Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.

We can still nail the fucker in Civil and Federal Courts.

You will be very surprised when it doesn't happen won't you. Will you run around screaming racism then?
George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.

We can still nail the fucker in Civil and Federal Courts.

Why would you want to do that?

He has been judged 'Not Guilty'.

All his rights as a citizen have been fully restored and he has been exonerated.

They are (or already have?) even returning his pistol, if I recall correctly.


1. FEDERAL ACTION: The Justice Dept has already examined the case once, looking for Civil Rights violations, and declared that insufficient evidence exists, that a Hate Crime or Rights Violation occurred. In light of that earlier finding and the Not Guilty verdict, it will prove all but politically and legally impossible for Justice to do anything more than revisit and re-issue their earlier finding after racking up more useless costs on the taxpayers' expense. Don't hold your breath on this one.

2. CIVIL ACTION: I have heard it said that Florida's self-defense and/or stand-your-ground laws - and the jury's self-defense -based verdict - preclude civil action for wrongful death. If this is not true, then, there is probably a slight snowball's-chance-in-hell that some mischief can be generated on that front, but, if those assumptions are true, after all, then even that snowball's-chance vanishes. Don't hold your breath on this one, either.

Not bloody likely, old sod.

"...More important, I think it does open a discussion about race and gun violence in this country that I'm sure many on the right don't want to have, but we ought to..."

GUN VIOLENCE: If I recall correctly, Zimmerman is a licensed firearms owner and carrier, and the law has judged him as using that firearm in self-defense, within the framework of our Constitution and related statute. Nothing more needs be done on this front. Our laws are working exactly as they were intended to function, in this context. Rather, we need to work more dilligently to ensure that guns are not in the possession of people who are NOT licensed to own and carry them. This is not a good test-case for your Gun-Control agenda, I promise you.

RACE: YOU perceive that we need a dialogue on race-relations; others do NOT share your perception and do not feel obliged to re-open ancient cans of worms and to rub fresh salt into ancient wounds, ala Jackson and Sharpton and the rest of that Race-Baiting lot. It's not just 'The Right' that is tired of rehashing this same ground every so many years - it's much of non-Black America, which has grown weary of the Slavery and Jim Crow excuses 150 years after the end of the Civil War and 50 years after passage of the Civil Rights Act, etc. The dialogue will not fall on 'deaf' ears but it is increasingly falling upon 'disinterested' ears; a natural result of 50 years of equalizing quotas and preferential treatment and protections that have grown threadbare and which go so far above-and-beyond the treatment accorded other population segments so as to beggar belief and description. Throughout much of White (and other non-Black) America, the feeling is: "Enough already".

"...First, Zimmerman has put the lie to the whole 'We needs guns to protect ourselves against criminals' contention. Trayvon was not a criminal, and Zimmerman's possession of a gun turned a misunderstanding into a tragedy..."

Again, I, personally, believe that this is a horrible test-case in which to plead for better Gun Control, or for the overall seizure of the firearms owned and carried by private citizens; especially when, at law, it was proven that Martin was slamming Zimmerman's head against the concrete sidewalk, and that Zimmerman's use of the pistol is what saved him from having his brains splattered on the sidewalk. There may, indeed, be other cases in which you will get a wee-bit closer to serving-up a good argument to advance your goals, but, I promise you, this is not that case. You'll get shredded on the debate-floor, and in the courts, your own personal opinions and beliefs and preferences in the matter notwithstanding.

"...Second, Zimmerman has shown a light on the reality most black men live under in this country. People will assume you are up to no good even if you are doing something as innocous as buying candy."

This is the legacy of decades of vastly disproportionate high crime rates amongst Black Americans - and the fault of the Blacks committing such crimes - than anything to do with those observing such patterns and drawing entirely correct stereotypical conclusions from such patterns.

