Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

What is your basis for your belief that the Federal Government is going to indict Zimmerman?

more importantly

how will they not "fuck up this time"

same ol evidence gets used

and more lax rules on what the jury sees

in the victims past


And in the accused. They'll get to hear about that cop he took a swing at and that lady whose leg he broke and the ex-girlfriend who got a restraining order against him because he slapped her around...

How does this bear upon the death of the Martin kid, at law?

"...But the way they won't fuck it up, they will make sure that the witnesses are prepped properly, and they will get jurors with brains, as opposed to the two who have spoken out so far."

This is not an answer.

One has to GO TO TRIAL before one can deal with witnesses and juries.

And this will never REACH to the TRIAL PHASE in Federal Court.

For reasons already outlined.

We are nation of laws, and the law is functioning exactly as it is supposed to, in protecting a man, judge innocent, from inappropriate emotionalism and sour grapes.
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What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering around in a gated community? Especially since his family didn't live there? Anyone with the social status to live in a gated community has a right to have privacy and be safe. So what if it's racial profiling, I'm sure that there is no black folks that live in that community.

Actually, his father lived there with his girlfriend and his little brother.

And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

Once again, the media lied about this case. Everything they say comes under question if you're a ration person. Obviously you aren't.

Fact is you don't know what Zimmerman would have done. That's pure speculation. What is important is what actually happened and what was the result. All of these could-haves and should-haves is irrelevant.

They pretty much called the cops every time he saw a black kid. Only a matter of time before he shot one, which is what he did.

Zimmerman killed a child. This is pretty much the only salient fact in this case. Everything else is white folks and gun nuts trying to protect their little dung hills of fear.

A child with a mustache.


What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering around in a gated community? Especially since his family didn't live there? Anyone with the social status to live in a gated community has a right to have privacy and be safe. So what if it's racial profiling, I'm sure that there is no black folks that live in that community.

Actually, his father lived there with his girlfriend and his little brother.

And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

You should go back to parroting "Zimmerman killed a child" over and over. It's the stronger of the arsenal of emotional appeals you seem to be carrying.
George called the cops on black kids all the time - how many times was it a false alarm?

Don't you mean how many times didn't it result in an arrest?

I was held at gunpoint twice while running a liquor store. Both perps got away and never served any time for their crimes. Most get away without being caught.

I'm sure reporting suspicious characters in the neighborhood results in very few arrests. Even if some 7 year old was seen throwing rocks through everyone's windows. Chances are the kid will get away if the cops don't get there inside a couple of minutes. People are so afraid these days to get involved.

These days hardly anyone knows their neighbor. I've lived across the street from one neighbor for 8 years and never met them till last week.

The purpose of neighborhood watch is to assist the cops in reporting possible threats, not produce arrests. The hopes are that criminals will stay away once they discover your neighborhood watch program is very active.

Please note: the purpose of Neighborhood Watch is NOT follow, confront, and murder unarmed residents and visitors of the neighborhood who are innocently doing what the have a right to do in a place they have a right to be. Neighborhood Watch programs advise and request their volunteers to observe only, to contact the police and let the police handle any possible problems, and NOT to carry guns. Zimmerman broke all of those principles and ended up murdering someone who was not armed and was no threat to the neighborood. He needs to pay for what he has done. Poor judgment is not an excuse for taking a life.
George called the cops on black kids all the time - how many times was it a false alarm?

Don't you mean how many times didn't it result in an arrest?

I was held at gunpoint twice while running a liquor store. Both perps got away and never served any time for their crimes. Most get away without being caught.

I'm sure reporting suspicious characters in the neighborhood results in very few arrests. Even if some 7 year old was seen throwing rocks through everyone's windows. Chances are the kid will get away if the cops don't get there inside a couple of minutes. People are so afraid these days to get involved.

These days hardly anyone knows their neighbor. I've lived across the street from one neighbor for 8 years and never met them till last week.

The purpose of neighborhood watch is to assist the cops in reporting possible threats, not produce arrests. The hopes are that criminals will stay away once they discover your neighborhood watch program is very active.

