Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

This is not the fault of the firearms industry.

This is the fault of inadequate and inconsistent licensing and enforcement, from one jurisdiction to another.

Which again, is the fault of the firearms industry, that fights licensing and enforcement at every turn.

How's this. If you get killed with a gun, the gun maker and gun seller are civilally liable if they didn't take measures to keep that gun out of the wrong hands.

Works for me.

Only if the automotive industry is held liable every time someone dies as a result of an automobile accident...

If you're wondering why this case became so public it's because of the details of the case. From the git-go the media lied to the public about the details. Turns out this is exactly why people should be allowed to carry a weapon. Simply to prevent getting your head bashed in.

Zimmerman showed a light on the truth but you and others like you refuse to open your eyes. All you care about is the lie that Trayvan was a baby and the lie that it is criminal even to own a gun much less carry one on your person.

Guy, I would have a lot more respect for your understanding of this case if you didn't consistantly misspell Trayvon's name.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have gone stalking this kid. If he hadn't stalked this kid, this kid would not have reacted to a potential threat.

This case shows exactly why guns should be limited. A guy like Zimmerman, who once assaulted a cop, who once broke a woman's leg at a party after manhandlinger her as a bouncer, was the last guy you ever wanted out there with a gun, because eventually, he was going to do exactly what he did.

I'm curious. On one hand, you constantly condemn Zimmerman for failing to back down after he contacted the police. Yet, you find it perfectly acceptable that Martin reacted violently to a perceived threat. but Ma Why is it wrong for Zimmerman to have performed his duties as a Neighborhood watch officer, following and identifying a possible threat to the community rtin is excused for not simply going to his father's house as quickly and directly as possible? Once Martin turned and assaulted Zimmerman, Zimmerman was justified in using self defense to nullify the physical harm Martin inflicted on him.

''Why is it wrong for Zimmerman to have performed his duties as a Neighborhood watch officer, following and identifying a possible threat to the community ''

What threat was that?
they will make sure that the witnesses are prepped properly

So, it is your belief that witnesses should be properly prepped? In what way? According to your world view?

OF COURSE witnesses should be properly prepared to testify.

Only a fucking imbecile lawyer would EVER put a witness on the stand without engaging in the heavy lifting prior effort of doing witness preparation.

There is not only nothing wrong in prepping a witness, it is essentially malpractice not to do so.
The OJ trial has nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial. OJ did not use self defense as his reason for committing the murders.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.


He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.



yeah....and he convinced trayvon to pummel him

good lord you're an idiot

Once again, the media lied about this case. Everything they say comes under question if you're a ration person. Obviously you aren't.

Fact is you don't know what Zimmerman would have done. That's pure speculation. What is important is what actually happened and what was the result. All of these could-haves and should-haves is irrelevant.

They pretty much called the cops every time he saw a black kid. Only a matter of time before he shot one, which is what he did.

Zimmerman killed a child. This is pretty much the only salient fact in this case. Everything else is white folks and gun nuts trying to protect their little dung hills of fear.

Again, you keep repeating your narrow view of the case, and it reveals your opinion as totally biased and renders it totally irrelevant. I doubt that anyone here buys your phony bull shit. You should be an Obama spokesperson, if you aren't already.

I see you're from Chicago. It's clear that you're privy to news about kids killing each other or killing adults more-so than most. One would think you'd be more understanding of the reality of the situation, but instead you come off as some sort of government asshole pushing an agenda.
Joey is a Chicago apologist.
He and those like him ignore the problems in Chicago , Washington, DC and other large cities where gun violence is a massive and growing problem.
By focusing on the Zimmerman case, he attempts to further an agenda. That agenda is that it is the fault of everyone else except those who perpetrate the crimes.
The faux outrage presented each day by the main stream media which cannot resist reporting of the smallest of Trayvon gatherings is nonsense.
This story is already 'below the fold'.
Until the hypocrisy shown by those who are in a state of outrage over this one incident is tossed out only then can the real work begin. That is, to put a stop to the violence and death perpetrated upon inner city minority people
they will make sure that the witnesses are prepped properly

So, it is your belief that witnesses should be properly prepped? In what way? According to your world view?

OF COURSE witnesses should be properly prepared to testify.

Only a fucking imbecile lawyer would EVER put a witness on the stand without engaging in the heavy lifting prior effort of doing witness preparation.

There is not only nothing wrong in prepping a witness, it is essentially malpractice not to do so.

Bad wording, well, punctuation on my part. There are ethical and unethical ways to prepare a witness. My post clearly came across as though I was saying witnesses should not be prepped in any way. My apologies.

What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering around in a gated community? Especially since his family didn't live there? Anyone with the social status to live in a gated community has a right to have privacy and be safe. So what if it's racial profiling, I'm sure that there is no black folks that live in that community.

And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

You obviously don't live in Chicago. Poor blacks kids can shoot poor black kids all day long, and what is really funny , is no one gives a crap. Instead of really caring, the pretend the are outraged over one hispanic, killing one black, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, so they can justify the hundreds that get killed.

You mean white hispanic...

What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering around in a gated community? Especially since his family didn't live there? Anyone with the social status to live in a gated community has a right to have privacy and be safe. So what if it's racial profiling, I'm sure that there is no black folks that live in that community.

And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

You obviously don't live in Chicago. Poor blacks kids can shoot poor black kids all day long, and what is really funny , is no one gives a crap. Instead of really caring, the pretend the are outraged over one hispanic, killing one black, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, so they can justify the hundreds that get killed.

I live in one of the suburbs, actually, but that's not the point.