You cannot dictate or legislate how people feel and react to stereotypical threats; you can only seek to ameliorate or soften the worst effects amongst the population at-large through soft-spoken Education and Public Relations campaigns and programming. Black America is fast reaching the point where they are being held accountable for their collective behavioral patterns and civil and social statistics - 150 years of freedom and 50 years of preferential treatment are enough to have better-positioned Black America to join the rest of the population as Self-Accountable Equals.

And it is because it is time for them to join the rest of us as Accountable for their own collective statistics - and because they have not yet gotten their own Folk under control or up-to-speed - according to their collective statistics - that you will meet far more resistance nowadays to the opening of yet another round of Race Dialogue than you would have encountered 30 or 40 or 50 years ago.

Again... enough is enough.

Perhaps it is time to stop thrashing White Folk (and other non-Black Americans) for how they perceive and think-about Black Americans - stereotypically. in a crime context - and time to begin requiring Black America to start changing those statistics so that Other Folk will not react in such otherwise entirely understandable ways.

From the Loyal Opposition on that issue.
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So you are saying if Martin was white, Zimmerman would have called the cops?

I am being serious least admit, he was profiling Martin...wont cha?


Nothing indicated he was profiling. Also, Zimmerman worked with children of all race and donated his time. Your opinion isn't fitting the facts.
"They always get away".....who was he talking about? White teens? How many times did he call the police on "suspects" and how many were arrested?


Ok..Now the word "they" is racist?
Go get hit by a freight train.
George called the cops on black kids all the time - how many times was it a false alarm?

Don't you mean how many times didn't it result in an arrest?

I was held at gunpoint twice while running a liquor store. Both perps got away and never served any time for their crimes. Most get away without being caught.

I'm sure reporting suspicious characters in the neighborhood results in very few arrests. Even if some 7 year old was seen throwing rocks through everyone's windows. Chances are the kid will get away if the cops don't get there inside a couple of minutes. People are so afraid these days to get involved.

These days hardly anyone knows their neighbor. I've lived across the street from one neighbor for 8 years and never met them till last week.

The purpose of neighborhood watch is to assist the cops in reporting possible threats, not produce arrests. The hopes are that criminals will stay away once they discover your neighborhood watch program is very active.
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Nothing indicated he was profiling. Also, Zimmerman worked with children of all race and donated his time. Your opinion isn't fitting the facts.
"They always get away".....who was he talking about? White teens? How many times did he call the police on "suspects" and how many were arrested?


Ok..Now the word "they" is racist?
Go get hit by a freight train.

Well, Democrats assume that "THEY" are usually criminals and they are usually black.

BTW; You can't call them criminals if they're black.

Just like Democrats assume that blacks cannot fork up a few bucks for a Driver's license to go vote, the same applies here.

Wouldn't it be cool if Obama gave them all I.D.s instead of Obamaphones? Then Eric Holder wouldn't have to go around suing states.

It's obvious the left has a lousy opinion of their base.
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George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.

We can still nail the fucker in Civil and Federal Courts.

More important, I think it does open a discussion about race and gun violence in this country that I'm sure many on the right don't want to have, but we ought to.

First, Zimmerman has put the lie to the whole "We needs guns to protect ourselves against criminals" contention. Trayvon was not a criminal, and Zimmerman's possession of a gun turned a misunderstanding into a tragedy.

Second, Zimmerman has shown a light on the reality most black men live under in this country. People will assume you are up to no good even if you are doing something as innocous as buying candy.

No, sorry Joey, 'they' can't....
The discussion on gun violence and race has been open for quite some time.
The conclusion is that until those in charge of cities where fun violence is more prevalent decide to get off their collective asses and crack down on the killing, nothing will change.
Of course, that is the discussion that the liberal political establishment, especially the white liberal faction, has kept closed.
The moment Martin began slamming Zimmerman's head into the concrete, a fight became a criminal assault and battery. It was at that point Zimmerman had the right to use any means necessary to preserve his life.
You can stand down. Unless there is such a groundswell of protest that federal prosecutors will be forced to get very creative in conjuring up some kind of criminal Civil Rights indictment, there will be no federal charges.
Had there been sufficient evidence that a federal indictment been warranted, there would have been one already.
Remember, a prosecutor/DA/solicitor can indict a ham sandwich if he or she can find enough evidence to get the case to a grand jury.
You can thank me for making so much sense.