Please note: the purpose of Neighborhood Watch is NOT follow, confront, and murder unarmed residents and visitors of the neighborhood who are innocently doing what the have a right to do in a place they have a right to be. Neighborhood Watch programs advise and request their volunteers to observe only, to contact the police and let the police handle any possible problems, and NOT to carry guns. Zimmerman broke all of those principles and ended up murdering someone who was not armed and was no threat to the neighborood. He needs to pay for what he has done. Poor judgment is not an excuse for taking a life.

It's impossible to observe if you can't see the perp, and in order to maintain surveillance of a moving suspect, sometimes you have to follow. This is not rocket-science. The goal is to maintain eye contact and keep your distance.

The problem with this case is Trayvon decided to jump Zimmerman. Instead of going home he came back and waited in the shadows for Zimmerman to return to his vehicle. That is what was presented in court and that is the evidence we should go by. This is why every law enforcement entity decided not to press charges. Lack of probable cause. It was only after politics came into play that anyone felt that Zimmerman had committed a crime. It took lies from NBC, a phony audio from 911 calls to get this ball rolling in the public eye. Actually, the Obama campaign needed a race event to pull back the black vote, so this was simply a case they looked up on the net and took advantage of. It is highly likely they intentionally massaged the details through their cohorts in the media to change the facts of the case.
"...the purpose of Neighborhood Watch is NOT follow, confront, and murder unarmed residents and visitors of the neighborhood who are innocently doing what the have a right to do in a place they have a right to be..."

Nobody was murdered.

A near-adult teenager was killed.

The jury ruled the action as justifiable homicide... self-defense.

The issue of murder is off-the-table, at law.

The function of a neighborhood watch program varies greatly across the country; driven largely by mostly very loose state and local statute, and governed primarily by guidelines laid-down by local law enforcement agencies, if at all.

"...Neighborhood Watch programs advise and request their volunteers to observe only, to contact the police and let the police handle any possible problems, and NOT to carry guns..."


"...Zimmerman broke all of those principles and ended up murdering someone who was not armed and was no threat to the neighborood..."

Zimmerman violated such stereotypical guidelines - which may or may not render him ineligible to continue his role in that neighborhood watch program - but he did not murder anyone. He killed a near-adult-sized teenager who was bashing his head into the sidewalk.

It might very well be true that Zimmerman should have followed the advice of the 911 dispatcher to not follow or confront Martin directly but that should not have put him at-risk of having his head smashed into pulp on the sidewalk.

Once Martin undertook such an act he crossed the line from Possibly Innocent Pedestrian to Life-Threatening Assaulter, and he paid for that transition with his life.

"...He needs to pay for what he has done. Poor judgment is not an excuse for taking a life."

At law - and at best - Zimmerman is guilty of nothing more than disregarding the advice of a 911 dispatcher and exceeding guidelines for action within a neighborhood watch context.

Exceeding those guidelines should not have left him open to Mortal Danger with his head being bashed against a concrete sidewalk.

Once that Mortal Danger surfaced, self-defense instantly came into force as the dominant factor in the altercation.

So long as Zimmerman did not offer Mortal Violence prior to that time, the interjection by Martin of Mortal Danger into the altercation changed everything in Zimmerman's favor - and greatly reduced the importance of underlying cause and circumstances - and rightfully so.

Martin crossed an important line, and paid for that with his life.
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What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering around in a gated community? Especially since his family didn't live there? Anyone with the social status to live in a gated community has a right to have privacy and be safe. So what if it's racial profiling, I'm sure that there is no black folks that live in that community.

And sorry, there isn't a social status that allows you to shoot kids because they are of the wrong race.

You obviously don't live in Chicago. Poor blacks kids can shoot poor black kids all day long, and what is really funny , is no one gives a crap. Instead of really caring, the pretend the are outraged over one hispanic, killing one black, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, so they can justify the hundreds that get killed.
Don't you mean how many times didn't it result in an arrest?

I was held at gunpoint twice while running a liquor store. Both perps got away and never served any time for their crimes. Most get away without being caught.

