Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

In a previous post You said:

=Kondor3George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.
To which I replied: "Well, Kondor, most of us can handle more than one thing at a time...if you can't...move on!"
You then responded with:

Kondor3 said:
Non sequitur.

Obviously you do NOT know what a non sequitur is. Look it up before yo use it again, you won't look so ignorant!


The matter is closed, at law...

NO it is not! There are still Civil Rights issues to consider!
Eventually, Zimmerman will get his. Look at OJ.

BodeyZona finally got one thing right.

Eventually Mr. Zimmerman WILL get his:

A FAT judgment or settlement from fucking NBC and probably one or two other big financial settlements.

And, of course, there may be some other paydays down the road for the poor man.

BodeyZona, of course, hates justice and honesty. So, this will irk the shit out of her/him.

That's fine. In fact, that's good. :cool:

The juror in question is ignorant and ill informed and dopey.

It IS possible to think "Ok. The defendant may be guilty. Hell. He's probably guilty. BUT the STANDARD is not 'proof to a probability.' It is 'proof beyond a reasonable doubt.' And the State didn't provide adequate evidence to satisfy that standard of proof. Therefore, in keeping with the legal instructions and my oath, I must vote 'not guilty.'"

However, the juror is still a moron. Because objectively, the State provided NO evidence whatsoever that it was anything other than a justified shooting. Accordingly, it is just plain dopey to even start the "analysis" with the claim that he is "probably" guilty or that he "got away with" murder.

In an attempt to justify her decision to her friends and family she decided to allow ABC to manipulate her and make a total spectacle of her.
This is not the first time a main stream news outlet has exploited someone for the sake of ratings.
I am guessing though this former juror was well paid. Her transportation, lodging and meals all comped.
Many of the always befuddled present day liberals are so confused and degenerate that, like BodeyZona, they are actually upset that a JUST verdict was reached in the Zimmerman trial.

They cannot ABIDE the concept of "justice" and they suffer enormously when justice occasionally triumphs.
In a previous post You said:

=Kondor3George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.
To which I replied: "Well, Kondor, most of us can handle more than one thing at a time...if you can't...move on!"
You then responded with:

Kondor3 said:
Non sequitur.

Obviously you do NOT know what a non sequitur is. Look it up before yo use it again, you won't look so ignorant!


My ability to multitask is non sequitur (unrelated) to whether or not there are more important matters in the world requiring our attention, or whether or not the matter is closed, at law.

You raise an irrelevancy as counterpoint.

Non sequitur.

Next time, I suggest you pause briefly in order to better understand the context before you embark upon a rebuke that may otherwise fail in its intended effect.

The matter is closed at law...
NO it is not! There are still Civil Rights issues to consider!

In both this thread and others, ample space and time have been devoted to explaining why it is extremely unlikely that the US Dept of Justice will reverse its previous findings and re-attack this thing from a Civil Rights perspective, as well as how Self-Defense and Stand-Your-Ground will serve to deflect a Civil Suit, but you may continue to waste your time daydreaming of how this might have unfolded in some parallel universe if you like.
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Uh, I don't know of any official duty schedules in any neighborhood watch program. They're always supposed to observe and report.

Epic fail

The rules regarding the carrying of a firearm relate only to official watch duty.

Epic fail.

Sure they do..
If one has a license to carry, they may. Obviously Zimmerman has a license otherwise he'd have been charged with a felony unlawful possession or carry.
I really with you people would check sources before posting.
What Are the Gun Laws in Florida?
The key word there is ACCIDENT>

Most gun deaths are not accidents. The person who had the gun intended to kill the person he intended to kill.

Most auto 'accidents' are caused by reckless driving or drunk driving.

Reckless driving is following too close, driving too fast for conditions, going a specific number miles over the speed-limit, failure to yield the right of way, driving impaired in any manner to include texting and cell-phone use. All of these are something someone intended to do.

And guess, what, guy. When a bar overserves someone who goes out and kills someone during a DUI, the bar can be held liable for it. Thanks for making my point.

Actually that is a civil, not a criminal matter.
Apples to oranges. You're still not going to get your way. Drop it.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

LOL! I never claimed that. Who on the left did? Can you name anyone important or is your pussy just bleeding?