I know you guys bring up the "but, but, but what about the murder rate in Chicago", but here's the thing.

Most of those murders were people who knew each other. Most of them will be arrested, tried and convicted.

What makes the Zimmerman thing so offensive is that they treated Trayvon little better than road kill. That's why blacks are up in arms, and they SHOULD be.

Because if he were a white boy, Zimmerman would have been arrested and they would have conducted an investigation.
This is not the fault of the firearms industry.

This is the fault of inadequate and inconsistent licensing and enforcement, from one jurisdiction to another.

Which again, is the fault of the firearms industry, that fights licensing and enforcement at every turn.

How's this. If you get killed with a gun, the gun maker and gun seller are civilally liable if they didn't take measures to keep that gun out of the wrong hands.

Works for me.

Only if the automotive industry is held liable every time someone dies as a result of an automobile accident...

The key word there is ACCIDENT>

Most gun deaths are not accidents. The person who had the gun intended to kill the person he intended to kill.
Which again, is the fault of the firearms industry, that fights licensing and enforcement at every turn.

How's this. If you get killed with a gun, the gun maker and gun seller are civilally liable if they didn't take measures to keep that gun out of the wrong hands.

Works for me.

Only if the automotive industry is held liable every time someone dies as a result of an automobile accident...

The key word there is ACCIDENT>

Most gun deaths are not accidents. The person who had the gun intended to kill the person he intended to kill.

Most auto 'accidents' are caused by reckless driving or drunk driving.

Reckless driving is following too close, driving too fast for conditions, going a specific number miles over the speed-limit, failure to yield the right of way, driving impaired in any manner to include texting and cell-phone use. All of these are something someone intended to do.
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And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

You obviously don't live in Chicago. Poor blacks kids can shoot poor black kids all day long, and what is really funny , is no one gives a crap. Instead of really caring, the pretend the are outraged over one hispanic, killing one black, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, so they can justify the hundreds that get killed.

I live in one of the suburbs, actually, but that's not the point.

I know you guys bring up the "but, but, but what about the murder rate in Chicago", but here's the thing.

Most of those murders were people who knew each other. Most of them will be arrested, tried and convicted.

What makes the Zimmerman thing so offensive is that they treated Trayvon little better than road kill. That's why blacks are up in arms, and they SHOULD be.

Because if he were a white boy, Zimmerman would have been arrested and they would have conducted an investigation.

Get over it. Trayvon tried to kill another man and he got the justice he deserved.
And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

You obviously don't live in Chicago. Poor blacks kids can shoot poor black kids all day long, and what is really funny , is no one gives a crap. Instead of really caring, the pretend the are outraged over one hispanic, killing one black, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, so they can justify the hundreds that get killed.

I live in one of the suburbs, actually, but that's not the point.

I know you guys bring up the "but, but, but what about the murder rate in Chicago", but here's the thing.

Most of those murders were people who knew each other. Most of them will be arrested, tried and convicted.

What makes the Zimmerman thing so offensive is that they treated Trayvon little better than road kill. That's why blacks are up in arms, and they SHOULD be.

Because if he were a white boy, Zimmerman would have been arrested and they would have conducted an investigation.

Nice try but 100's of blacks are mourning the loss of their children and because one was killed by a hispanic guy, that is more important than the other lives, because they didn't know them? Also you can't blame whitey if it is black on black crime.

Focusing on Zimmerman, takes the eyes off the real problem.
It appears ABC doctored the video of the interview that this thread is based on.

ABC now joins NBC in a growing list of networks that have fabricated the news and have been caught red-handed.

Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? No. Juror B29 is being framed. - Slate Magazine

Another Lamestream Media outlet trying to rekindle the flames of Racial Division before the dying embers of passion related to the the case die-out completely in the collective mind of John Q. Public... a.k.a. Short Attention-Span Theater?
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Only if the automotive industry is held liable every time someone dies as a result of an automobile accident...

The key word there is ACCIDENT>

Most gun deaths are not accidents. The person who had the gun intended to kill the person he intended to kill.

Most auto 'accidents' are caused by reckless driving or drunk driving.

Reckless driving is following too close, driving too fast for conditions, going a specific number miles over the speed-limit, failure to yield the right of way, driving impaired in any manner to include texting and cell-phone use. All of these are something someone intended to do.

And guess, what, guy. When a bar overserves someone who goes out and kills someone during a DUI, the bar can be held liable for it. Thanks for making my point.

Nice try but 100's of blacks are mourning the loss of their children and because one was killed by a hispanic guy, that is more important than the other lives, because they didn't know them? Also you can't blame whitey if it is black on black crime.

Focusing on Zimmerman, takes the eyes off the real problem.

What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.

Nice try but 100's of blacks are mourning the loss of their children and because one was killed by a hispanic guy, that is more important than the other lives, because they didn't know them? Also you can't blame whitey if it is black on black crime.

Focusing on Zimmerman, takes the eyes off the real problem.

What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.

Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.
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Which again, is the fault of the firearms industry, that fights licensing and enforcement at every turn.

How's this. If you get killed with a gun, the gun maker and gun seller are civilally liable if they didn't take measures to keep that gun out of the wrong hands.

Works for me.

Only if the automotive industry is held liable every time someone dies as a result of an automobile accident...

The key word there is ACCIDENT>

Most gun deaths are not accidents. The person who had the gun intended to kill the person he intended to kill.

For a person or entity to be held liable in a civil action the plaintiff must prove the defendant was negligent.
If a person buys a gun, takes it and shoots someone, how is it you make the leap to the gun manufacturer is liable and negligent?

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