I'm sure reporting suspicious characters in the neighborhood results in very few arrests. Even if some 7 year old was seen throwing rocks through everyone's windows. Chances are the kid will get away if the cops don't get there inside a couple of minutes. People are so afraid these days to get involved.

These days hardly anyone knows their neighbor. I've lived across the street from one neighbor for 8 years and never met them till last week.

The purpose of neighborhood watch is to assist the cops in reporting possible threats, not produce arrests. The hopes are that criminals will stay away once they discover your neighborhood watch program is very active.

Please note: the purpose of Neighborhood Watch is NOT follow, confront, and murder unarmed residents and visitors of the neighborhood who are innocently doing what the have a right to do in a place they have a right to be. Neighborhood Watch programs advise and request their volunteers to observe only, to contact the police and let the police handle any possible problems, and NOT to carry guns. Zimmerman broke all of those principles and ended up murdering someone who was not armed and was no threat to the neighborood. He needs to pay for what he has done. Poor judgment is not an excuse for taking a life.

It's impossible to observe if you can't see the perp, and in order to maintain surveillance of a moving suspect, sometimes you have to follow. This is not rocket-science. The goal is to maintain eye contact and keep your distance.

The problem with this case is Trayvon decided to jump Zimmerman. Instead of going home he came back and waited in the shadows for Zimmerman to return to his vehicle. That is what was presented in court and that is the evidence we should go by. This is why every law enforcement entity decided not to press charges. Lack of probable cause. It was only after politics came into play that anyone felt that Zimmerman had committed a crime. It took lies from NBC, a phony audio from 911 calls to get this ball rolling in the public eye. Actually, the Obama campaign needed a race event to pull back the black vote, so this was simply a case they looked up on the net and took advantage of. It is highly likely they intentionally massaged the details through their cohorts in the media to change the facts of the case.

No. The problem in this case is that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who is supposed to be making the area safer, made it more dangerous by ignoring Neighborhood Watch directives and guidelines. THE PROBLEM is that he followed someone on foot instead of leaving it to the police and that he carried a gun which he used on that person who was unarmed and innocent. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. We only have Zimmerman's word for that, a proven liar. You can repeat it over and over until the end of time, but it doesn't make it truth or fact. Zimmerman set the whole thing in motion by ignorning Neighborhood Watch guidelines and expectations. He ended up murdering someone, someone who, as far as we know, did not accost or attack Zimmerman at all. When you assume he did, you are only echoing what Zimmerman has said without any proof whatsoever. You can believe a proven liar, but the only reason you do it is because you want it to be okay for idiots like Zimmerman to carry guns and shoot people. It's all about being pro-gun. It is not a FACT that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. If you think that, you have zero understanding of what a fact is.
Please note: the purpose of Neighborhood Watch is NOT follow, confront, and murder unarmed residents and visitors of the neighborhood who are innocently doing what the have a right to do in a place they have a right to be. Neighborhood Watch programs advise and request their volunteers to observe only, to contact the police and let the police handle any possible problems, and NOT to carry guns. Zimmerman broke all of those principles and ended up murdering someone who was not armed and was no threat to the neighborood. He needs to pay for what he has done. Poor judgment is not an excuse for taking a life.

It's impossible to observe if you can't see the perp, and in order to maintain surveillance of a moving suspect, sometimes you have to follow. This is not rocket-science. The goal is to maintain eye contact and keep your distance.

The problem with this case is Trayvon decided to jump Zimmerman. Instead of going home he came back and waited in the shadows for Zimmerman to return to his vehicle. That is what was presented in court and that is the evidence we should go by. This is why every law enforcement entity decided not to press charges. Lack of probable cause. It was only after politics came into play that anyone felt that Zimmerman had committed a crime. It took lies from NBC, a phony audio from 911 calls to get this ball rolling in the public eye. Actually, the Obama campaign needed a race event to pull back the black vote, so this was simply a case they looked up on the net and took advantage of. It is highly likely they intentionally massaged the details through their cohorts in the media to change the facts of the case.