They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

A 17 year old kid wound up dead on his way home from buying a pack of skittles. I'm sorry if that's inconvenient to you. Maybe next time we'll just take his body, drop it in a vat of acid, and make it disappear, so you don't have your por wittle feewins hurt when someone actually notices the body.

A bit angry are we? Unable to process the world around you without foaming at the mouth? Must be tough being you.

In both this thread and others, ample space and time have been devoted to explaining why it is extremely unlikely that the US Dept of Justice will reverse its previous findings and re-attack this thing from a Civil Rights perspective, as well as how Self-Defense and Stand-Your-Ground will serve to deflect a Civil Suit, but you may continue to waste your time daydreaming of how this might have unfolded in some parallel universe if you like.

Yawn, guy, big talk...

But your boy is going down. Deal with it.

In both this thread and others, ample space and time have been devoted to explaining why it is extremely unlikely that the US Dept of Justice will reverse its previous findings and re-attack this thing from a Civil Rights perspective, as well as how Self-Defense and Stand-Your-Ground will serve to deflect a Civil Suit, but you may continue to waste your time daydreaming of how this might have unfolded in some parallel universe if you like.

Yawn, guy, big talk...

But your boy is going down. Deal with it.

No big talk, neighbor, just fact.

Zimmerman is not 'my boy'.

The Rule of Law is 'my boy' in this context.

But, the last time that I invited you to stipulate for us the basis for your belief that Zimmerman is 'going down' you declined to supply details, if memory serves correctly, so, here's another chance...

1. in what way(s) is Zimmerman 'going down'? - what is the venue or jursidiction and mechanism(s) [ charges, etc. ] by which this will be achieved?

2. what is your basis for believing that your projections have any substantive grounding in reality or probability?

Especially in light of (a) the preliminary No Rights Violation finding by the FBI, (b) the Not Guilty verdict, and (c) the effect of Self-Defense and Stand-Your-Ground upon related civil actions?

Enlighten us, please.

Curious minds want to know.
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What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.

Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.

You state things you believe as if they are irrefutable facts. You put a slant on things to suit your preferred version. Saying these things and saying them the way you choose does not make them reality. Your desire to vilify an innocent person and to see his murder as his own fault comes down to your desire of how you want to read this incident and that desire is based on a pro-gun agenda.

Trayvon was suspended from school for petty, minor things, things a million other American teenagers do every day. Trayvon was not beating Zimmerman's head into concrete: that is Zimmerman's story and is not born out by his "insignificant" injuries. Trayvon did not introduce deadly force into the situation: it was Zimmerman who did that. Zimmerman was in nothing more serious than a schoolyard fist fight and he responded with deadly, lethal force. It is not Trayvon who made a mistake; it is Zimmerman who made many.

He never should have been carrying a gun. As he was, he should have warned Trayvon he had a gun. He never should have gotten out of his car. As he did, he should have identified himself as neighborhood watch. He profiled, stalked, and confronted an unarmed, innocent person who was doing nothing wrong and had every right to be where he was, and as a result of that confrontation, the innocent, unarmed person is dead. This is all down to the actions of Zimmerman. Trayvon was not a thug who deserved to die and he was not the person responsible for his own death.

According to polls, half of America agrees with this version, so your stating your version repeatedly doesn't make it any more correct. According to the jury, they also believe Zimmerman was guilty of something; they were just unable to say he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with. Only those who are so virulently attached to the idea that every idiot in America has a right to carry and use a loaded firearm support the idea that Zimmerman is an innocent man, and only intellectually dishonest, vicious, black hearted individuals, for no other reason than to promote a pro-gun agenda, would try to portray an innocent teenager as a violent thug responsible for his own death.
You have an opinion. The trial brought forth the facts. No contest.
"Trayvon was suspended from school for petty, minor things, things a million other American teenagers do every day."....WRONG....he was charged with crimes. Had these acts not been committed in the school, instead of being buried by the PC world set up by school boards, the kid would have been an inmate. Or at least through the system.
"Trayvon was not beating Zimmerman's head into concrete: that is Zimmerman's story and is not born out by his "insignificant" injuries."...Says you. The forensic medical evidence stated otherwise. In fact the prosecution's OWN EXPERT agreed with the defense expert's position that Martin was indeed on top of Zimmerman. The injuries Zimmerman received were 100% consistent with the defendant's account of the events. This testimony was damaging to the Prosecution's case to the point where they wanted to find a way to "un-ring the bell"...
Polls? Please don't try to make us laugh. Half of 1000 people is not representative of anything. Oh, where is the link to this alleged poll? Who was asked? What were the questions?
Zimmerman is not 'innocent'..Trayvon Martin is not 'innocent'...
Look, you have opinions which you express out of pure emotion. That's fine. Only don't try to present your posts as fact. People on your side had expectations. You thought this was a slam dunk. Things did not go your way. Now you are pissed off because a system you believe should always work in your favor, this time did not. You can't handle it and you want to change the rules in the middle of the game. Suddenly you want to toss the rule of law and the US Constitution because you didn't get the result you expected. Typical liberal shit. "How come we didn't win?"
The only thing that matters here is there was a fair and just trial. Experts were called to testify. Evidence was scrutinized and presented for trial. The jury made its ruling.
That's how the system works.
Anyway, the matter is closed. The story is headed for the news archives.
Uh, I don't know of any official duty schedules in any neighborhood watch program. They're always supposed to observe and report.

