

BodeyZona, of course, hates justice and honesty. So, this will irk the shit out of her/him.

That's fine. In fact, that's good. :cool:


Rest assured, if or when Zimmerman settles with NBC, the family of Martin will haul his ass into civil court so fast he won't know what hit him until after the Fed has forced the court to award the Martin family damages.
"...Rest assured, if or when Zimmerman settles with NBC, the family of Martin will haul his ass into civil court so fast he won't know what hit him until after the Fed has forced the court to award the Martin family damages."
Wonderful. Now, all you need is a basis-at-law, and you're all set...
Kondor3 said:
It's over...

The matter is closed, at law...

Don't bet everything you own on it!

Pitchforks and swords?
Don't make threats.
The case is OVER.
The federal government would have brought charges had there been sufficient evidence to do so.

Absolutely. Given this administration's initial response and subsequent statements, Zimmerman would be penniless and imprisoned by now if they had even one scintilla of a chance of lynching him.
The lack of any real injuries testify to the extent of the '' attack'' that GZ claimed. GZ seemed to be clear about the end of their encounter, but very vague about the beginning where he swore to end '' them'' getting away with '' it'', which he certainly did.

I guess that he taught those hooded punks where their place is. Certainly not on his sidewalk!
The lack of any real injuries testify to the extent of the '' attack'' that GZ claimed. GZ seemed to be clear about the end of their encounter, but very vague about the beginning where he swore to end '' them'' getting away with '' it'', which he certainly did.

I guess that he taught those hooded punks where their place is. Certainly not on his sidewalk!

The forensic evidence and expert testimony differ with your view.
Their testimony matters. Yours does not.
The lack of any real injuries testify to the extent of the '' attack'' that GZ claimed. GZ seemed to be clear about the end of their encounter, but very vague about the beginning where he swore to end '' them'' getting away with '' it'', which he certainly did.

I guess that he taught those hooded punks where their place is. Certainly not on his sidewalk!

The forensic evidence and expert testimony differ with your view.
Their testimony matters. Yours does not.

''Their testimony matters. Yours does not. ''

Not to you and George anyway. It does however to many others.
"...Not to you and George anyway. It does however to many others."

Not as many as you might hope.

Not as intensely as you might hope.

Not as durably as you might hope.

America is already beginning to forget.

Gotta love the American Public's focus... a.k.a. Short Attention-Span Theater.

Related stories are already being buried far from the front page.

Within another couple of weeks it will be ancient history.

Given that the State of Florida's due process yielded a 'Not Guilty' verdict...

Events are playing out exactly as they should...

The fat lady has sung...


It's over...
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Not for George.
Sure it is...

The Feds aren't going to do anything...

Civil suits will go nowhere, as well...

As a matter of law, it's over...

As to whether or not he is at-risk of Vigilantes and Lynch-Mobs who choose not to abide by the verdict of a court of law, well, that's difficult to say...

There are ways to avoid that, as well...

But, as a matter of law, it's over...
I'm sure that you are able to sell your fortune telling services to some, equally sure never to me.

Nobody gets the world that they want. Just the one that is.
The lack of any real injuries testify to the extent of the '' attack'' that GZ claimed. GZ seemed to be clear about the end of their encounter, but very vague about the beginning where he swore to end '' them'' getting away with '' it'', which he certainly did.

I guess that he taught those hooded punks where their place is. Certainly not on his sidewalk!

The forensic evidence and expert testimony differ with your view.
Their testimony matters. Yours does not.

''Their testimony matters. Yours does not. ''

Not to you and George anyway. It does however to many others.
Ok...Lets not be juvenile here.
The only opinion that matters, the decider, is that of the jury.
The trail is OVER..Period. Case closed.
You may opine all you like. Go ahead and speculate.
That and 50 cents gets you a Senior coffee at Burger King.
You and the alleged "many others" cannot accept reality. Ok, fine.
I'm sure that you are able to sell your fortune telling services to some, equally sure never to me.

Nobody gets the world that they want. Just the one that is.

In the interest of fairness, feel free to serve-up your basis for believing that Zimmerman still faces serious legal challenges in connection with the Martin killing...

As extra credit, feel free to stipulate why you believe that such challenge(s) are likely to succeed...

You may proceed at your discretion...
Yawn, guy, big talk...

But your boy is going down. Deal with it.

Oh the uncontrollable anger.
You are free entertainment.
Have fun with your meltdown.

If the Feds don't get him, the civil courts will. And if they don't get him, this guy's going to get himself into trouble again.

He's going to threaten someone or beat someone or someone in a bar is going to call him a pussy because he shot a kid, and the legal system will get another shot at him.

Kind of like OJ, who is going to spend the rest of his life for stealing sports memorbilia and not at all because he murdered two people.
Muggers Honor Trayvon Martin?s Legacy with Racist Muggings | FrontPage Magazine
Go ahead Joey....Make excuses for this. Then tell me why this guy or anyone else should have to let it happen instead of legally standing their ground...
This oughta be good.
I bet you will say the white guy 'deserved it'....
Go ahead.
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I'm sure that you are able to sell your fortune telling services to some, equally sure never to me.

Nobody gets the world that they want. Just the one that is.

In the interest of fairness, feel free to serve-up your basis for believing that Zimmerman still faces serious legal challenges in connection with the Martin killing...

As extra credit, feel free to stipulate why you believe that such challenge(s) are likely to succeed...

You may proceed at your discretion...

I feel that the country faces serious moral challenges when there are areas unsafe for citizens to conduct normal business and pleasure.

When armed thugs can execute people on the street for no more reason than they want to.

I'm surprised that people like you accept such a cultural revolution and are comfortable with it being legal in some areas.

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