No. The problem in this case is that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who is supposed to be making the area safer, made it more dangerous by ignoring Neighborhood Watch directives and guidelines. THE PROBLEM is that he followed someone on foot instead of leaving it to the police and that he carried a gun which he used on that person who was unarmed and innocent. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. We only have Zimmerman's word for that, a proven liar. You can repeat it over and over until the end of time, but it doesn't make it truth or fact. Zimmerman set the whole thing in motion by ignorning Neighborhood Watch guidelines and expectations. He ended up murdering someone, someone who, as far as we know, did not accost or attack Zimmerman at all. When you assume he did, you are only echoing what Zimmerman has said without any proof whatsoever. You can believe a proven liar, but the only reason you do it is because you want it to be okay for idiots like Zimmerman to carry guns and shoot people. It's all about being pro-gun. It is not a FACT that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. If you think that, you have zero understanding of what a fact is.

Not Guilty
Please note: the purpose of Neighborhood Watch is NOT follow, confront, and murder unarmed residents and visitors of the neighborhood who are innocently doing what the have a right to do in a place they have a right to be. Neighborhood Watch programs advise and request their volunteers to observe only, to contact the police and let the police handle any possible problems, and NOT to carry guns. Zimmerman broke all of those principles and ended up murdering someone who was not armed and was no threat to the neighborood. He needs to pay for what he has done. Poor judgment is not an excuse for taking a life.

It's impossible to observe if you can't see the perp, and in order to maintain surveillance of a moving suspect, sometimes you have to follow. This is not rocket-science. The goal is to maintain eye contact and keep your distance.

The problem with this case is Trayvon decided to jump Zimmerman. Instead of going home he came back and waited in the shadows for Zimmerman to return to his vehicle. That is what was presented in court and that is the evidence we should go by. This is why every law enforcement entity decided not to press charges. Lack of probable cause. It was only after politics came into play that anyone felt that Zimmerman had committed a crime. It took lies from NBC, a phony audio from 911 calls to get this ball rolling in the public eye. Actually, the Obama campaign needed a race event to pull back the black vote, so this was simply a case they looked up on the net and took advantage of. It is highly likely they intentionally massaged the details through their cohorts in the media to change the facts of the case.

No. The problem in this case is that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who is supposed to be making the area safer, made it more dangerous by ignoring Neighborhood Watch directives and guidelines. THE PROBLEM is that he followed someone on foot instead of leaving it to the police and that he carried a gun which he used on that person who was unarmed and innocent. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. We only have Zimmerman's word for that, a proven liar. You can repeat it over and over until the end of time, but it doesn't make it truth or fact. Zimmerman set the whole thing in motion by ignorning Neighborhood Watch guidelines and expectations. He ended up murdering someone, someone who, as far as we know, did not accost or attack Zimmerman at all. When you assume he did, you are only echoing what Zimmerman has said without any proof whatsoever. You can believe a proven liar, but the only reason you do it is because you want it to be okay for idiots like Zimmerman to carry guns and shoot people. It's all about being pro-gun. It is not a FACT that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. If you think that, you have zero understanding of what a fact is.

Actually he didn't ignore directives. How can he observe if he can't see the perp?
It's impossible to observe if you can't see the perp, and in order to maintain surveillance of a moving suspect, sometimes you have to follow. This is not rocket-science. The goal is to maintain eye contact and keep your distance.

The problem with this case is Trayvon decided to jump Zimmerman. Instead of going home he came back and waited in the shadows for Zimmerman to return to his vehicle. That is what was presented in court and that is the evidence we should go by. This is why every law enforcement entity decided not to press charges. Lack of probable cause. It was only after politics came into play that anyone felt that Zimmerman had committed a crime. It took lies from NBC, a phony audio from 911 calls to get this ball rolling in the public eye. Actually, the Obama campaign needed a race event to pull back the black vote, so this was simply a case they looked up on the net and took advantage of. It is highly likely they intentionally massaged the details through their cohorts in the media to change the facts of the case.