Epic fail

The rules regarding the carrying of a firearm relate only to official watch duty.

Epic fail.

Sure they do..
If one has a license to carry, they may. Obviously Zimmerman has a license otherwise he'd have been charged with a felony unlawful possession or carry.
I really with you people would check sources before posting.
What Are the Gun Laws in Florida?

You misunderstood my comment. The official Neighborhood Watch handbook states that one should not do a neighborhood watch patrol while armed... and that was what I was referring to. it also advises against going alone as well, but that is another issue.

I am quite aware that GZ violated no law or rule of Florida regarding CCW.. he was licensed to carry the weapon he employed.
"...Look, you have opinions which you express out of pure emotion. That's fine. Only don't try to present your posts as fact. People on your side had expectations. You thought this was a slam dunk. Things did not go your way. Now you are pissed off because a system you believe should always work in your favor, this time did not. You can't handle it and you want to change the rules in the middle of the game. Suddenly you want to toss the rule of law and the US Constitution because you didn't get the result you expected. Typical liberal shit. "How come we didn't win?" The only thing that matters here is there was a fair and just trial. Experts were called to testify. Evidence was scrutinized and presented for trial. The jury made its ruling. That's how the system works.
Anyway, the matter is closed. The story is headed for the news archives.


Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.

Yeah, guy, you totally won, so why are you sooooo upset people are still talking about this.

This is the Emmet Till case of the 21st century, that's what has you guys so upset.
"we" won nothing.
Judging by your side's constant carping and protesting, it is YOU who are so upset.
Look, it's over. Case is closed.
The Professor paraphrasing juror B29 said:
She admitted that there was no proof that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, and that is what the case was all about. If there was no proof that Zimmerman killed martin intentionally, he did not get away with murder

Zimmerman pointed his gun at TM center mass and pulled the trigger. He had a reasonable expectation that the gun would fire. What do you think GZ's intentions were at that moment? He DID intend to kill TM judging by THAT evidence alone. I too have been responding to the latest round of exchanges in the GZ/TM case and I too, think that GZ got away with murder/manslaughter. That is, with the help of a botched preliminary investigation and mishandled evidence collection process by the SPD. Further, the medical examiner was either inept or failed to preserve evidence properly while the prosecution did an abysmal job of prosecuting by allowing the defense team to run ram shod over them. There seemed to be collusion between the prosecution and the defense that was especially notable when certain testimony that should have been challenged was allowed without objection.
Then, there was the smiling prosecutor Corey who seemed to take great joy in the defense's victory!

The whole world witnessed the events as I have and the entire affair smacked of conspiracy. Good ol' southern style justice is still alive and this was their model case to prove it. Since the Florida Justice system was forced to go to trial by outside intervention there was vested interest in blowing the case; a case that was mismanaged by their own operatives from the start.

I truly feel that the FEDS should jointly indict the city of Sandford and the State of Florida right along with Zimmerman for conspiring to deprive TM of his civil rights.

BTW, if juror B29 said words to the effect that the case should never have gone to trial ( I have found no reliable source for that) she likely was referring to the circus that emerged in the wake if an intentional imbroglio orchestrated by the SPD, The Medical Examiner, the Defense, the Prosecution and southern white friends!

What you feel is immaterial. The rule of law has prevailed.
It is not a perfect system, but it's the one we have.
If you don't like it, change the system.
A word of caution. Be careful what you wish for.

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