The more that comes out about Zimmerman and Trayvan the more I realize how full of crap you are. The character of these two tells a very different story from what you and your friends on the left keep making up.

All I can say is in this case justice was served regardless how much it harelips anyone who doesn't agree with it.

Justice will be served when Zimmerman goes to prison.

Zimmerman had a criminal record. Trayvon did not.

Since when, under the rule of law and due process, has a criminal record proven guilt in another case? Are you suggesting that it should have?

Hypothetically speaking, if the roles were reversed, and TM was the one with a criminal record, would you be singing the same tune?

What happened on that night was a tragedy, pure and simple. If you want to blame somebody, blame the prosecution. They had equal say in jury selection, plus they overcharged the case. Had they gone for manslaughter like they should have they probably would have gotten a conviction, and people on the left wouldn't be nearly as upset.

Due process is a defining pillar our Constitution and our way of life. It is not perfect, and given that human beings are involved, nor should it be. But it was served nonetheless.

By the way, the idea that an all-black jury would have convicted Zimmerman (and they might have) is irrelevant except in a world ruled by emotion rather than law.
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We can still nail the fucker in Civil and Federal Courts.

Why would you want to do that?

Because he is an evil cocksucker who murdered a child?

GUN VIOLENCE: If I recall correctly, Zimmerman is a licensed firearms owner and carrier, and the law has judged him as using that firearm in self-defense, within the framework of our Constitution and related statute.

Exactly my point. He didn't need a gun. Most people don't need guns. We have 30,000 gun deaths every year because we have a gun industry that sells guns to people who shouldn't have them.

RACE: YOU perceive that we need a dialogue on race-relations; others do NOT share your perception and do not feel obliged to re-open ancient cans of worms and to rub fresh salt into ancient wounds, ala Jackson and Sharpton and the rest of that Race-Baiting lot. .

I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't want to talk about that.

Overweight people don't want to talk about their diet. Smokers don't want to talk about cancer. Alcoholics don't want to talk about their drinking.

Frankly, I thought, pre-Obama, we had made a lot of progress. Until I saw how batshit crazy a large part of the country went when he got elected.
George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.

We can still nail the fucker in Civil and Federal Courts.

More important, I think it does open a discussion about race and gun violence in this country that I'm sure many on the right don't want to have, but we ought to.

First, Zimmerman has put the lie to the whole "We needs guns to protect ourselves against criminals" contention. Trayvon was not a criminal, and Zimmerman's possession of a gun turned a misunderstanding into a tragedy.

Second, Zimmerman has shown a light on the reality most black men live under in this country. People will assume you are up to no good even if you are doing something as innocous as buying candy.

If you're wondering why this case became so public it's because of the details of the case. From the git-go the media lied to the public about the details. Turns out this is exactly why people should be allowed to carry a weapon. Simply to prevent getting your head bashed in.

Zimmerman showed a light on the truth but you and others like you refuse to open your eyes. All you care about is the lie that Trayvan was a baby and the lie that it is criminal even to own a gun much less carry one on your person.

No, sorry Joey, 'they' can't....
The discussion on gun violence and race has been open for quite some time.
The conclusion is that until those in charge of cities where fun violence is more prevalent decide to get off their collective asses and crack down on the killing, nothing will change.
Of course, that is the discussion that the liberal political establishment, especially the white liberal faction, has kept closed.
The moment Martin began slamming Zimmerman's head into the concrete, a fight became a criminal assault and battery. It was at that point Zimmerman had the right to use any means necessary to preserve his life.
You can stand down. Unless there is such a groundswell of protest that federal prosecutors will be forced to get very creative in conjuring up some kind of criminal Civil Rights indictment, there will be no federal charges.
Had there been sufficient evidence that a federal indictment been warranted, there would have been one already.
Remember, a prosecutor/DA/solicitor can indict a ham sandwich if he or she can find enough evidence to get the case to a grand jury.
You can thank me for making so much sense.