No. The problem in this case is that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who is supposed to be making the area safer, made it more dangerous by ignoring Neighborhood Watch directives and guidelines. THE PROBLEM is that he followed someone on foot instead of leaving it to the police and that he carried a gun which he used on that person who was unarmed and innocent. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. We only have Zimmerman's word for that, a proven liar. You can repeat it over and over until the end of time, but it doesn't make it truth or fact. Zimmerman set the whole thing in motion by ignorning Neighborhood Watch guidelines and expectations. He ended up murdering someone, someone who, as far as we know, did not accost or attack Zimmerman at all. When you assume he did, you are only echoing what Zimmerman has said without any proof whatsoever. You can believe a proven liar, but the only reason you do it is because you want it to be okay for idiots like Zimmerman to carry guns and shoot people. It's all about being pro-gun. It is not a FACT that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. If you think that, you have zero understanding of what a fact is.

Not Guilty

Not innocent.
No. The problem in this case is that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who is supposed to be making the area safer, made it more dangerous by ignoring Neighborhood Watch directives and guidelines. THE PROBLEM is that he followed someone on foot instead of leaving it to the police and that he carried a gun which he used on that person who was unarmed and innocent. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. We only have Zimmerman's word for that, a proven liar. You can repeat it over and over until the end of time, but it doesn't make it truth or fact. Zimmerman set the whole thing in motion by ignorning Neighborhood Watch guidelines and expectations. He ended up murdering someone, someone who, as far as we know, did not accost or attack Zimmerman at all. When you assume he did, you are only echoing what Zimmerman has said without any proof whatsoever. You can believe a proven liar, but the only reason you do it is because you want it to be okay for idiots like Zimmerman to carry guns and shoot people. It's all about being pro-gun. It is not a FACT that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. If you think that, you have zero understanding of what a fact is.

Not Guilty

Not innocent.

Not fact. We are all presumed innocent until proven guilty.
No. The problem in this case is that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer, who is supposed to be making the area safer, made it more dangerous by ignoring Neighborhood Watch directives and guidelines. THE PROBLEM is that he followed someone on foot instead of leaving it to the police and that he carried a gun which he used on that person who was unarmed and innocent. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. We only have Zimmerman's word for that, a proven liar. You can repeat it over and over until the end of time, but it doesn't make it truth or fact. Zimmerman set the whole thing in motion by ignorning Neighborhood Watch guidelines and expectations. He ended up murdering someone, someone who, as far as we know, did not accost or attack Zimmerman at all. When you assume he did, you are only echoing what Zimmerman has said without any proof whatsoever. You can believe a proven liar, but the only reason you do it is because you want it to be okay for idiots like Zimmerman to carry guns and shoot people. It's all about being pro-gun. It is not a FACT that Trayvon jumped Zimmerman. If you think that, you have zero understanding of what a fact is.

Not Guilty

Not innocent.

Whoa----was not innocent one of the options ?

I don't think so Ezzy.......

The more that comes out about Zimmerman and Trayvan the more I realize how full of crap you are. The character of these two tells a very different story from what you and your friends on the left keep making up.

All I can say is in this case justice was served regardless how much it harelips anyone who doesn't agree with it.

Justice will be served when Zimmerman goes to prison.

Zimmerman had a criminal record. Trayvon did not.

Since when, under the rule of law and due process, has a criminal record proven guilt in another case? Are you suggesting that it should have?

Hypothetically speaking, if the roles were reversed, and TM was the one with a criminal record, would you be singing the same tune?

What happened on that night was a tragedy, pure and simple. If you want to blame somebody, blame the prosecution. They had equal say in jury selection, plus they overcharged the case. Had they gone for manslaughter like they should have they probably would have gotten a conviction, and people on the left wouldn't be nearly as upset.

Due process is a defining pillar our Constitution and our way of life. It is not perfect, and given that human beings are involved, nor should it be. But it was served nonetheless.

By the way, the idea that an all-black jury would have convicted Zimmerman (and they might have) is irrelevant except in a world ruled by emotion rather than law.

Zimmerman had no criminal record. That's how come he could get a concealed weapons permit.

The prosecution DID go for manslaughter and it was one of the charges against him

There will be no federal prosecution and there won't be a civil case either.

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