The only thing you are making is a doo-doo in your pants showing your fear.

The feds are going to indict Zimmerman. And this time, they won't fuck it up. Your boy is going down. Deal with it.

No, sorry Joey, 'they' can't....
The discussion on gun violence and race has been open for quite some time.
The conclusion is that until those in charge of cities where fun violence is more prevalent decide to get off their collective asses and crack down on the killing, nothing will change.
Of course, that is the discussion that the liberal political establishment, especially the white liberal faction, has kept closed.
The moment Martin began slamming Zimmerman's head into the concrete, a fight became a criminal assault and battery. It was at that point Zimmerman had the right to use any means necessary to preserve his life.
You can stand down. Unless there is such a groundswell of protest that federal prosecutors will be forced to get very creative in conjuring up some kind of criminal Civil Rights indictment, there will be no federal charges.
Had there been sufficient evidence that a federal indictment been warranted, there would have been one already.
Remember, a prosecutor/DA/solicitor can indict a ham sandwich if he or she can find enough evidence to get the case to a grand jury.
You can thank me for making so much sense.

The only thing you are making is a doo-doo in your pants showing your fear.

The feds are going to indict Zimmerman. And this time, they won't fuck it up. Your boy is going down. Deal with it.

Don't hold your breath. :lol:
Frankly, I thought, pre-Obama, we had made a lot of progress. Until I saw how batshit crazy a large part of the country went when he got elected.

Some people went bat-shit crazy, unless you're forgetting that it was a majority of voters that elected him. Nonetheless, some people went bat-shit crazy because they are people. People tend to be ruled by emotions because they have these things called emotions. They are quick to try and gather the people with the torches and pitchforks when things don't go according to their worldview, much like you're doing.

If you're wondering why this case became so public it's because of the details of the case. From the git-go the media lied to the public about the details. Turns out this is exactly why people should be allowed to carry a weapon. Simply to prevent getting your head bashed in.

Zimmerman showed a light on the truth but you and others like you refuse to open your eyes. All you care about is the lie that Trayvan was a baby and the lie that it is criminal even to own a gun much less carry one on your person.

Guy, I would have a lot more respect for your understanding of this case if you didn't consistantly misspell Trayvon's name.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have gone stalking this kid. If he hadn't stalked this kid, this kid would not have reacted to a potential threat.

This case shows exactly why guns should be limited. A guy like Zimmerman, who once assaulted a cop, who once broke a woman's leg at a party after manhandlinger her as a bouncer, was the last guy you ever wanted out there with a gun, because eventually, he was going to do exactly what he did.

If you're wondering why this case became so public it's because of the details of the case. From the git-go the media lied to the public about the details. Turns out this is exactly why people should be allowed to carry a weapon. Simply to prevent getting your head bashed in.

Zimmerman showed a light on the truth but you and others like you refuse to open your eyes. All you care about is the lie that Trayvan was a baby and the lie that it is criminal even to own a gun much less carry one on your person.

Guy, I would have a lot more respect for your understanding of this case if you didn't consistantly misspell Trayvon's name.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have gone stalking this kid. If he hadn't stalked this kid, this kid would not have reacted to a potential threat.

This case shows exactly why guns should be limited. A guy like Zimmerman, who once assaulted a cop, who once broke a woman's leg at a party after manhandlinger her as a bouncer, was the last guy you ever wanted out there with a gun, because eventually, he was going to do exactly what he did.

Pretending that you can read minds is a fail.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

Well boo hoo that the juror had to follow the law and make judgement on facts alone and not personal feelings.
"...Because he is an evil cocksucker who murdered a child?..."

No. He has been judged 'Not Guilty' by a jury of his peers, according to due process of law.

The law says he did not murder a child.

The law says he lawfully killed an aggressive, adult-sized teenager who - had Martin killed Zimmerman, instead - was old enough at-law to have been tried as an adult.

Also, Zimmerman's behaviors and track-record before and after the trial do not lend themselves to a perception of him as 'evil'.

"...GUN VIOLENCE: If I recall correctly, Zimmerman is a licensed firearms owner..."
Exactly my point. He didn't need a gun..."

According to the Constitution of the United States, that is not your call to make.

"...Most people don't need guns..."

According to the Constitution of the United States, that is not your call to make.

"...We have 30,000 gun deaths every year because we have a gun industry that sells guns to people who shouldn't have them..."

This is not the fault of the firearms industry.

This is the fault of inadequate and inconsistent licensing and enforcement, from one jurisdiction to another.

"...RACE: YOU perceive that we need a dialogue on race-relations; others do NOT..."

I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't want to talk about that. Overweight people don't want to talk about their diet. Smokers don't want to talk about cancer. Alcoholics don't want to talk about their drinking. Frankly, I thought, pre-Obama, we had made a lot of progress. Until I saw how batshit crazy a large part of the country went when he got elected."

Again, this is a perception of need which is NOT shared by a great many of your countrymen, for the reasons already outlined.

The time for excuse-making and preferential treatment is fast drawing to a close; America-at-large has grown weary of all of that.
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"...Because he is an evil cocksucker who murdered a child?..."

No. He has been judged 'Not Guilty' by a jury of his peers, according to due process of law.

The law says he did not murder a child.

The law says he lawfully killed an aggressive, adult-sized teenager who - had Martin killed Zimmerman, instead - was old enough at-law to have been tried as an adult.

Also, Zimmerman's behaviors and track-record before and after the trial do not lend themselves to a perception of him as 'evil'.

Exactly my point. He didn't need a gun..."

According to the Constitution of the United States, that is not your call to make.

According to the Constitution of the United States, that is not your call to make.

This is not the fault of the firearms industry.

This is the fault of inadequate and inconsistent licensing and enforcement, from one jurisdiction to another.

"...RACE: YOU perceive that we need a dialogue on race-relations; others do NOT..."

I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't want to talk about that. Overweight people don't want to talk about their diet. Smokers don't want to talk about cancer. Alcoholics don't want to talk about their drinking. Frankly, I thought, pre-Obama, we had made a lot of progress. Until I saw how batshit crazy a large part of the country went when he got elected."

Again, this is a perception of need which is NOT shared by a great many of your countrymen, for the reasons already outlined. The time for excuse-making and preferential treatment is fast drawing to a close.

The time for excuse-making and preferential treatment is fast drawing to a close.

If you're wondering why this case became so public it's because of the details of the case. From the git-go the media lied to the public about the details. Turns out this is exactly why people should be allowed to carry a weapon. Simply to prevent getting your head bashed in.

Zimmerman showed a light on the truth but you and others like you refuse to open your eyes. All you care about is the lie that Trayvan was a baby and the lie that it is criminal even to own a gun much less carry one on your person.

Guy, I would have a lot more respect for your understanding of this case if you didn't consistantly misspell Trayvon's name.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have gone stalking this kid. If he hadn't stalked this kid, this kid would not have reacted to a potential threat.

This case shows exactly why guns should be limited. A guy like Zimmerman, who once assaulted a cop, who once broke a woman's leg at a party after manhandlinger her as a bouncer, was the last guy you ever wanted out there with a gun, because eventually, he was going to do exactly what he did.

Once again, the media lied about this case. Everything they say comes under question if you're a rational person. Obviously you aren't.

Fact is you don't know what Zimmerman would have done. That's pure speculation. What is important is what actually happened and what was the result. All of these could-haves and should-haves is irrelevant.
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This is not the fault of the firearms industry.

This is the fault of inadequate and inconsistent licensing and enforcement, from one jurisdiction to another.

Which again, is the fault of the firearms industry, that fights licensing and enforcement at every turn.

How's this. If you get killed with a gun, the gun maker and gun seller are civilally liable if they didn't take measures to keep that gun out of the wrong hands.

Works for me.

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